
When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

author:Wen Chen Guoxue

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan died in 1989, he single-handedly launched the War of Aggression against China and the Pacific War, resulting in the tragic deaths of tens of millions of innocent people in China and more than a dozen countries in the Pacific region.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

He then surrendered to the Allies on behalf of Japan, retaining the imperial system while becoming a puppet of the United States.

It is said that such an executioner, who had luckily escaped the trial, should have been buried in a low-key manner, but the Japanese government was preparing to hold a grand funeral for him after the death of Emperor Hirohito, and even sent an invitation letter to our country.

However, for Japan's invitation, our country only replied with 4 words.

So what are the 4 words that my government replied to? Why was Emperor Hirohito able to escape punishment and even be buried as a Leader of the Axis Powers?

After the end of World War II, the major Allies demanded sanctions against Japan, and those like Australia, who had a more assertive attitude, even directly demanded the execution of all war criminals, including the Japanese emperor.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

After all, the fascist leader Hitler swallowed a gun and committed suicide, and Mussolini even threw his body on the square, allowing passers-by to spit on him at will, and Japan's Emperor Hirohito accepted sanctions.

Unfortunately, the United States was unwilling, because the United States at that time wanted to take over the "cake" of Japan, and did not want to spend too much price.

At that time, once the Japanese emperor was executed, the Japanese people were bound to riot, and unless the US military stationed 1 million troops on the Japanese island for a long time, they did not want to live in peace, and Emperor Hirohito was able to save his life.

So why did the Japanese people become so fanatical about Emperor Showa? The answer lies in three words:

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

According to statistics, the emperor system has been passed down in Japan for at least 1500 years so far, from the first emperor to the current Emperor Naruhito, they are all in the same line, have direct blood relations, and have never changed dynasties, which can be called "one lineage of ten thousand generations", which shows the binding force of the emperor system.

In Japanese mythology, the emperor is the descendant of the god Amaterasu and a symbol of divine power, and because of this, the Japanese people and officials cannot question his authority, whether the emperor is faint or wise.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

Even in the shogunate era when the shoguns were the masters, those shoguns did not dare to despise the emperor who was on the sidelines of power, and secretly made a tripwire, but on the surface they still had to be particularly respected.

The so-called unveiling of the pole and the establishment of another blue sky in Japan will not work, the Japanese do not recognize only the bloodline, no matter how hard your gun is, how thick the money is, there is no bloodline handed down by Emperor Shenmu.

The most typical example here is that when the previous generation of Emperor Akihito performed surgery, the blood drawn during his operation was his own, just to ensure that the blood was "pure and noble", which is ridiculous.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

However, Hirohito's ability to survive the background of defeat is inseparable from Hirohito's own calculations and those of the United States.

Because it is the product of the marriage of close relatives, Hirohito has exposed some inferior genetics since childhood, such as the inflexibility of the fingers of the right hand, and the congenital myopia.

Because Japan had begun to be full of militaristic ideas at that time, Hirohito was fostered in the home of Vice Admiral Junyoshi Kawamura from an early age to cultivate the character of Shangwu.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

When he was formally educated, the army general Nogi Yoshinori, who was responsible for teaching him, knew that this general, known as the "meat bomb general", had shined in the Russo-Japanese War, which showed the direction of Emperor Meiji's education of Hirohito.

And the reason why Hirohito later launched the war of aggression against China and the Pacific War,

Originally, Hirohito had a chance to get rid of militaristic ideas, after all, his teacher Nogi Yoshinori was martyred after the death of Emperor Meiji, and he himself entered the Togu Imperial Academy for seven years.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

Unfortunately, he later met the Japanese army general Togo Heihachirō, who had more militaristic ideas than Nogi Yoshinori, which led Hirohito to go further and further down the path of militarism.

In 1921, at the age of 20, Hirohito made a trip to Europe, where he learned not only about the political structure of the West, but also about a fairly rich military knowledge.

