
The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

author:Keiko loves Kishi

Guizhou is a shining pearl on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which is the perfect combination of ancient civilization and ecological farming, not only the beautiful Huangguoshu Waterfall, but also the "Maitreya Dojo" ~ Fanjing Mountain. Because of the unique mountainous landform, Guizhou not only produces broad Hetian jade ~ Guizhou Luodian jade, purple robe jade, but also produces a variety of strange stones and fossils led by horse farm stone, especially the giant footprint fossils of Guizhou, which have aroused the interest of many people. The giant fossil footprint is twice the size of a modern human footprint, and it is estimated that the creature that left the footprint weighed more than 500 kg, which was inadvertently discovered by a medicine farmer. So is the giant footprint fossil of Guizhou really the footprint of an ancient giant? Or fossil footprints of other ancient animals?

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Beautiful view of Guizhou

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Guizhou Luodian jade carving

A few years ago, Wu Mouzhong, a medicine farmer from Jiang County, went to the Moon Mountain to collect medicine, and when he was tired of walking, he sat on a large rock to rest. Looking down, I suddenly found a huge footprint on the stone, deeply sunken in the big stone. He compared it with his own foot, at least twice as big as his foot. Just as he was about to examine the footprint carefully, he suddenly noticed that the bush next to him was shaking violently, and he fixed his eyes on a huge black shadow, which frightened him to pull out his leg and run back. When he arrived home safely, he told the other villagers what he had seen, but the others did not believe him and thought that he had seen it.

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Guilin Moon Mountain

In order to prove that he did not lie, Wu Mouzhong went into the mountain with several young people for the second time, found the place where the giant footprints were found, and took photos. Because of the physical evidence, this incident alarmed an expert, Wang Mousong, who is a doctor of physical geography at Guizhou Normal University. When he saw this footprint fossil photo, he couldn't help but scratch his head, because Wu Mouzhong had no experience in shooting, and no reference was placed next to this footprint fossil, and its size could not be confirmed from the photo alone. In order to find out, he and several colleagues led by the old man went into the mountain to look for it again.

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Giant footprint fossils

When he arrived at a waterhole, Wu Mouzhong said that it was not far away. Everyone observed the surrounding environment for a while, and then understood what the huge black shadow the old man saw last time was. Because this is a water source, all kinds of wild animals on the mountain will come here to drink, so it is judged that the last time the old man encountered it should be a large wild animal. So everyone carefully approached the water source and quickly found this giant footprint. After measurement, it was found that the footprint was 3 cm deep, about 60 cm long, and about 20 cm wide, which was twice the size of a normal person. According to its size, the biological weight left behind this footprint is at least 500kg or more, because this place may be infested with large wild animals, and after mastering the relevant information, their group quickly descended the mountain.

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Coincidentally, in September 2011, Ruan Moufu, a villager in Jiudushui Village in Anhua, Hunan Province, accidentally found a huge footprint fossil when he was herding ducks in the river. In 2009, archaeologists found giant footprint fossils of 41 cm long and 24 cm wide in Shenmu in northern Shaanxi. As we all know, the remains of ancient creatures, relics or relics remain in the ground, and after a long period of time, the calcification, carbonization, and silicification of things that change can be called fossils. For example, we often say that silicified wood is wood fossils. Amber is the resin fossil of the ancient pine family, as well as coral fossils, fish fossils, dinosaur fossils and so on. But what does such a large footprint fossil mean? Did the Giants really exist in ancient times? Or is it a giant ape-like creature?

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Fossil human footprints from 250 million years ago

In 1930, Dr. Paul of Belio College found the footprints of a group of people on a barren mountain in Kentucky. After careful study, it is concluded that this set of footprints is from the Paleozoic Era 250 million years ago, how does this explain the evolutionary theory of human beings? According to the theory of evolution, humans appeared 2-3 million years ago, so what is the explanation for this group of ancient human footprints? There are also the shoe prints of people on the fossil trilobites that we are all familiar with, and the mystery has not yet been solved.

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Shoe prints on trilobites fossils

At present, there are two explanations for the fossils of the giant footprints in Guizhou. One thinks that this is not a human footprint, but the footprint of an ancient dinosaur. Because of this habit of dinosaurs walking with their hind feet stepping on the front footprints, the footprints of the front and back feet overlapped to form the fossil footprints of the giant humans we see today. What do you think of this explanation? In addition, some experts believe that the emergence of this giant footprint fossil is purely accidental, in the long-term geological history process, some easily soluble rocks such as carbonate rocks, after encountering acid rain, react to form soluble compounds in water, after years of rain erosion to form a variety of shape grooves, of which a small number of similar human footprint fossils, but not human footprint fossils.

The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou


The mystery of the giant footprint fossil in Guizhou

Red coral

We play stone people will have some wood fossils, tree jade, coral fossils, shell fossils, etc., I don't know if friends have encountered footprint fossils? I don't take the above two explanations about giant footprint fossils, I think science is rapidly evolving, and there will always be new and more accurate cognitions that overturn some of the previous arguments. I am a stone idiot Keiko, promoting the culture of strange stone jade in our country, if you like my article, please pay attention to it.

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