
How cruel can the ancients do to avenge the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts? Charcoal-swallowing disfigurement has made a hero of the ages

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After the master was killed by the enemy, in order to repay the favor of knowing the encounter, the ancients avenged the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts.

How cruel can the ancients do to avenge the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts? Charcoal-swallowing disfigurement has made a hero of the ages

Yu Rang

In 453 BC, the Jin state, one of the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, was in turmoil and died in name only, and the Zhi clan, as one of the four secretaries, was destroyed by the joint efforts of the three families of Han Zhao and Wei, and the family was destroyed for a while. Those who survived could not wait to swear allegiance to the new lord, but there was a doorman who secretly swore in his heart to avenge the family lord Zhibo for the sake of chivalry in his heart.

Yu Rang, a native of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, was a vassal of Zhi Boyao, the zhengqing of the Jin Dynasty. The three families of Zhao Wei and Han joined forces to attack the lord of the family that Yu Rang served, Zhi BoYao, who was killed after the defeat of the army, but Yu Rang, who was a courtier, survived, and Yu Rang did not swear an oath to the new lord, let alone escape from it. He made a decision to make himself famous in the history of Qingshi, and he decided to fight alone to avenge the head of the family, Zhi Boyao, and assassinate his enemy Zhao Xiangzi. According to historical records, Yu Rang had repeatedly assassinated Zhao Xiangzi without success, and was eventually captured and killed by Zhao Xiangzi.

How cruel can the ancients do to avenge the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts? Charcoal-swallowing disfigurement has made a hero of the ages

Yu Rang image in film and television dramas

If things are so simple, it is certainly not enough for Yu Rang to leave a mark on the history books. So let's see, how cruel can Yu Rang be in order to avenge the owner of the family? How persistent can you have the conviction to achieve the name of a hero throughout the ages? Yu Rang considered that the first thing was to hide his name, change his name and change his surname, so that the public would first forget his own existence. When the situation gradually calmed down, Yu Rang found an opportunity, and he found a job in the palace toilet. After that, Yu Rang would hide a dagger with him every day while cleaning the toilet, waiting for his enemy Zhao Xiangzi to appear at any time. Although he endured the humiliation and burden, the end was an opportunity, and Yu Rang was also arrested. After losing his hand, Yu Rang, under the interrogation of Zhao Xiangzi, said frankly and bluntly, I just want to kill you to avenge the owner of the family. In the face of such a frank answer, Zhao Xiangzi was greatly moved, believing that Yu Rang was a righteous soldier who knew how to repay the favor and released him on the spot.

According to the development of the matter, since the assassination failed and alarmed the enemy, Yu Rang could give up. However, Yu Rang is biased. Since Zhao Xiangzi already knew that he was going to assassinate him, it would not help to change his name and surname. This time, Yu Rang came more fiercely, swallowing charcoal to make himself dumb and covering up his voice. He was painted all over his body and changed his appearance. In the end, the plastic surgery was completed, and the parents did not know themselves anymore. Then Yu Rang hid on the only way for Zhao Xiangzi to go out, ready to take advantage of his lack of preparation and kill him in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, Yu Rang did not have the aura of the male protagonist in the film and television drama, and just when he was ready to shoot, Zhao Xiangzi's horse was shocked. Zhao Xiangzi ordered his entourage to search, and the results were predictable, and Yu Rang was arrested again.

How cruel can the ancients do to avenge the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts? Charcoal-swallowing disfigurement has made a hero of the ages

Yu rang to swallow charcoal

The fire of revenge of Yu Rang not only did not extinguish with continuous failure, but burned more and more vigorously. Later, he came up with various ways to assassinate Zhao Xiangzi. This constant assassination, the constant arrest, finally exhausted Zhao Xiangzi's patience, so Zhao Xiangzi decided to kill Yu Rang.

After a series of assassination attempts, Yu Rang was arrested again. This time, when he knew that Zhao Xiangzi was going to kill himself, he did not wag his tail and beg for mercy. He made a request to Zhao Xiangzi: "The Ming Lord does not hide the beauty of people, and the loyal subjects have the righteousness of death, and this time I confessed my fate." But before you die, can you take off your clothes and let me stab them, as if you have already avenged Zhibo. Zhao Xiangzi was deeply affected by it, so he took off his clothes, Yu Rang drew his sword, stabbed hard, Yu Rang was relieved, and there was no regret in this life. He avenged the owner of the house in this way, so he crossed his sword, shouted, "I have finally avenged the Zhibo under the Nine Springs", and then resolutely killed himself.