By this time he had shown a keen interest in war, the most typical proof of which was that he brought back a bust of Napoleon from Napoleon's cemetery and placed it in his study.

Later, after successively gaining the allegiance of young Japanese officers such as Nagata Tetsuyama, Toshishiro Obata, and Ninji Okamura, he initially formed his own political team and gradually exposed his ambitions.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

After he officially ascended the throne in 1926, he immediately turned his attention to northeast China, and because the northeastern warlord Zhang Zuolin was unwilling to cooperate with his actions, he used the cabinet to hint that the Kwantung Army assassinated Zhang Zuolin and began to lay out in northeast China.

By 1936, Hirohito had basically completed the control of domestic forces, directly changing the original "Emperor of Japan" to "Emperor of the Great Japanese Empire", with unprecedented ambitions and a full-scale invasion of China the following year.

Later, many people said that Hirohito had hardly refuted any of the military's proposals, which showed that he was only a puppet of the military department and that the responsibility for the all-out war of aggression against China did not lie with him.

In fact, this was completely to excuse him, because at that time, Hirohito had already seized the military and political power in the country, and the people he did not like could not serve in the army at all, and the resolutions he did not want to see could not be handed to him on the table at all, and the responsibility for the war of aggression against China should be borne by Hirohito.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

Although Hirohito was full of ambitions and had a good idea of rectifying the domestic situation, it was clear that his ability was not worthy of his ambitions, and the Japanese army was mired in the quagmire of war because of his misjudgment, and instead of thinking about introspection, he began to complain about his staff.

This was especially evident in 1941, when Hirohito realized that this was a war that was bound to be lost.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

In 1945, the war of aggression against China ended in defeat, and Hirohito continued to enjoy the honor of emperor because of the imperial system, although he was lucky enough to save his life, but in fact he had lost the right to control the country, to some extent, it was also self-inflicted, but he did not get the trial he deserved, which made people feel some regret.

After Japan's surrender, the United States also played a role in it.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

As early as when MacArthur led his troops to station in Japan, the Japanese emperor actually had a group of die-hard loyalists around him, but Emperor Hirohito did not let this group of people go to fight against the American soldiers, but ordered them to surrender their weapons.

In this way, MacArthur did not have the opportunity to get rid of the Japanese emperor in the conflict, and it is said that they later reached some secret personal agreements, and MacArthur would help Japan retain the emperor system, but it is not clear from now.

Regardless of whether the so-called transaction exists, but the United States retaining the imperial system can be said to be a hidden evil.

Although on the surface, the imperial system has not changed, in fact its core has been changed by the United States, completing the transition from a dual constitutional monarchy to a three-power parliamentary system.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

It turned out that Japan's political system belonged to the combination of feudal remnants and the modern bourgeoisie, which was initially stipulated in the Japanese Constitution in 1889 and was one of the roots of Japan's military path.

In today's Japan, the emperor has become a symbol of the state, similar to the nature of the British queen, in essence, Japan has completely embarked on the path of the Western bourgeoisie, through the parliament and cabinet to frame the "separation of powers".

Under the design of the United States and the "blessing" of the Japanese emperor system, Hirohito did not receive the punishment he deserved, until 1987, when he underwent pancreatic surgery after a problem with his digestive system, but was diagnosed with duodenal cancer, and has been ill ever since.

When Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed away, he invited my country to attend the funeral, and our country responded with 4 words: Face history squarely

He died on January 7, 1989 at the Age of 87 at the Furigami Imperial Palace.

Because Sino-Japanese relations had already broken the ice at that time, Japan also sent an invitation to our country to attend Hirohito's funeral, and out of the style of a big country, we still sent people.

Indeed, if we want to seek common development, Japan must first face history squarely and face up to the mistakes they made in the past, and only in this way can it turn a new page in history.

And what about Japan now? Leaving aside the revision of history books and the distortion of history, and the inability to admit the mistakes of the past, Japan will eventually pay for its short-sightedness.

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