
Li Hongwu and his party went deep into the Heyang County Public Security Bureau to supervise and inspect the work of sweeping away organized crime and eliminating evil forces

author:Heyang Rong Media Center

On November 18, Li Hongwu, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Yang Zhiyong, executive deputy secretary of the County Political and Legal Committee, and their party went to the Heyang County Public Security Bureau to supervise and inspect the normalization of the struggle against organized crime and evil forces.

Li Hongwu and his party went deep into the Heyang County Public Security Bureau to supervise and inspect the work of sweeping away organized crime and eliminating evil forces

During the inspection, Zhang Hongwei, deputy director of the county public security bureau and director of the anti-gang crime office, made a detailed report to the inspection team on the arrangements and deployment, implementation of responsibilities, mechanism operation, launch publicity, verification of clues, case investigation and handling, and rectification of the four major industries and fields in 2021, showing the effectiveness of the Normalization of Heyang Public Security's anti-gang crime and anti-evil work, analyzing existing problems, and clarifying the direction of the future normalization of the anti-crime and anti-evil struggle.

Li Hongwu and his party went deep into the Heyang County Public Security Bureau to supervise and inspect the work of sweeping away organized crime and eliminating evil forces

After the report, Secretary Li Hongwu conscientiously inspected the various systems and ledger materials of the county bureau's anti-gang crime office, focused on the clues concluded this year, the cases investigated and handled, and the rectification situation in the four major industries and fields, and fully affirmed the Heyang County Public Security Bureau's work implementation and the results of the crackdown. He pointed out that public security organs are the main force in the normalization of the struggle against organized crime and evil forces, and they must conscientiously carry out the work of eliminating criminal syndicates and eliminating evil forces from the high plane of stressing politics, earnestly unify their thinking and actions with the spirit of the general secretary's important instructions and the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee, struggle against the criminal syndicates and evil forces to the end, and ensure that urban and rural areas are more peaceful and the masses are happier.

Li Hongwu and his party went deep into the Heyang County Public Security Bureau to supervise and inspect the work of sweeping away organized crime and eliminating evil forces

Deputy Secretary Yang Zhiyong gave feedback on the supervision and inspection of the anti-gang crime eradication work and put forward five opinions on the future work: First, it is necessary to step up the establishment of a long-term mechanism for normalizing the work of eliminating organized crime and eliminating evil forces, especially the establishment of a long-term mechanism in the field of information networks, to ensure that the rectification work in this field is carried out in depth; second, it is necessary to speed up the progress of the verification of clues and ensure that every clue can be checked and reported in a timely manner under the premise of completing the verification of clues with high quality; third, it is necessary to increase publicity and guidance, and the special struggle to eliminate organized crime and evil forces has come to an end, but the end is not the collection of troops. It is necessary to continue to set off a powerful propaganda upsurge and form the concept that the broad masses of the people do not dare, do not want to, and cannot break the law; fourth, we must intensify the normalization of the crackdown, have zero tolerance for the criminal and evil forces, and crack down on the criminal and evil forces as soon as possible and take advantage of the small, so as to nip the criminal and evil forces in the bud and ensure the stability of the overall situation of public order; fifth, we must speed up the strengthening of the foundation, strengthen the professional contingent for sweeping away the criminal syndicates and eliminating the evil forces, and ensure that the organs are not withdrawn, the contingent is not scattered, and the personnel are not reduced, so as to realize normal operation; strengthen the basic ledger materials, ensure that the data are standardized, the entries are clear, and the content is full; and strengthen the equipment In particular, the equipment of the people's police in investigating and handling cases involving criminal syndicates and evil forces should be strengthened, and at the same time, the vehicles and funds needed for handling cases should be guaranteed in place.

Li Hongwu and his party went deep into the Heyang County Public Security Bureau to supervise and inspect the work of sweeping away organized crime and eliminating evil forces

In response to the feedback, Deputy Director Zhang Hongwei said that he accepted all the orders and took the opportunity of this supervision and inspection to put forward four requirements for the future anti-gang crime and anti-evil work: First, conscientiously check the inspection situation, check for leaks and fill in the gaps, and strengthen the shortcomings and basic work; second, establish and improve a long-term mechanism for the struggle against organized crime and evil forces as soon as possible, and ensure the normal operation of all work in the anti-crime and anti-evil work; third, the anti-organized crime and anti-evil work is a political task, and the work should be meticulous and in-depth, and it should be meticulous and solid in the aspects of clue verification, case investigation, and basic ledgers. Fourth, the bureau's party committee attaches great importance to the struggle against organized crime and evil forces, and will continue to increase investment in people, money, and materials in the future to ensure the orderly development of all work in the work of sweeping away criminal syndicates and eliminating evil forces.

Contributed | Kangbo

Edited | ZHANG Qian

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