
Looking back on the past, talk about the "classic cars" at the Guangzhou Auto Show

author:Car dynamics

Everything is renewing, and we are growing. Time has witnessed the prosperity of fuel and the rise of electric power in the automotive industry, and the vehicle has also transformed from the essential attribute of the original travel tool into a mobile third living space. When we lament the changes of the times and the progress of science and technology, when we enjoy digitalization and convenience, we occasionally miss those "classic cars" that carry years and memories.

Looking back on the past, talk about the "classic cars" at the Guangzhou Auto Show

Unfortunately, these classics were either abandoned in dusty corners or collected in a rare collection room, and they are rarely heard of in daily life. Only in large auto shows, these collections will be occasionally invited out to let the wind out, for example, at this Guangzhou Auto Show, there are many "old friends" that everyone has in mind.

Looking back on the past, talk about the "classic cars" at the Guangzhou Auto Show

The second generation of volkswagen jetta. In the 1990s, jetta created a miracle in the domestic market, and the second generation of jetta directly sent jetta to the altar of sales, killed the sales myth created by Santana, and broke through 100,000 vehicles, becoming the champion of China's single model sales. This brilliance has also made the second-generation Volkswagen Jetta an iconic memory symbol for domestic cars to enter life. Although the Volkswagen Jetta has become history, looking back again, I still feel that the second generation of volkswagen Jetta is still the "teenager" who was once there, full of heroism.

Looking back on the past, talk about the "classic cars" at the Guangzhou Auto Show

Honda NSX. The Japanese sports cars of the 90s can be described as the most impressive, but the only one who can really afford the supercar is the NSX, which exists as a king every time it appears, and it was dream Car for every boy at that time. At that time, Honda developed the NSX at any cost, creating many legends about it, and its classic shape was written by Kiyoyuki Okuyama, who had designed the Ferrari ENZO and the Porsche 996, so the title of Toei Ferrari was not empty. Although NSX came to its end in 2005, the three letters of NSX still deserve to be included in automotive history.

Looking back on the past, talk about the "classic cars" at the Guangzhou Auto Show

Toyota AE86. The AE86 is a small, lightweight, cost-effective car that entered the production line in 1983 as the fifth generation of Toyota Corolla. So this car is the Corolla, just like the Honda Civic at that time was called EG6. As for why it is not to resume production in the young group, AE86, which is very emotionally valuable, is nothing more than cost and profit, after all, feelings cannot be eaten as a meal. Although "Head Text D" brought fire to the AE86, the inherent flaws of this car are doomed to be difficult to adapt to the pace of the times, after all, no matter how fast the AE86 is, it cannot catch up with the summer and autumn trees that sit on the

Finally: In addition to the above three "classic cars", Porsche 911, Volkswagen T2 van, Volkswagen Santana, Toyota Supra and other classic models also appeared at this Guangzhou Auto Show, do not know which of these models you like the most, may wish to leave a message below to discuss and discuss.

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