
Poles and Russians hate each other day and day, and hate each other in three rivers and four seas

author:A donkey living in the moment

Poles and Russians belong to the same Slavs, and they all speak of the same origin, even using the same script, but the relationship between the two countries is very stiff. The hatred of the Poles against the Russians is like the hatred of the Japanese in our Chinese, which can be said to be a hatred of one day and two places, and the hatred of the three rivers and the four seas is intolerable. Why did two neighboring countries of the same clan become like this, and we can only blame the Russians for not treating poles as brothers and bullying others all day long, and the three times in history Poland has been destroyed by Russians.

The first fall of Poland

In 1764, Empress Katerina II of Russia, in order to control Poland, raised her lover Stanisław August Poniatowski to the throne of the King of the Polish Noble Republic. In 1768, opposition forces in Poland launched an armed seizure of power, and King Stanisław relied on Russian strength to quell the rebellion, but Russia, Prussia, and Austria occupied parts of Poland under the pretext of helping Poland maintain order. In 1793, Russia promised to guarantee the territorial integrity of Poland, so Stanisław II surrendered to Russia and shared 300,000 square kilometers of Poland with Russia and Prussia. In 1794, the patriotic general Kościuszko launched an anti-Russian uprising in Kraków, but failed due to a disparity in strength. In 1795, Russia, Prussia and Austria divided Poland again, and the Polish noble republic fell.

Poles and Russians hate each other day and day, and hate each other in three rivers and four seas

Partition of Poland

The second fall of Poland

In 1807, the Principality of Warsaw was established, and although the Principality of Warsaw was a vassal state of the Napoleonic regime, the Poles saw it as a hope for the revival of the motherland. The Poles pinned their hopes for restoration on the Napoleonic Wars, with 100,000 Poles following Napoleon, and with Napoleon's defeat, the Principality of Warsaw collapsed. In 1815, Russia, Prussia, and Austria carved up the Principality of Warsaw at the Congress of Vienna, where Tsar Alexander I of Russia was crowned King of Poland. Tsarist Russia imposed bloody rule in Poland and suppressed the resistance of the Polish people, but the wave of uprisings in the Russian-occupied areas never stopped.

Poles and Russians hate each other day and day, and hate each other in three rivers and four seas


The third subjugation of Poland

In November 1918, the Provisional People's Government of the Republic of Poland was established, and Poland was finally officially restored after 123 years of subjugation. After the First World War, in order to solve the problem of going to sea, Poland claimed a small geographical area of Germany, the "Polish Corridor", but the "Polish Corridor" isolated Germany itself from East Prussia, and Hitler was ready to take back the "Polish Corridor" by force after coming to power. Hitler expected that Britain and France would not help Poland, but he was afraid that the Soviet Union would stand with Britain and France, and that they would definitely prevent him from attacking Poland together, so Hitler took the initiative to win the Soviet Union over. After the German blitzkrieg against Poland, the Soviet Union declared that in order to protect the interests of the Ukrainian and Belarusian minorities, it decided to enter the eastern part of Poland, but in fact, the Soviet Union had already secretly signed the "Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact" with the Germans, promising Germany that it would not help Poland, so the German army dared to blatantly invade Poland. However, the Soviet Union never recognized the signing of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, and even after the end of World War II, the Allies seized the text of the treaty in Germany, and the Soviet side repeatedly claimed that it was forged.

Poles and Russians hate each other day and day, and hate each other in three rivers and four seas

Polish location

Although the Soviet Union and Germany were ideologically opposed, they were surprisingly consistent in the partition of Poland. The Soviet Union believed that Poland was a bourgeois state, an enemy of the working class, and that the enemy should be exterminated, so the Polish elite, officials, etc. were executed by Stalin. In April 1943, 4,400 bodies were found in the Katyn Forest in Smolensk, all bound with their hands behind their backs, of Polish officers including nine generals who had been shot by the Soviets. In addition to the Executed Poles, about 1 million other Poles were exiled to the bitter cold of Siberia.

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