
The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

author:Edgeland Starlight
The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

With his outstanding military ability, Yang Jian unified the forces of large and small warlords, ended in a short period of time the chaotic situation in which the princes of the Southern and Northern Dynasties were divided and the flames were raging, and established diplomatic relations and cooperation with neighboring countries with wise political insight. For a time, the economic strength and military strength of the Great Sui were enough to deter the four sides, and the fame of the western region was also opened, and the long-closed door of the western region was also opened.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

Shooting wolves in the northwest, sheathing swords in the southeast, flags in the red sun, and dancing in the sky. Shortly thereafter, a dynasty that once again promoted the might of chinese martial arts and recreated the great achievements of the strong Han Dynasty was about to appear, and a great drama of unprecedented glory before and unprecedented glory began. During the Sui Empire, although commercial trade gradually heated up, due to the threat of the Western Turks, Tiele and Tuguhun, there were still many unstable factors on the road to the western region, and merchants could only take detours, or sneak around, or stop and go, or bribe local leaders. In order to break this passive situation, in 609 AD, the Sui Emperor decided to send troops to tuguhun, and in June of the same year, the Sui Emperor decided to tour the west in order to show the power of the Great Sui to the countries of the Western Regions. After the mighty army set out from Chang'an to present-day Qilian County, Qinghai, the Western Patrol Army crossed the Qilian Mountains and passed through Biandukou (between present-day Qilian County, Qinghai and Minle County, Gansu) to Zhangye in the Hexi Corridor.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

The power of the Great Sui Dynasty spread far and wide, and its fame was far and wide, and for a time, the kings, envoys, and merchants of 27 countries in the western region came to visit the shrine. The people and beauties of Zhangye and Wuwei came to help, the crowds dressed up and played, the flow of cars and horses connected for hundreds of miles, and the countries in the western region were stunned and surrendered when they saw such a grand scene in the Sui Dynasty. Emperor Jue ordered the establishment of the counties of Shanshan and Yiwu on the Silk Road, and sent troops to garrison Tuntian to ensure the smooth flow of the Silk Road and the supply of merchants. Yang Guangshi's poem "Drinking Horse Great Wall Grotto": "Xiao Xiao rises in the autumn wind, leisurely and long- and long-distance; what he does in ten thousand miles, builds the Great Wall in the desert; thousands of rides, drinking horses and great wall grottoes; borrowing the Marquis of the Great Wall, Shan Yu enters the Hajj." It spoke of the pomp and circumstance and personal heroism of the time.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

The Sui Dynasty Emperor's western tour showed the military prestige and national prestige of the Central Plains Dynasty, when many merchants from the Western Regions entered the Central Plains along the Hexi Corridor to do business, and the four counties of Hexi, especially Zhangye, became a transit station for the trade of goods between Central Plains merchants and Merchants of the Western Regions. Nobles and merchants in the Western Regions requested permission from the Sui Dynasty to go to Luoyang fengdu to trade. In 610, Emperor Jue granted this request. Emperor Jue sent the official Servant Pei Zhi to solicit Hu merchants from all over the country and to oversee trade affairs, and sent Si Li to Du Xingman to the Western Regions, and Li Yu, a lieutenant of yun, to send envoys to Persia. Emperor Zhuo attached great importance to the connection and trade with the countries of the Western Regions, and under his auspices and advocacy, the Silk Road was prosperous, strengthening the political and economic ties between the Central Plains Dynasty and the Western Regions, which laid a solid foundation for the Tang Empire to pass through the Western Regions.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

After the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty became more powerful and unified, inheriting and carrying forward the mantle of the Sui Dynasty's continued trade with the Western Regions, and the Silk Road developed into a new and open era. The Tang Dynasty is a country of poetry, and in the Haohao poems, the Biansai poems lead the way with their desolate and tragic, majestic and majestic, and heroic styles. The literati and doctors were not satisfied with sitting upright in the court, copying the cases, and those with lofty ideals went out with the army, so they became a heroic border poet, which became the goal pursued and aspired by many literati and inkers.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

