
Sichuan Zigong, the hometown of dinosaurs, the thousand-year-old salt capital, the southern light city, do you dare to come?

author:Xiaohui said film and television 520

Zigong can be said to be the homeland of dinosaurs. Zigong has a history of salt production in 2000 and 70 years. In 1939, in the 28th year of the Republic of China, the Nationalist government approved the establishment of Zigong as the earliest city in Sichuan Province. It is one of the provincial capitals and industrial centers, and one of the first 23 administrative cities in China. Zigong is the first large city in southern Sichuan with a population of 1 million.

Sichuan Zigong, the hometown of dinosaurs, the thousand-year-old salt capital, the southern light city, do you dare to come?

The central city in southern Sichuan is known as the land of dinosaurs. In the early 1970s, Huang Jianguo, a scientific and technological officer of the Second Geological Brigade of the Ministry of Geology, and others found biological fossils in the exposed rock formations next to the Zigong Dashan Slope Highway in Sichuan Province. It was later confirmed that it was a dinosaur fossil. Since then, Chinese archaeologists have gathered in this mountainous and secluded land, where large fossil veins have been found, identifying it as a treasure trove of fossils. In October 1977, a complete dinosaur fossil weighing 40 tons was unveiled to the shocked crowd. Two years later, an oil worker blasted rocks on a nearby hillside to build a parking lot, creating a stunning scene. Dinosaur fossils piled up.

Sichuan Zigong, the hometown of dinosaurs, the thousand-year-old salt capital, the southern light city, do you dare to come?

One of the wonders of the world is the discovery of huge dinosaur swarms. After preliminary excavations, more than 300 boxes of dinosaur fossils were unearthed in Dashanpu, including more than 200 dinosaur individuals and 18 relatively complete skeletons. Extremely rare skeleton killer. These treasures have aroused great interest from scientists at home and abroad, who come to conduct field research. Judging from the dinosaur fossils in Oyamapo, dinosaurs are not all huge. It is 20 meters long and weighs 40 tons. The main dragon also has a bird beaked bird that is only 1.4 meters long and 0.7 meters high. Regardless of their size, they are neither bulky nor energetic. Heart clotting. Dinosaur intelligence is also relatively developed, the average brain IQ of stegosaurus is 0.56, and the average brain IQ of horned and dragons is about 0.80.

Sichuan Zigong, the hometown of dinosaurs, the thousand-year-old salt capital, the southern light city, do you dare to come?

There are more than 5 carnivorous Rex Tyrannosaurus and Dinosaurs. Probably because they wanted a simple vegetarian dinosaur, not a dinosaur without a high IQ. Although dinosaurs had lower body temperatures and fewer stripes on their bodies than modern mammals, they did not hibernate and had no feathers. Speeds exceed four miles per hour. So scientists think they're warm-blooded, not cold-blooded like lizards. It is estimated that these dinosaurs were buried underground about 160 million years ago. Under hypoxic conditions, by consolidation of siltous rocks. The displacement of the sky forms a petrification effect. What fossils are the fossils we see now that caused the dinosaurs to die here? The view is that at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 70 million years ago, another strong crustal movement occurred, and the Sichuan Basin continued to rise. In the shallow autumn, the water begins to dry up, and the water on the street rises from the Sichuan Basin, forming a unique natural environment, which is in stark contrast to the Zigong region. It was a large pond where dinosaurs floated until they died.

Sichuan Zigong, the hometown of dinosaurs, the thousand-year-old salt capital, the southern light city, do you dare to come?

Another view is that at the end of the Cretaceous period, the earth was generally cold, the temperature difference between day and night increased, and the seasons changed with the emergence of dinosaurs adapting to the tropical environment. You can't freeze like a snake or a lizard, or you can't hide in a cave wall like a fur animal. As a result, these masters of the earth were punished by the cold of nature. The above controversies have also cast a mysterious veil over the mystery of the death of dinosaurs.

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