
Soccer Ma Honeycomb "Check-in" Hotel Guests are stung unconscious

author:Hualong Net
Soccer Ma Honeycomb "Check-in" Hotel Guests are stung unconscious

The soccer ball's large honeycomb is hidden under the bay window in the hotel room courtesy of the interviewee

Soccer Ma Honeycomb "Check-in" Hotel Guests are stung unconscious

Mr. An has Wuqing left behind after being stung on his arm photo by reporter Yu Changhai

Chongqing Business News In the early morning of the 12th, Mr. An, who came to Chongqing from Sichuan, found a soccer-sized honeycomb in the hotel room, and because he had no time to dodge, he was stung by a swarm of horse bees and became unconscious. Subsequently, 120 medical staff rushed to the scene and sent Mr. An to the hospital for rescue. At present, Mr. An is out of danger of life, and the honeycomb in the hotel room has been removed by firefighters.

How can there be a honeycomb in a hotel room? Will being stung by a horse bee be severe enough to reach a coma? The reporter investigated.

Staying at the hotel was "attacked" by wasps

Yesterday, the reporter came to The 13th Ward of the General Surgery Department of the Ninth People's Hospital of Chongqing municipality and met Mr. An, who was stung by a horse bee. His left arm and head were stung four times by a wasp, and there was a dark blue lump at the sting, but it was relieved. According to the attending physician, Mr. An is not in serious trouble at present, and he will be discharged from the hospital soon.

Mr. An said that he was a native of Liangshan, Sichuan, and his daughter was admitted to a graduate school at Southwest University. It was the beginning of the school year, and he and his brother Mr. Luo sent their daughter to the school to report. "It was late when we arrived in Beibei, so we found a random hotel nearby to rest." Mr. An said that when they arrived in Beibei, it was already past 11 p.m. on the 11th, and the three of them opened two suites in the nearest Duolun Hotel, No. 369 Jinhua Road, Beibei District.

Mr. An and his brother Mr. Luo lived in Suite 416, and after entering the room, the two put their luggage in the living room, Mr. An watched TV in the living room, and Mr. Luo entered the bedroom to prepare for rest. "I was just lying in bed when I saw worms flying on the ceiling, making a 'buzzing' sound." Mr. Luo said that he hurriedly turned on the light to see, but he did not expect it to be a wasp. "There are horse bees! There are horse bees! Mr. Luo quickly ran out of the bedroom.

"Impossible! How can there be wasps in a hotel? Mr. An suspected that Mr. Luo had read it wrong, and the two rushed into the bedroom again to check it out, and found that there were horses and bees flying out of the bay window, so they opened the planks on the bay window. They were greeted by a large honeycomb, densely packed with wasps, each the size of a thumb.

Probably frightened, the wasps suddenly assembled to "attack" the two, Mr. Luo ran fast and was not stung, while Mr. An was stung several times by the wasps. "I quickly ran out of the bedroom and closed the bedroom door." Mr. Ann said.

Under the bay window is a soccer ball honeycomb

Hotel service personnel and police of Beiquan Police Station in Beibei District quickly arrived at the scene. Mr. Luo used soapy water to clean Mr. An's wound and pulled out the horse bee thorn. Within 2 minutes, Mr. An began to vomit, dizziness and other symptoms, and his arms were swollen, and the whole person entered a coma. Subsequently, 120 medical staff rushed to the scene and sent Mr. An to the Ninth People's Hospital of Chongqing Municipality for rescue.

How can there be wasps in a hotel room? On returning to the bedroom to check, Mr. Luo hurriedly took a photo with his mobile phone. The photo shows the honeycomb located in a locker-like place under the bedroom bay window, about the size of a football, with a lot of wasps inside. "The locker has vents, which can be used for air conditioning and storage." Mr. Luo speculated that the wasps had entered the bay window from the vent to build their nests under the bay window, and the bay window was covered with only a wooden board, and the wasp may have flown out of the gap in the plank.

On the 13th, firefighters removed the honeycomb.

Hotel saying

The room has been unoccupied for nearly half a month

Yesterday, the reporter came to the Duolun Hotel to understand the situation, but the person in charge of the hotel was reluctant to say more, only said that he would bear Mr. An's medical expenses, and then refused the reporter's interview.

In the hotel, a cleaner who did not want to be named said that they did not find the honeycomb when they usually cleaned, but occasionally saw a few horse bees flying in the room, thinking that they flew in from outside the window, so they did not care. The cleaner also said that mr. Ann's room had been unoccupied for nearly half a month, and the honeycomb may have been recent.

The reporter found that the hotel is located outside a small area, surrounded by more trees, and Mr. An lives in room 416 is just the same height as the surrounding trees. Residents of the community said that there are often horse bees in the community, many people have been stung by horse bees, and fire officers and soldiers have cleared a number of horse honeycombs in the community.

Through the coordination of the police, the hotel has paid 3500 yuan for Mr. An's medical expenses in advance, and the two sides are negotiating compensation.

Lawyer interpretation

The hotel is primarily responsible

Lawyer Lei Dengfeng of Chongqing Junrong Law Firm believes that the hotel should bear the main responsibility. Lei Dengfeng said that the hotel, as a business service agency, has the obligation to ensure the safety of consumers' lives and property, and the hotel should regularly check whether there are safety hazards in the facilities and equipment, housing conditions, etc. In the store, if the hotel is not in place, a safety accident occurs, and the hotel should bear the corresponding compensation liability.

Lei Dengfeng suggested that Mr. An could negotiate compensation with the hotel, and if the negotiation failed, he could complain to the local industry and commerce department or file a lawsuit with the court.

Expert reminder

Stung onions can be saved

Lin Zongqing, associate professor of the School of Plant Protection of Southwest University, said that the wasp is more toxic, and after being stung, it may lead to local tissue necrosis, and people with allergic constitution may even have acute kidney function and liver failure. Lin Zongqing reminded the public: If a small number of horse bees fly around, do not wave, slap, and leave the area where the horse bees fly as soon as possible, so as not to send a message to attract swarms of bees to attack; if you are stung by the horse bees, you should immediately squeeze out the venom by hand and wash the sting with a weak alkaline liquid, or wash the onion and apply slices to the wound, you can also apply wind oil essence, cool oil, etc.; if the stinged person has difficulty breathing and has a wheezing sound, he should be sent to the hospital immediately.

In order to avoid attracting wasps, Lin Zongqing suggested: try not to plant succulent plants when raising flowers and grass on your own balcony; do not place unconcealed sugar food and drinks in outdoor open spaces; spray insecticides outside the window or under the window sill; and do not put wine or floral cosmetics on the windowsill.

Business Daily reporter Yu Changhai

The hotel service lacks humanity

■ Commentator Zhang Wei of this newspaper

Taking advantage of the excitement and failing to return, the rush to stay was stung by the horse bee, and it is obviously a bad stay experience for the guests staying in the hotel. And this bad experience, of course, behind the hotel's bad service.

Providing guests with a comfortable and safe stay environment is the content of every hotel's quality service. The soccer ball-sized honeycomb is naturally not formed for a while. The general carelessness of the hotel is obviously contrary to the purpose of humanized service, and for guests to be stung, the courage to take responsibility for paying for guests is naturally its share.

Of course, it is better to remedy the hidden dangers after the fact than to eliminate the hidden dangers in advance. Refined inspection and people-oriented concept can better highlight the sense of service.

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