
6 top habits of mind, developed and used endlessly

6 top habits of mind, developed and used endlessly

Author: Insight Allergy

The way of thinking is not right, and no matter how hard you try, it is futile.

There is a saying in "Black Swan": "In front of you is only yourself." ”

Many times, it is not the environment, not the ability, but the inherent thinking mode that limits a person.

So-called, stone walls are easy to destroy, heart walls are difficult to demolish.

Blindly clinging to the high wall of thinking will only continue to close the self and stand still.

Learn these 6 golden minds and see different worlds.


Investment thinking

Someone said, "When doing things or making choices, using investment thinking can make you think bigger and make decisions that are more in line with long-term development." ”

The writer Porridge Zorro once shared a story about "investment thinking".

At that time, his company wanted to test the waters of live broadcasting, to disassemble and share good articles for readers.

But to do this, one has no money, and the other is basically no one to see.

Because it is a small business test of the company.

But he carefully selected articles every day, printed them out, read them several times, made some marking notes, and then broadcast them live on time, enthusiastically speaking to dozens of people for more than half an hour.

Why is he so enthusiastic in the face of something that does not return anything in return?

He said:

Don't do things with a trading mindset, do things with an investment mindset. I will definitely use the ability to do live broadcasting in the future. If one day I have the opportunity to do a live broadcast of hundreds of people and thousands of people, can I do it well? Definitely not doing well. So, I define that task as a rare formal training opportunity.

Not long after, he did a live broadcast for the publishing house, facing thousands of people, and he was not afraid at all, because he had practiced.

Doing these live broadcasts, in fact, there is no benefit.

But every time he prepares very seriously, because he has always believed that the future is the era of live broadcasting, and it needs to be practiced in advance.

The nine-story platform is made up of layers of soil;

The towering tree is revealed in the morning and greeted by the sunset, and it has grown over the years.

Even ordinary people, who continue to invest in themselves, will have the harvest of accumulating silicon steps to thousands of miles.

6 top habits of mind, developed and used endlessly


Shifting mindsets

I remember Lin Yutang once said: "It is better to give up wisely than to cling blindly." ”

This reminds me of a man, Jie Zhou.

Because he played Erkang in "Huan Zhu Gege", he was well known to the audience.

Unfortunately, due to his too straight personality, the acting path since then has once reached a dead end.

Subsequently, he gradually faded out of the show business circle and returned to the countryside, contracting land and producing organic rice.

Subsequently, he founded a red wine brand and tinkered with art in his spare time.

Although he disappeared from the public eye, he was very popular in his field.

In just a few years, his value has doubled several times.

Professor Li Meijin said:

"Life is actually not difficult, but don't compete with yourself."

This road does not work, then change the road.

Changing track thinking can make you calmly face the difficulties of life.

6 top habits of mind, developed and used endlessly

The change of track does not mean cowardice and recognition, but a kind of mind and wisdom that knows how to make trade-offs.

Not every south wall is worth hitting.

There are many times in life when it is more important to put it down than to take it.

Only with the thinking of changing tracks can we stop losses in time, broaden the track of life, and let yourself have more choices.



We often hear a kind of praise that is: "You are very experienced." ”

Experience, in our consciousness, is a good thing, and the more experience you have, the more you know.

However, relying too much on experience sometimes becomes a prison for painting the ground.

As the famous turkey theory says:

"Our brains become dependent on past experiences, and over time, we form fixed minds, and when real danger comes, we become sluggish and numb."

You think that you can hold on to past experiences like fish, but you don't know that the world is changing every moment, and past experiences will become the shackles of today.

Life is like a boat walking in the sea, and all experiences are blank in the face of a tsunami.

The computer cleans up the memory to run faster;

The cup is empty before it can hold something new.

Only when a person empties the past experience in time, maintains a zero mentality, and continues to learn, can he better move forward with the waves.