For a time, a large number of Biansai poets, represented by Cen Shan, Gao Shi, Wang Han, Wang Changling, And Wang Zhizhuo, appeared, with a large lineup and a superb style. First look at Wang Han's "Liangzhou Words": "Portugal Silk Road Majestic Wind 489 Wine Luminous Cup, want to drink pipa immediately urge." Drunkenly lying on the battlefield Jun Mo smiled, and Gu Lai conquered several people back. "How heroic, how generous! The soldiers who were about to go to the battlefield were drinking in the barracks, when suddenly the rapid sound of the pipa sounded (the pipa, as a popular instrument in the western region, was used to render exotic colors), which was a signal to assemble the team and prepare to leave, and what awaited them would be a life-and-death decision, but "the real warriors dared to face the dripping blood" and never feared the coming of the battle. Although the urging was urging, the drinking was still binge, and the drunk soldiers laughed at themselves while drinking heavily: "You don't have to laugh at me!" Even if you are drunk, what does it matter if you fall on the battlefield? You see since ancient times, how can a few men who have fought in the army come back alive, and how can they be regarded as a real manhood if they are not drunk today? "Wang Han was a famous border poet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, who went out with the army and witnessed the homesickness and death of the soldiers in the Shubian conquest.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

At that time, the Tang Empire was strong in national strength, heroic in its soldiers, expanding its territory, and its prestige was far-reaching. They are full of pride in the times, and their hearts are full of confidence and determination to make meritorious contributions and serve the country, so they are not afraid of war, are accustomed to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze, and even laugh and talk about bloody sacrifices. Look again at Wang Changling's "Journey from the Army" (Part IV): "Qinghai Huangyun Dark Snow Mountain, isolated city looking at Yumen Pass; Huangsha Hundred Battles wear golden armor, and if you don't break Loulan, you won't pay it back." "Wang Changling was a famous border poet between Tang Kaiyuan and Tianbao Nian, and during this period, the Tang Dynasty and Tubo were in a fierce battle in the Qinghai Lake area, and along the Tuguhun Road, that is, the Tang Dynasty Ancient Road that was later opened, could be extended to the South Tianshan Road." The golden armor, also called "iron coat," was worn out on the long battlefield of yellow sand, and after thousands of battles and tempering, the armor had been torn, and although the wars were frequent and the battles were arduous, the soldiers always had a common belief: not to repel "Loulan" (a name for a country in the western region of the Han Dynasty, which is borrowed from the enemy in today's Xinjiang), and vowed not to return to their hometowns.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

The poet praised the soldiers who were fighting on the battlefield at that time, inspired by the spirit of the times, and showed their indignant and exuberant pride and fearless courage to defy all difficulties to win victory. Wang Changling's "Out of the Plug" has: "Do not teach Humadu Yin Mountain", which further expresses the determination of the Shubian generals to die to repay the country and share the same hatred with the enemy. The great poet Li Bai wrote in "March of the Army": "The battlefield was cold and the moon was cold", indicating that at that time the war was glued, from day to night, "the iron drums at the head of the city were still shaking, and the blood of the golden knife in the box was not dry", indicating that the battlefield was glued, the war was frequent, the war situation was cruel, a war had just been fought, and then the war drums at the head of the city were sounded again, and immediately they were about to throw themselves into a life-and-death battle, and the red blood on the knife edge had not yet dried, which was the best proof that they had just experienced a dangerous and vicious battle.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

The Tang Dynasty successively pacified Tubo, Eastern Turkistan, and Western Turks, established the Capital Protectorate, guarded the frontier, and passed through the western region. In the 4th year of Tang Zhenguan (630 AD), Sheyi Prefecture (present-day Yiwu, Xinjiang); in the fourteenth year of Tang Zhenguan (640 AD), He xi prefecture (西州) was established and placed in Xizhou; in the same year, the Western Turk Ye Protector returned to Tang and set up Ting Prefecture in his hometown of Khan Futu City (present-day Jimsar North, Xinjiang), and soon set up the Anxi Capital Protectorate in "Xizhou", stationed troops, and divided Yizhou, Xizhou, and Tingzhou into Longyou Province, making today's Gansu and northeastern Xinjiang a unified administrative region.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

