
In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

author:Beacon History

"People's Daily" once commented on Academician Zhong Nanshan: "There is both the responsibility of a national soldier and the courage of a soldier." Whether it is the shadow of SARS hanging over the land of China, or the new crown epidemic has raged in Wuhan, we can see the figure of Academician Zhong Nanshan rushing to the front line, as early as 1984, Marshal Ye Jianying was critically ill, when the central government had made preparations for holding a memorial service, at this critical juncture, Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation and create a miracle.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

In 1979, Marshal Ye Jianying, who was already 82 years old, still maintained a high-intensity work for the country and the people, so that he ignored his physical condition and left his health behind. In the same year, Ye Jianying's guards noticed that the marshal's physical condition was somewhat unusual, and his pace became smaller and less and more unstable as he walked, and he even sometimes fell, and his hands began to tremble unceasingly when writing. For an 82-year-old man with a heavy responsibility, these subtle changes in the body need to be paid attention to, but Ye Shuai did not pay attention to these, but the guards became worried, and as soon as they had time, they would tell Ye Shuai to do a comprehensive physical examination as soon as possible, but because he could not let go of the work at hand, Ye Jianying always resigned that he would go to the hospital as soon as possible when he had time.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

In order to find the problem as soon as possible, but also in order to avoid missing the best treatment period, the relevant personnel soon asked the superior leaders for ye Shuai's health problems, considering that many of the elderly figures who contributed to the country were mostly elderly, the Central Health Commission was established the following year, and Wang Minqing and others were responsible for the health problems of Ye Shuai and the state elders, and regularly did physical examinations for relevant personnel.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

With the unremitting efforts of the doctors and the tireless cooperation of Ye Shuai, his condition was finally diagnosed by the doctors: Ye Shuai suffered from Parkinson's disease. What makes doctors feel tricky is that Parkinson's disease can cause many complications, for an elderly person in his 80s who still maintain high-intensity work, this disease may cause extremely serious consequences, the most terrible thing is that if it hurts the respiratory system, then it is a huge threat to Ye Shuai's health, to know that for the elderly, the respiratory system is very fragile, once the season change period, it may cause lung infections, coupled with his high-intensity working state, Ye Jianying's lungs will soon have problems With the change of climate, repeated lung infection has become a huge threat to Ye Shuai's health, in order to restore health as soon as possible, he will inevitably be infused as soon as he is infected, in the long run, Ye Shuai's physical condition is getting worse and worse, in addition to lung infections, to take medicine often, the weak body has become more precarious under the side effects of drugs, at the same time, Ye Shuai also has a lot of difficult diseases that are entangled together.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

In this case, he hopes to suspend the drug for lung disease to alleviate side effects, after the experts adopted the suggestion, Ye Jianying's body has a temporary improvement, as soon as he saw this sign, Ye Jianying put his time and energy more desperately on the work, this only care for the country but ignore his own healthy way of working, soon let his condition worsen again, in 1984, Ye Jianying's pneumonia recurred, phlegm has been too much to cough out on its own, breathing has become very difficult, the body began to have a high fever, In These times when Ye Shuai's lung situation is worrying, all organs of his body have actually been affected to varying degrees, in addition to the problems of the respiratory system, heart disease can not be ignored, it is undoubtedly very difficult to save his physical health, and the treatment must be very careful, because the disease is involved in the whole body, Ye Shuai's body treatment is undoubtedly a difficult task, Wang Minqing, who has rich experience, said bluntly that Ye Shuai's situation is the most complex condition he encountered. Looking at the dangerous and complex situation in front of them, the doctors will tense their nerves at every moment, often discussing together according to Ye Shuai's situation, changing the rescue plan in real time, at the same time, the central government is also very nervous, while asking the doctors to do their best to rescue, on the other hand, just in case, began to make the worst plan, began to prepare for the relevant matters of the memorial service. As long as there is one last glimmer of hope, the doctors do not want to give up, and at the critical moment, they think of Zhong Nanshan, a well-known respiratory expert in Guangzhou.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

Zhong Nanshan was born in a medical family, he was determined to be like his parents, save lives and become a doctor, for China at that time, respiratory diseases are one of the diseases that plague countless people, and Zhong Nanshan in order to make a breakthrough in medicine, diligent and hardworking, soon had some achievements, so that the world-class famous medical experts at that time praised, after a short study abroad career, Zhong Nanshan chose to return to China to make contributions, at the same time, he also became one of the famous experts in the respiratory system, In order to save Ye Shuai's life, the doctors hoped that Zhong Nanshan would get along.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