How cruel can the ancients do to avenge the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts? Charcoal-swallowing disfigurement has made a hero of the ages

Yu let the thorn clothes repay the favor of the lord of the house

Let's go back and look at Yu Rang again, some people may say that Yu Rang is a bit stupid for persistence, why he can't think of assassinating Zhao Xiangzi, especially the failures again and again, it is reasonable to say that it is enough to express his loyalty and righteousness. But Yu Rang said, "A soldier dies for a confidant, and a woman is for those who please herself." Zhi Boyao has the grace of knowing me, and if I can't avenge him, then I am ashamed of my conscience. ”

How cruel can the ancients do to avenge the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts? Charcoal-swallowing disfigurement has made a hero of the ages

Yu Rang killed himself

Yu Rang used his own way, his own faith, and his own persistence to avenge Zhi Boyao, not only touching the enemy, but also gaining the respect of the Zhao people, and was highly respected by later rulers.

After the story is told, let's go back and explore whether Yu Rang's disfigurement and wounding way of avenging the Lord is worthy of admiration. And what can make such a person leave a name in history.

Han Feizi believes that in order to repay the favor, Yu Rang's extreme method of swallowing charcoal and disfiguring has touched the public and seems to sacrifice himself for righteousness, but in fact it is meaningless. If the rulers promote this spirit, it will affect the stability of the country.

"Han Feizi Rape and Robbery of the Courtiers" says: If Fu Yu is a Wise Minister, he cannot say that the Lord of Man makes him understand the principle of magic and degree, so as to avoid the troubles of disasters, and he cannot lead his people to secure his country. And Xiangzi's killing of Zhi Boye, Yu Rang nai is self-defeating, defeating his description, thinking that Zhi Bo's revenge on Xiangzi is that although he has been brutally killed in the name of the lord of man, it is really not beneficial to Zhi Bo ruoqiu. This is said to be a useless subject, and I have gone away with what I have, and the Lord of the world has more and asks for it.

Sima Qian recorded in detail the story of Yu Rang's revenge for Zhi Bo in the Chronicle of the Assassins in the Chronicle of assassins, as a sign of recognition of Yu Rang. In the Tang Dynasty, people also held a praise attitude towards Yu Rang, and many poets wrote poems to mourn Yu Rang.

Hu Zengyong's "Yu Rang Bridge": "Yu Rang has been rewarded for many years, and his high name is immortal to this day." Every year the bridge was crossed by pedestrians, who had the heart of the national soldiers at that time. Zhou Tan's "Yu Rang": "The door Hakka courtiers are righteous and cannot rest when they swallow charcoal." The Zhongxing Zhi Bosi is different, and the guoshi is paid for the final period of the national soldier. ”

In the Song Dynasty, scholars also had many positive meanings.

Wang Yinglin's "Chronicles of Sleepy Studies" volume 11 says: "Yu Zi did not act in vain, killed himself without repentance, resisted the festival and became loyal, and acted out of the ranks, but he was placed between the four sons, and did not he also smoke the common instrument?" Su Rui's "Ancient History": "Du Yu Rang, repaying Zhao Xiangzi for the old king, has the righteousness of revenge." ”

How cruel can the ancients do to avenge the Lord for the sake of chivalry in their hearts? Charcoal-swallowing disfigurement has made a hero of the ages

Yu Rang Bridge

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Yu Rang was also admired as a loyal and righteous man in literary works and dramas. The king treats me as a confidant, and I return the favor as a confidant; the way of swallowing charcoal and disfiguring, disguised and ambushing, and constantly carrying out assassination and revenge is a spiritual and moral pursuit, although the historical praise and depreciation of this persistent behavior are different, but from the large number of praise works in later generations and the remembrance of today's people, it is enough to prove his name as a chivalrous guest throughout the ages. So, the question is, in your mind, how do you think that Yu Rang's behavior is such?


1. "History of assassins", by Sima Qian, Western Han Dynasty

2. "Research on the Evolution of Yu Rang's Image", Li Lu, Qufu Normal University, 2014

3. "Feeling Yu Rang Bao Zhi Bo", Wu Hanqing, Southern Journal, 1999

A small master's degree in history, with you to explore those inadvertent moments in the long river of history. Insist on using popular and interesting expressions to show people and events in history that are worth pondering and recalling. Love the history, welcome to follow me.

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