In 702 AD, the Tang government established the Beiting Capital Protectorate in Tingzhou to administer the vast area north of the Tianshan Mountains in the Western Regions, and the Anxi Capital Protectorate to administer the vast area south of the Tianshan Mountains. The vast western region was divided into three administrative districts: the three prefectures of Yi, Xi, and Ting, and Hexi and Longyou were under the jurisdiction of Longyou Province; the Ili River Basin was placed under the jurisdiction of the DuhuFu with the Beiting as the seat of governance; the south of the Tianshan Mountains to Central Asia was under the jurisdiction of the Anxi Du protectorate of Guizi, and the Tang government set up military and political institutions such as governors, prefectures, and counties in the western regions, with the local ethnic minority leaders as the official positions of duhu, governor, and assassin. In order to ensure the exchange of merchants and travelers on the Silk Road, the Tang Dynasty government set up large and small post stations along the route from Chang'an to Hexi and then to the western region, such as Jiaohe, Tianshui, sour dates, stone stones, shenquan, caodui, Yinshan, Liugu, Lüguang, Dong moraine, and Stone She.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

These complete military and political institutions and a series of related facilities have provided a reliable and powerful guarantee for the management of the Western Regions and the opening of the Silk Road. The Tang Dynasty had many foreign envoys and caravans entering the Central Plains along the Silk Road, from Arabia, Africa, the Eastern Roman Empire, and Persia in the west to the Indian Peninsula in the south, all of which maintained commercial and trade relations with the Tang Dynasty. In the second year of Emperor Gaozong's reign (667 AD), the first year of Emperor Wuhou Dazu (701 AD), the second year of Emperor Zhongzong Jinglong (708 AD), the seventh year of Xuanzong Kaiyuan (719 AD), and the first year of Xuanzong Tianbao (742 AD), there are all records of emissaries and large caravans of the Eastern Roman Empire traveling to Chang'an. At that time, envoys and merchants from the Great Food (present-day Arabia) came to Chang'an as many as 40 times, and Persian merchants and envoys arrived in Chang'an many times with good horses, lions, rhinos, and elephants. Many Hu people have lived in Chang'an for a long time, and their business operations are very prosperous, including hotels, jewelry, furs, silk, jade, and everything. Li Bai's "Before There Was a Bottle of Wine": "The green tong of the dragon gate is played, and the jade pot of fine wine is clear." Stir the strings and drink with the king, and see Zhu Chengbi's face begin to turn red. Orchid looks like a flower, laughing at the spring breeze. Laughing at the spring wind, dancing luoyi, Junjin is not drunk will return home? The image vividly depicts Orchid singing and dancing in front of the drinkers.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

This tolerance and annexation, grace and openness of the Tang Dynasty is also reflected in the statues of the open caves, which are perfectly presented in the Mogao Grottoes, longmen grottoes, Guizi ancient murals and even Central Asian murals. To this day it is vivid and vivid. The Buddha statue is graceful and luxurious, full and rounded; the flying sleeves are dancing and flying in the air; the city is prosperous and prosperous, and the flow of people is weaving... When we see this today, we can imagine how Datang was an open and prosperous country at that time. Since the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Empire has gone downhill. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Tubo occupied the Hexi Corridor, robbed passing caravans, cut off the Silk Road, and blocked the great passage between East and West.

The Tang Empire built a great prosperity in the northwest and the Silk Road

After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, China entered the chaotic period of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and although the later Northern Song Dynasty unified the Central Plains, there was the Great Liao in the north and the Great Xia in the west, coupled with the rise of the Jurchens later, the Northern Song Dynasty became a country of four wars and could no longer manage the northwest. After the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty regime was stubborn and secretive, and it was not until the Mongolian Yuan Period that a new situation appeared in the Silk Road trade. The Tang Empire ruled martial arts and opened up trade; developed frontiers and opened up western regions; and strengthened its strength and subjugated the Four Yi. Thus, the Development of the Silk Road of the Tang Dynasty reached an unprecedented, smoothest, orderly, and longest-lasting period. This is the result of China's great reunification, which is a manifestation of the country's strength, so that it has the strength to stabilize the frontier, develop trade, and strengthen the maintenance, operation and management of the Silk Road. History has proved that only by striving to make itself prosperous and strong can a country have enough influence in the world. Only by making efforts to innovate the political system can we take care of both internal and external affairs and live and work in peace and contentment. Only when the nation is united and the country is reunified can the economy develop and the country become strong, thus bursting forth a spirit of the times that is high-spirited and uplifting and forges ahead.