Receiving the news that Ye Shuai was in a very critical situation, Zhong Nanshan resolutely packed his bags and set off from Guangzhou as quickly as possible, 3 hours later, the staff anxiously waiting at the airport came to receive the dusty servants, looking hurried and anxious Zhong Nanshan, every minute and second of this moment was extremely precious, because the hope of saving Ye Shuai became more and more dim in the passage of time. Zhong Nanshan and the reception staff did not have too many words, and after meeting, they drove to the rescue room where Ye Shuai was located.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

After everyone's unanimous discussion, if you want to save Ye Shuai's life, it is best to cut the trachea, after the plan was approved, Zhong Nanshan began a crucial operation, only to see him carefully cut the patient's trachea, and then suck the secretions in the trachea one by one, and finally calmly completed the operation, fortunately the operation was very successful Ye Shuai temporarily got rid of the danger of life, turning the crisis into safety, but everyone can not take it lightly, because the wound that has just been operated on is very easy to infect, Wounds to the lungs, in particular, are more dangerous.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

Unfortunately, after the successful operation, Ye Shuai's wound was still infected, the situation at that time was even more critical than the last time, the central government learned of this news, but also made the worst plan, and even began to arrange the scene of the memorial service, but knew that the hope was very slim, but as a doctor, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, Zhong Nanshan and others will not give up, after the doctors' continuous rescue, Ye Shuai once again turned the crisis into safety. In the process of the constant battle between the doctor and the god of death, the central government saw it in the eyes, and when Hu Yaobang went to visit the doctors, he praised the efforts of the doctors and said that they had simply created a miracle. After the doctors' continuous rescue, Ye Shuai's health finally became better and better under the recuperation, and later, the inflammation in Ye Shuai's lungs began to slowly disappear, and under the active rehabilitation treatment, his dependence on ventilators became smaller and smaller, thanks to the unremitting efforts of doctors including Zhong Nanshan.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

Two years later, Ye Jianying's physical condition became quite unoptimistic, but this time it was not a respiratory system and lung infection, but due to a sudden heart problem, blood pressure disappeared, and the heart rhythm was extremely slow, fortunately, with the rescue that doctors did not give up, Ye Shuai was once again rescued from the death line. However, the good times did not last long, and a few days later, Ye Jianying's condition deteriorated again, at this time, many of the doctors' rescue measures had not worked, and finally, in the early morning of October 22, 1986, Marshal Ye Jianying left us permanently at the age of 89. There is no doubt that his contribution to the country and society is immeasurable, and we will always miss him for those who selflessly dedicate themselves to the country and the people.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

Like Ye Jianying, Zhong Nanshan also has a passion for serving the country and the people, when the country and society need him, Zhong Nanshan will always stand up for the first time, as a top expert in China's research on respiratory diseases, he is just like the evaluation in the "People's Daily", both the responsibility of the national soldier and the bravery of the warrior. In 2003, when the SARS virus was raging, Academician Zhong Nanshan not only saved countless lives with medical technology and treatment measures, but also gave meticulous care to patients, whether it was in the SARS period: "Transfer seriously ill patients to me" or shout out in the fight against the new crown epidemic: "Doctors are warriors, who do we rush up?" "His heart is always filled with the safety of society, as well as the responsibility on his shoulders, and the fearless responsibility."

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

In the early days of the new crown virus outbreak, Zhongnanshan publicly warned the public in the media: do not go to Wuhan without special circumstances. However, he himself huddled with the staff on a dining car to the front line of the fight against the epidemic. For China's anti-epidemic cause to win precious time, with all their strength to save countless lives, during that time, 80-year-old Zhong Nanshan even had more than 30 hours of experience without eye contact, for the global anti-epidemic cause, he has also and a number of Chinese and foreign medical experts to fully discuss the treatment plan for patients, the concept he pursues is to see patients to be treated, doctors must not give up lightly. This is just like the calligraphy and painting that Zhong Nanshan hung on the wall, on which were written four big words: Dare to heal and dare to speak.

In 1984, Ye Jianying was critically ill, the central government was ready for a memorial service, and Zhong Nanshan was ordered to reverse the situation

One of the biggest common points that Zhong Nanshan and Marshal Ye Jianying have in common is "bowing down to death and then have it", Marshal Ye Jianying is still taking care of every opportunity in his eighties, focusing his life's energy on handling work, academician Zhong Nanshan is the same, in his eighties, he still insists on going to the doctor, the first thing he does after waking up every day is to think about the patient, so many years, for him rain or shine is to insist on going to the doctor, although he has many titles, is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the recipient of the "Order of the Republic", He is a well-known expert in the field of respiratory system, but his evaluation of himself is always: he is just a doctor who sees a doctor. This spirit of embracing the world and indifferent to fame and fortune is always worthy of everyone's admiration.

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