
5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

author:Blueberry entertainment sauce

Note: The order is not rank...

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Luo Yunxi was born in 1988 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, because his father was a dance teacher, Luo Yunxi studied ballet for 11 years. When he was a child, Luo Yunxi was very outstanding, and the neighbors would praise him for his handsome appearance when they saw him!

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Later, luo Yunxi, with his handsome appearance and excellent dance skills, was admitted to the "Shanghai Theater Academy" to study ballet. After graduation, Luo Yunxi officially debuted and formed JBOY3 as a trainee, but unfortunately the group only lasted for two years and then disbanded. 随后‬罗云熙开始拍摄电视剧,而最让人们激动的便‬是罗云熙的古装戏了!

He was once the "little fish fairy" Runyu in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost", and his fresh and unworldly temperament in the play is extraordinary... Every look in your eyes is heart-pounding!

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...


Beautiful appearance can resist all evil forces...

In "White Hair", Luo Yunxi played the "Emperor of Xiqi" Rong Qi, who was majestic and cold, and he was proud.

The extremes of his personality make Luo Yunxi act decisively and gentlely and considerately, and under Luo Yunxi's weak and dark appearance, there is also a heart that longs to be loved.

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

而‬在‬《月上重火》中饰演‬“谷主”上官透,罗云熙‬也是如清风一般轻盈透彻,细腻入微! People can't help but fall in love with him...

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...


有人说‬罗云熙的美有种明媚般的温柔,他扮演的人物无论多黑暗总是让人心生怜悯。 这‬或许‬‬和罗云熙颜值高有很大‬的关系......

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

任嘉伦1989年出生于山东省青岛市,早些年任嘉伦‬是一名运动员,6岁时开始‬学习乒乓球,初中时‬还‬进过山东省省队,但是因为‬后来负伤了,任嘉伦‬不得不‬遗憾的退役了! 其实‬任嘉伦并非科班出身‬,是因为他‬喜欢跳舞,去‬参加了《先声夺金,唱响亚运》,而获得了全国前‬八强的好名次,从‬而踏进的演艺圈......

Ren Jialun's achievements today are directly proportional to his efforts. And Ren Jialun's costume drama is also a must, and every TV series he has starred in is very popular with the audience.

In "Tongtian Di Renjie", Ren Jialun became popular with the "Divine Judgment" Di Renjie!

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...


5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...


5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

The recently released "Zhou Sheng Ru Gu" and "One Life" Ren Jialun also did not know how many people cried, and in ancient times, Zhou Shengchen was domineering and tender.

Living up to the world's only eleven, Ren Jialun's calmness is mixed with his own charm...
5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Ren Jialun's costume drama not only has a prosperous beauty and superb acting skills, he seems to be a beautiful bone and temperament coexist, like a "god".

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Li Yifeng was born in 1987 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, and graduated from the "School of Film and Television of Sichuan Normal University".

Li Yifeng's first impression is that he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, a little melancholy temperament, and Li Yifeng is also a delicate facial features, a proper handsome man, with which Li Yifeng has also gained a lot of female fans...

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

李易峰‬曾经是《古剑奇谭》中的“百里屠苏”,与杨幂合作创下了收视率第一的记录。 这‬也是‬李易峰‬的‬巅峰‬之‬作‬,剧中的他‬一身紫色的装扮略显可爱。

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...


5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...


5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Li Yifeng is one of the earliest batch of costume drama beauties, I really don't know how many girls' hearts li Yifeng has charmed with his extraordinary temperament in those years...

I also hope to see Li Yifeng's other costume drama works! Reach new highs.


5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...




At that time, Lu Han was still a small student of traffic, and it was really reasonable to look at the pictures!
5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

In the play, Lu Han can be said to be absolutely beautiful and unparalleled, not only personable but also smiling like a peach blossom, making people jealous, red lips and white skin, more delicate than women!

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Some people say that Lu Han is simply more beautiful than the female star in the TV series, and she is charming in her bones.

Indeed, once the façade of the combination, Lu Han's appearance will certainly not be bad!
5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Lu Han is a real handsome guy, whether in reality or costume drama, he is the face of the face, Lu Han is the kind of bone skin commensurate, 360 degrees no dead angle of the prosperous beautiful man. It makes people love and envy.

邓伦1992年出生于河北省石家庄市,有“石家庄之光”的‬称号! 之所以‬有‬如此‬荣誉‬,是‬因为‬邓伦‬一直‬都是‬阳光‬灿烂、清新‬脱俗的‬大男孩‬!

这些年邓伦的努力大家都看在眼里,他也凭借《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》中“火凤凰”旭凤一角走‬红‬‬! 在‬剧中‬邓伦‬不知‬虐‬哭了多少‬人。

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

In it, Deng Lun is noble and handsome, and the most characteristic is Deng Lun's Dan Phoenix Eye, which is not only unique but also particularly attractive, but also good and evil!

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

Deng Lun's facial features are clean and good-looking, not only with his own elegant temperament, but also exuding amazement between his eyebrows.

In "The Evolution of the Gods", Deng Lun plays the role of the nine-tailed demon fox, who becomes charming and charming. And that strand of charm is estimated to be only visible to Deng Lun of Dan Feng's eyes...

5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...
His every move, even a look, is like a fox, cunning and evil, but not pretentious!
5 "new generation" costumed beauties: Ren Jialun is a god, Luo Yunxi is absolutely beautiful, Deng Lun is the most evil...

I really can't find a costume drama that is more suitable for charming people than Deng Lun, which has to remind the editor of South Korea's Lee Joon Ki, but Deng Lun's appearance is slightly better...

Well, the above 5 are the most attractive male stars of the costume drama I have found for everyone, and who is the costume male god? Welcome to leave a message to discuss, like to add attention oh...

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