6 top habits of mind, developed and used endlessly


Sleep well with thoughts

There is such a person, who has countless titles in his life and has studied many fields:

He has studied insects, taxonomies, dispersed analysis, and even philosophy, and has published more than seventy scholarly works...

Do you think that he must have been an extremely desperate person who lived an ascetic life after so many achievements?

In fact, he slept for 10 hours a day, reading books, watching operas, walking with his wife, and even writing letters to book friends.

Even in the most difficult time, in the illness, he also maintained a good attitude, slept well, and then insisted on recording his work and life after getting up.

This man is the former Soviet entomologist Lyubichev.

Granin's "Strange Life", written based on him, is still selling well at home and abroad.

We are all mortal flesh, and the physical state affects the mental state.

An excellent person not only knows how to work efficiently, but also knows how to rest efficiently.

Will rest, is an ability.

A good night's sleep and adjustment of your mindset can help you nourish your spirits, relax and clarify your thinking.

6 top habits of mind, developed and used endlessly


Turning thinking

Luo Zhenyu once told the story of a sales guy.

The young man is a bank seller of wealth management products, and in this industry, many people go to sweep the building like insurance agents and knock door to door.

But this method is of no use to the world now, so he chose to break through the curve.

He took a digital camera and, as a photography enthusiast, took pictures of the big and big uncles who danced square dance.

Uncles and aunts saw that they were photographed like stars, and they were happy and broken, so they went to him for a photo.

He said, "No problem, the picture was meant for you." However, my photos are stored in the memory card, and the card cannot be given to you, or I will come to your house and copy it to your computer. ”

So, Grandpa and Aunt invited him to the house.

After coming to the door, he would help them flip the computer, help install a software, download a movie or something, and then talk to the old people about home.

One after another, from raw to mature, then talk about work, he revealed his identity, said: "Photography is a side business, banking is the main business, I am selling wealth management products." ”

Then Grandpa and Aunt asked, is it easy to sell? What are the wealth management products?

At this time, he began to promote his own products.

With this approach, he became a pacesetter for their bank.

When the road is not working, you may wish to turn your mind around and start again.

This allows you to stop a lot of ineffective efforts and find a better way out.

6 top habits of mind, developed and used endlessly


Compound interest thinking

Let's start with a question:

Suppose a piece of ordinary paper of 0.04m is large enough, fold it in half, fold it in half, and so on 64 times in half, how high will it be?

Many people think, how thick is a piece of paper? Fold 64 times in half, up to 10 meters? 20 meters?

The truth is that a thin piece of paper, folded in half 64 times, has a height of 166020696 million kilometers.

What is the concept of this length? The distance from the Earth to the Moon is only 384,000 kilometers.

This is typical of compound interest thinking in economics.

Albert Einstein once said, "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world." ”

Financial writer Wu Xiaobo, since 1996, when he wrote his first book, "Peasant Genesis", he said:

"I've given myself an order that from this year on, I'm going to write a book every year and buy a house every year. This plan has persisted for many years. ”

In this way, Wu Xiaobo, with very amazing perseverance and boldness, wrote a book every year, took the manuscript fee, and bought a suite every year.

Of course, at that time, China's real estate had not yet begun to take off, and it was not difficult to buy a house.

In 1999, he also bought a small island on Qiandao Lake for a lease period of 50 years, which originally cost 500,000 yuan, and now the valuation of this small island has reached tens of millions of yuan.

This is the power of compound interest thinking.

Not only wealth, health, knowledge or ability can be cultivated through compound interest thinking.

When you improve a little bit every day compared to yesterday and stick to it for a long time, you can achieve a breakthrough from quantity to quality.

Then, turn a new chapter in your life.

In an interview, the reporter asked Kazuo Inamori: "What is the key to a person's success?" ”

Kazuo Inamori replied, "Way of thinking." ”

And the top thinking habits will help you improve a little bit every day.

Over time, you will find that you have awakened the confused and stubborn self that you once were, and become a person who can decide your future direction.

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