
Border City Prodigal Microfiction: The Return (Novel Forest, No. 5, 2021)

author:Gossip books


◎ Prodigal son of the border city

The wind howled and the blizzard came. Hunter Mike drives a van carefully on an off-the-beaten-path, snow-covered mountain road.

As the mountain road narrowed, approaching the depths of the dark forest, Mike "crunched" and slammed on the brakes. He hesitated for a moment in the cab, took a few sips of his cigarette, and finally let out a long sigh and threw his cigarette butt out the window.

Border City Prodigal Microfiction: The Return (Novel Forest, No. 5, 2021)

Author Of the Prodigal Son of Border City

Mike opened the door, jumped down sharply, opened the cargo box behind the truck, and with an earth-shattering roar, a golden tiger with black markings jumped out of the cargo box.

Mike Mo grabbed the tiger's head and said somewhat sentimentally, "Kerry, my little thing." I've been raising you for a year, and now is the time to let you go back to the mountain, go forward, go forward, don't look back! Then Mike blew two whistles, then roared angrily with a vibrato: "Roll! ”

This is a code that only Mike and Kerry can understand, Mike whistles to order Kerry to "come over"; Mike whistles twice, asking Kerry to "go away".

The clever Kerry certainly understood what his master meant, and it finally gave Mike an affectionate look, and then walked slowly toward the woods, but with each step, it had to turn back and look at Mike inextricably.

Kerry didn't go far before he was accompanied by a muffled sound, and "Grunt" fell into a trap.

Mike's heart "clucked" with Kerry's muffled sound.


A dozen wolves, under the command of the head wolf, did not know when the whirlwind jumped in front of Mike, and they slowly gathered towards Mike...

Mike heart said "oops", the shotgun is still in the car! He hesitated for a moment, then pulled his leg and ran in the direction of the car, the cunning head wolf seemed to see through Mike's mind, took the lead and rushed over to intercept Mike's way, and the wolves were not willing to show weakness, scrambling to pounce on Mike.

Unarmed, Mike grabbed a branch and fought and retreated.

Mike's right leg was bitten by a wolf in the melee, oozing blood, and he panicked and crawled with a rolling belt; the wolves rushed up, pinching left and right. Fortunately, there was a short tree in front of him, and Mike climbed up the low tree with his hands and feet, and the voice of the cry for help drifted deep into the dense forest...

Heard Mike's cry for help, Kerry, who fell into the trap, began to jump hard, and although each jump fell down without incident, Kerry persevered...

Here, Mike in the tree straddled the branches obliquely, and his injured right leg occasionally dripped a drop of bright red blood. The smell of blood further stimulated the madness of the wolves, who jumped under the trees and tore at each other like demons who had jumped out of hell and were eager to tear Mike to pieces at once.

I overheard the gusts of wind, the snow flying at the end of the snow, and a low tiger roar exploded in the forest like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. When the wolves were stunned, they did not know when Kerry, who had escaped from the trap, rushed to the front of the wolves, and the head wolf could not dodge, and was slapped by Kerry a few meters away. Kerry rushed over and bit the head wolf's neck until the head wolf stopped breathing and his body gradually softened.

The pack of wolves that had lost their head wolf scattered in an instant.

Mike slowly moved down from the tree, and because of his unsteady standing, he "pounced" and knelt down in front of Kerry, and he tearfully said to Kerry, "I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you!" ”

Carey froze, dragging his injured body and looking at Mike with confused and helpless eyes.

"You go, the farther you go, the better, otherwise, after a while the gang arrives, you will not be able to escape even if you insert your wings."

Kerry did not go, still looking at Mike with a complex look of reluctance, confusion, incomprehension, and resentment.

"Roll, roll!" Mike blew two more whistles and touched a nearby stone, slamming it at Carey with all his strength. Kerry took one last look at Mike and ran toward the depths of the jungle without turning his head.

I don't know how long later, Mike, who had passed out, was shaken awake, and Mike slowly saw in the shadows that it was the gang boss John who was leading.

"What about the tiger you sold me?" John asked impatiently.

"Boss, please listen to my explanation, I was confused for a while!" I...... I can't do this conscience-shattering thing anymore..." Mike explained incoherently.

"We have something to say first, and I have promised to pay you a handsome sum!" John's eyes widened like a brass bell.

"I don't want your money, I... I can accept any punishment from you! ”

"Accept any punishment? Hahaha... Well, today I'll let you taste the fate of dishonesty in our end! With that, John gave a look, and a few of them drew their hunting knives...

"Hands on!" John smiled evilly and let out a triumphant whistle.

Whoops -- whoops--whoops--whoops-who

It was another gust of wind, the snow was flying, and with this whistle, Kerry had already wrapped the snow in the wind and roared again... [End]

【Author's Profile】While celebrating, the pen name Is the Prodigal Son of Biancheng. He is a member of the Heilongjiang Writers Association, a member of the China Financial Writers Association, and the chairman of the Heilongjiang Flash Fiction Committee of the Chinese Fable Literature Research Association. Won the 13th "National Jinjiang Fable Literature Award". He has published more than 500 small novels, flash novels and fables in newspapers and periodicals such as Northern Literature, Novel Monthly, Small Novel Monthly, Micro Novel Monthly, Chinese Small Novel, Small Novel Big World, Jinshan, Haiyan, Tangshan Literature, Story Club, And Yilin, etc. Some small novels, flash novels and fables have been reprinted by newspapers and periodicals such as "Selected Novels", "Selected Small Novels", "Youth Digest", "Today's Digest", "Juvenile Digest" and other newspapers and periodicals. Published a special collection of flash fiction "The Death of the Gobi", etc.; the chief editor of the flash novel collection "Chu Feng Flash rhyme" and so on.


Border City Prodigal Microfiction: The Return (Novel Forest, No. 5, 2021)

Special column host: Yuan Bingfa

The novel "Return" of the prodigal son of the border city is written thrillingly, with twists and turns, both the emotional exchange and conflict between people and animals, and the contradictions between people and people. The return of Mike's conscience makes Tiger Carey return to the forest and go to freedom, but the process is full of blood and rain, and even Kerry can never understand Mike, but it does not prevent him from saving Mike from danger again and again. The cleverness of this novel lies in the design of multiple contradictions, through which the "human nature" of the beast and the "animal nature" of the human being are revealed, and the connotation is profound.

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