
"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

author:Craftsman Watch account

With her amazing makeup technology, she restored the classic role of China's classical mythological work "Shan Hai Jing", and was excitedly praised by countless netizens as "Shan Hai Jing Girl".

From zero to hundred, from nothing to a million followers, she went bankrupt several times and did not give up her dreams. This talented girl is the ancient style blogger Jia Ling.

She led her team through thousands of days and months, visited countless cities, and witnessed Jialing's persistence and efforts in the journey of tens of thousands of kilometers, and he restored a fantasy and magnificent monster world for us. Tell the story of the craftsman, taste the ingenuity of the unique luck, spread the Chinese civilization, this issue of the ziya child fun craftsman observation, will take you to understand the story of the ancient style blogger JiaLing.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

Jialing was born in an ordinary family in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, and when she was a child, like other little girls, she learned and played step by step. Because the family conditions are not bad, her parents do not have too high expectations for her, and only hope that she will be happy and healthy to live this life. Therefore, as long as this little girl carefully completes her extracurricular homework, the rest of the time can be completely allocated by herself.

The turning point of the matter occurred in an ordinary library in Changzhou, and JiaLing, who was still in middle school, went to the library with her friends to read books. At that time, she did not have any specific goals, and wandered aimlessly in the library.

Just then, a book with a unique cover caught her attention. Jia Ling approached the bookshelf and took down the book she wanted, only to find that this was the legendary "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

When we were in elementary school and junior high school, we must have all learned the story of our father's day by day and Jingwei reclamation. The love story of the white fox in Qingqiu is often seen in the TV series that occasionally accompanies mom and dad to chase.

Even the dragon ornaments on the door, the phoenix totem in Hubei, and the legendary hungry beasts that scare children can be seen everywhere in our daily lives. Most people are familiar with these cultural symbols, but few people know that they all come from the fantasy setting of the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

Therefore, when the book was transferred from the bookshelf to Jia Ling's hands, she was immediately immersed in this colorful world. The language that is obscure to most people is slowly concretized in the mind of the family and becomes a vivid picture. Just like Lu Xun was addicted to the picture book of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Jia Ling was also attracted to the whole heart of this book.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

This young girl is like a farmer who saw the heavens fall on Ganlin in the three years of the drought, and she is hungry to understand the folklore, myths, medicines, and so on depicted in the book. The specific and vivid depiction of various strange divine beasts is a perfect poke at the point that this girl likes. At that time, a small seed sprouted in Jia ling's heart, and she wanted to introduce such a beautiful thing to people all over the world.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

Unfortunately, Jialing was just an ordinary middle school student, and the main task in life was to learn the knowledge in the textbook and get a good result. At that time, she did not have the ability and capital to realize the ideal in her heart. The only thing Jia Ling could do was to collect and read the different versions of the Shan Hai Sutra, and then put them away and wait for an appropriate time. The little girl finished high school and college step by step, and after graduation, she went to a gym to become a fitness instructor.

The dream of that year was silent in my heart, but I did not expect to meet two other friends who loved ancient culture. The little seed also began to sprout slowly, driving her to pursue her young dreams.

At the beginning of 2018, Jialing quit her job and took all her wealth with her friends to embark on the arduous road of interpreting the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". They collected all the published editions of the Classic of Mountains and Seas that could be found on the market and compared them one by one, and then carefully crafted them step by step, slowly depicting the desired image. Among them, the most typical case is the "Gluttony" filmed in 18 years.

On the surface, Jia Ling after makeup is not particularly good-looking, but every point is trying to fit the image depicted in the book, rather than simply for beauty. Just like when filming "Gluttony", one of the four fierce beasts in China, in order to show the characteristics of the fierce beasts, he not only had to paint a special pattern with watercolor on his face, but sometimes even needed to connect many impermeable silicone gels in the nose, forehead and other places to fill the face.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

Many times, it takes 6 to 8 hours for just one makeup to complete, not to mention the specially created costumes and accessories. During the filming of the food, in order to have enough time, Jialing got up at five o'clock in the morning. But by the time I put on my makeup and prepared all the decorations, the time had already reached ten o'clock in the morning unconsciously.

It was then that their team began to turn their dreams into reality, and they were not very familiar with both filming and other tasks. Therefore, even though I had been preparing for more than a month, when I actually arrived at the shooting site of Damo Cave in Chongqing, I was still in a hurry. This time, they basically spent the whole day, busy until late at night before they finished their work and came home.

Makeup is very complicated and trivial, and makeup removal is not too much. Even more fatal is the damage to the face caused by long-term makeup shooting. Many girls choose foundation liquid will be more inclined to herbal essence, harmless ingredients. However, Jialing's dress can only use a lot of pigments, oil paints and other items, and even the silicone pasted on the face needs to be melted with a special anti-gelant to complete the makeup removal. Often photographed throughout the day, Jia Ling's face has been smothered by oil paint with many small acne.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

The aroma of wine is not afraid of the deep alley, on October 16, 2018, as soon as "Gluttony" was issued, it triggered a new trend. In just one week, the video has more than 880,000 likes, which is an excellent data that inspires Jialing and their team, and gives them the motivation to continue to create. Unfortunately, Jia Ling, who has been asking for live shooting, slowly spent all the funds in her work reserves and could not make ends meet. Forced to post a video to say goodbye to her fans.

Fortunately, jialing's mother, who has always loved Jialing, accompanied her to cheer him up, and fans who love their videos have also left messages of encouragement, and even took the initiative to ask her to take the advertisement and contact the business for her.

Looking at the support of so many fans, Jialing was also very moved. I didn't expect my little hobby to resonate with so many viewers. After several twists and turns, she still decided to grit her teeth and live up to the expectations of her fans.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

Soon after, the legendary "Dry Fish", which will cause a great drought in the world once it appears, the "Tengu" that eats the moon in ancient legends, and even the "Xiangliu", "Harvest" and "Lingyu", which are not well understood by the audience, all appear in front of the audience in Jialing's skillful dress. In the middle of the mountain, there was a snake dressed in black, holding a white umbrella and walking slowly; a Buddha statue with its back to it, flowers in hand, a green cultivator who stopped in front of the temple, and so on. In a few years, Jialing led her team to walk through the streets and alleys of the motherland, cultural relics and monuments. The mythical Queen Mother of the West, the blue bird that appears many times in the poem, seems to have crossed the ancient books and stepped out of the books.

"Classic of Mountains and Seas" girl Jialing: real-life hardcore interpretation, restoring the fantasy world of mountains and seas

It is also because of the support of fans that Jialing can firmly believe to this day. Nowadays, in order to meet the wishes of her fans, she has worked tirelessly to reproduce various antiquities in the highly popular historical mythological novel "Dumb House" for them, which has aroused the admiration of countless fans.

When it rained heavily in Henan in July this year, Jialing's team also immediately decided to raise materials and send them to Xinxiang, Henan Province, to help more people with their own strength.

The beloved mountains and seas, mountains and seas can be leveled. As long as you have a dream and insist on working hard for it, people and people can bloom their own colors, just like Jialing today. Have the ability, have the idea, practice it, and you'll make your dreams come true.

Jia Ling's story is here, do you have any childhood dreams that you want to achieve? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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