
Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

author:13 years of basketball fans
Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Gongsun Zhan stills

The last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty were an era of contending for supremacy, from the Rebellion of the Ten Constant Servants to the Eighteenth Road Princes' Great War Tiger Prison Pass! Heroes from all over the country have revolted or defected to the Ming Gong in their hearts, but among the eighteen princes, there is a prince named Gongsun Zhan, who has accumulated military merits to ascend to the throne, as early as before the discussion of Dong, he has begun to threaten the outside of the earthquake, the Great Breaking of the Yellow Turban Army, he is also a strong martial artist, the white horse Yicong under him is even more famous, the Eastern Expedition to the West, the number is expected to be about 3,000 people, and such a prince is also full of talents, let's briefly introduce his team configuration!

Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Yan Gang stills

Gongsun Zhan's general, commander of his White Horse Yicong, was the assassin of Gongsun Zhan's Jizhou Prefecture, and was famous among the nomadic peoples in Youzhou in the north of Youzhou in front of the battle against the northern nomads. In the battle between Jieqiao and Yuan Shao, he was sent by Gongsun Zhan as the vanguard, and due to a command error, he was ambushed by the dead soldiers of Koji YiXiandeng in Yuan Shao's army, and was ambushed by eight hundred crossbowmen. When he was about to escape back, he was beheaded by Koji!

Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Gongsun Fan picture

When Gongsun Fan raised an army to attack Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao, fearing Gongsun Zhan's power, gave Gongsun Fan his Bohai Taishou Seal Silk to Gongsun Fan, intending to reconcile, but Gongsun Fan instead raised troops to help Gongsun Zhan, so Gongsun Zhan's troops were even stronger, and later his whereabouts were unknown!

Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Tian Yu picture

Tian Yu was a Yuyang Yongnu, because he was young and initially defected to Liu Bei, and later returned to his hometown on the grounds that his mother was old, and defected to Gongsun Zhan as the county commander of Dongzhou. Later Gongsun Zhan's general Wang Men betrayed Gongsun Zhan and led more than 10,000 people to attack for Yuan Shao. The crowd was terrified and ready to surrender. Tian Yu climbed the city wall and persuaded Wangmen, who retreated in shame. After Gongsun Zhan's defeat, Xian Yufu was highly regarded by his subordinate officials and people to do the things of Taishou, and he had a good relationship with Tian Yu, and appointed Tian Yu as the governor of Taishou Prefecture. At that time, the crowd rose up together, and Rarely Yufu did not know who to follow. Tian Yu said to Xian Yufu, "In the end, the one who can stabilize the world must be Cao Cao." You should rush to him and not wait for disasters later. Xian Yufu followed his advice, so he was highly valued by Cao Cao and was honored and favored by cao. Cao Cao summoned Tian Yu to plot for the military of The Xiang Dynasty, appointed Yingyin and Lang Lingling, and was promoted to Yiyang Taishou, and later it was also considered to be Wei Zhen Northern Xinjiang, and he was able to die well!

Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Tian Kai picture

Tian Kai was a subordinate of Zan and was represented by Gongsun Zan as the History of Qingzhou Thorns. Later, Tian Kai and Liu Bei resisted Yuan Shao together, and made a lot of merit, when Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou, Xuzhou Mu Taoqian sent people to Tian Kai for help, Tian Kai and Liu Bei went together to save him, but in the end the north of Xuzhou was still occupied by Cao Cao, and later after returning to Qingzhou, in the process of fighting with Yuan Shao, he was defeated by his son Yuan Tan and returned to Youzhou, and was killed in the Battle of Yijing.

Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Single-shot stills

Shan Jing was once enfeoffed by Gongsun Zhan as the Assassin of Yanzhou. In the third year of Chuping (192), Tun Pingyuan and Liu Beitun Gao Tang joined forces with Tao Qian against Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, and were defeated, and the later deeds are unknown!

Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Zou Dan picture

Zou Dan was a subordinate of Gongsun Zhan and was once made the Taishou of Yuyang by Gongsun Zhan. After Liu Yu was killed, his old subordinates Xian Yufu, Qi Zhou, and Xian Yuyin elected Yan Rou as Sima Wuhuan and Zou Dan to fight in Northern Lubei, and Zou Dan and more than 4,000 other soldiers were defeated and killed!

Introduction of the military general under Gongsun Zhan

Zhao Yun stills

Zhao Yun was initially elected by the people of Changshan County, and led the righteous soldiers of the county to defect to Gongsun Zhan, and at that time Liu Bei was also at Gongsun Zhan,During which Zhao Yun was able to make deep friends with Liu Bei. During the reign of Gongsun Zhan, at war with Yuan Shao, Gongsun Zhan sent Shi Tiankai from Qingzhou to occupy the land near Shandong, and Zhao Yun accompanied Liu Bei on the expedition to take charge of the cavalry for Liu Bei. Later, because of the death of his brother, Zhao Yun asked Gongsun Zhan to resign and return to his hometown, and Liu Bei knew that Zhao Yun would not come back after he left, so he held Zhao Yun's hand and was not willing to give up! Later, after following Liu Bei, the two young lords supported the young lord, and the disaster was determined, and the prestige was great, and finally died!

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