
Goodbye, my children

author:Dusty language space-time
Goodbye, my children

Me and my kids

In the afternoon, because I was going to run an errand at high school, I stopped by to see my children...

At first, I thought about going to them after finishing my work, or waiting for the children to finish class. But did not think, just entered the campus, after the swing frame three white and pure boys ran over to "Teacher Li", without too many words, a smile and surprise. I fixed my eyes on it, my lovely Zhenyu, the steady Zhenghao, and the shy Yule had rushed to me, and I was excited not to know what to say, so I asked the children about the latest situation.

Zhenyu said that he was not very comfortable, fainted a few days ago, Zheng Hao added the details of the fainting at that time, Yule called himself "Hou Zhenyu Incident", at this time, I don't know from which direction several children came, there were Yuxian and Ziyu who rushed over and hugged me, and Peng Yiheng, who came over and shouted Teacher Li, and Ma Yuheng, who was anxious to find other classmates...

After a while, the children all came over, and I was like running to the watermelon field, wanting to hold this and touch that, excited and not knowing who to start talking about. Just a few repeated words" How was high school life?" The children answered excitedly, and I didn't care to listen to their answers, just looking at their expressions and dancing movements, I was overwhelmed.

"Teacher, there are a few classmates on the basketball court, let's go to see together", the crowd did not know who made the voice, but everyone surrounded me and came to the basketball court, at this time Ling Ju came, Yinuo came, Lotte came, Zhou Zhou came...

I felt like I was standing in the square of ten thousand people, all my children, they were laughing and running, and I was laughing and watching. There is no language, but it seems tacit.

"Teacher, Ke Blade and Jingran are studying, let's go and call them", "Good, good", ran in a rush, and after a while ran back with a few.

A dozen children, not many, but I have been in a state of dizziness, I don't know if I am too excited or excited, I am feeling beautiful in my heart, and I don't know what to do.

"Teacher, let's take a picture", so together in the sun, together in the campus of Huafu High School, we left our precious smiles...

"Jingle Bell", the class bell rang, "Teacher, let's go to the teacher for a self-study leave, let's talk again" Ke Blade proposed, everyone looked at me, waiting for me to speak. "Children, go back, I'll come and see you, but it can't affect your normal class, send jun thousands of miles, and eventually there will be a difference." I don't remember what was said later, I only knew that I pushed them into the teaching building, and when they turned up the stairs, they all raised their hands to say goodbye, my nose was a little sour, but I knew that my face was still smiling.

Turning around and leaving, the fresh sky was exceptionally fresh, the sun was shining warmly on me, and I took a step, leaving my figure behind.

Goodbye, kids! This time, we really can only say goodbye, may each of my children have a good tomorrow...

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