
If I understand, I will be merciful

author:Love has become a song 62

Perhaps in response to the proverb of life: Since the ancient Lingxiu woman destroyed the rogue hand. Because scoundrels often have braver and shameless courage than ordinary people, they use various means to achieve their goals. Gentlemen, on the other hand, are often discouraged because they cherish them. But I didn't know that because of this step, the woman's life was ruined.

I have always been in awe of a woman, and I am also curious about a woman, and I don't know what kind of opportunity has made her wear an indelible brilliance until today. Although she had left the world of gorgeous cheongsam that looked like fleas in her eyes forever, her Zhong Lingyuxiu's words still exuded an immortal heart fragrance.

She is Zhang Ailing.

What has always been incomprehensible is that such an arrogant woman cannot see through the truth or falsehood of emotions. Dragged down by two men all her life, she is generally a ghost, but she has no gratitude or gratitude to those who love her so deeply. She even felt that those people's help to her was taken for granted and should be so.

When she was in the year of cardamom, she met him. Hu Lancheng, who bears the name of a traitor, is merciful and indulgent. Bai Luomei said that he did not know whether the encounter was too early, or the reunion was too late, anyway, Hu Lancheng's constant entanglement was not afraid of refusing to finally get a face at first sight, which determined the beginning of Zhang Ailing's tragic life. Maybe at that time, if the streamer did not understand the style, it would be just a matter of losing the Chinese year for no reason. Time allowed them to meet at the right time. Perhaps, sometimes emotions are really a catastrophe in life, either complete or miserable. None of us have the right to choose. Seeing Hu Lancheng, who was 38 years old at the time, five hours of conversation made Zhang Ailing say: "When I met him, she became very low and very low, low to the dust." But her heart was joyful, and flowers blossomed from the dust. "Maybe this is the charm of love, the beauty of love, no one can stop it."

Perhaps, with such a gorgeous woman, who is 24 years old, she also longs for the moisture of a love rain. Zhang Ailing did not even hold the wedding ceremony, and only used a marriage certificate as evidence to give herself to the man who turned 14 years old and failed her. The marriage book is simple, but the vows are beautiful, beautiful and simple: "May the years be quiet and the present world be stable." "That simple wish that the rogue man didn't give it to her." Just married, the victory of the War of Resistance, because Hu Lan became a traitor to Japan and was wanted by the whole country, he had to flee with his tail between his legs. And she alone silently endured all the condemnation and insults. As for the man, he never stopped picking flowers and weeds on the road of changing his name and fleeing, and even abducted his little wife from the family of the person who was hiding. Three years, just three short years, the marriage was over. During this time, she sent him all the money, just wanting him to be safe. Until the moment when she decided to turn around resolutely, she also sent him the largest manuscript fee of 300,000 yuan, and then resolutely told him that they were over, and she would not write the letter in the future, and she would not read it again! You can see how determined her turn was.

In order to support herself, after the divorce she met the director Sang Arc. She wrote the script, he directed, and the collaboration was seamless, creating a full miracle in Shanghai Beach. He liked it, and she might like it too. But he didn't dare to say that she might not have come out of the shadow of her first marriage. They passed each other without even leaving a trace.

Later, she resolutely abandoned the homeland where she was born and raised her and went to the United States. Life is too hard to eat and sleep. I had to turn to the literary and art rescue agency to take her in. He was 36 years old. It coincided with the woman's second flowering period. Fanghua's unique posture is blooming, but because a 65-year-old German old man who told her the innocent past of childhood gave her a long-lost smile, she once again easily entrusted herself to the foreign old man.

Maybe a woman's heart is actually really fragile, so fragile that a sincere smile can easily hand herself over, and carefully get a license to marry. However, after all, the exotic old man was too old. Paralyzed by a series of strokes, she was so tired that she had to write to support her family and take care of the man who her current husband had actually given her nothing. She was too tired. She couldn't feed the family at all, and it was then that she realized that writing for survival was a punishment, a destruction of the body and the mind. She may not even be able to feed herself. But she couldn't stop. She can't get another divorce. To feed the family. She had to entrust him to his daughter and then rush to Taiwan to earn money.

His career has just picked up, and he can't do it anymore. But she could not afford to leave for the United States, because it was difficult to even get a ticket. It was not until later that Qiong Yao's husband Ping Xintao signed her contract to publish her novel and invested in film and television that she finally lived a comfortable old age.

But her heart was like a pool of stagnant water. She lives in isolation. In order not to be disturbed by the world, he even moved every week. Eventually she also lost contact with her family. It wasn't until the sixth day of her departure that the landlord discovered that she had really left this world.

Born on the night of the bright moon, still leaving this world on the night of the bright moon. For her, life and death corresponded, it should be perfect, but in the journey of her life, she left an immortal legend, and how could she get a month of true happiness!

Maybe the world will really be a slur. When she was young and talented, the words that people amazed at her gorgeous and spiritual nature were making a note of her own life: "Life is a magnificent robe, crawling with fleas." ”

Maybe another sentence she said in this world, "Because you understand, so compassionate" is really not necessarily correct! I don't know if she ever asked herself, she has always been merciful, but does she really understand? She treats people compassionately, but what does she get?

Maybe being a village girl with no talent and calm calmness will make her happier!

Therefore, you must know how many years of fate you have to cultivate when you meet the person you want to meet among thousands of people! However, we can't easily moth fire just for love and fate! Perhaps, when I met your share, only if it is a clear spring, gently and gently stroke a hint of coolness, wash away the lead in each other's hearts that have gone through the dust, you will be happier!


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