
As the saying goes, "the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for the winter", will this year's winter be cold?

author:Warm south pour record

In ancient China, reading and literacy was not something that everyone could do, especially in the rural areas where resources were scarce, and there were very few people who could read and write. Therefore, the experience accumulated by people in life can only be passed on by word of mouth, which has become a common saying we often say today. So the colloquialism is not only the inheritance of experience, but also the embodiment of another culture.

As the saying goes, "the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for the winter", will this year's winter be cold?

With the development of modern society and the flow of population, the contact between rural and urban areas has become closer. Some traditional customs have been replaced by new things, but the colloquialisms are greatly opposite, which makes many people truly appreciate the essence of traditional culture.

There is a saying that I don't know if you have heard it, "The winter solstice is at the head, freezing the old cow; the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for winter; the winter solstice is at the end, and the big cold is in February." ”

The winter solstice is one of the more important of the twenty-four solar terms, and it represents the coldest time of winter.

As the saying goes, "the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for the winter", will this year's winter be cold?

The winter solstice is at the head, freezing the old cows. That is to say, the winter solstice is at the beginning of the moon, so the winter of this year is very cold, and the old cattle in the family cannot resist the cold and will freeze to death.

The winter solstice is in the middle, and the winter is spent in single clothes. The winter solstice is in the middle of the month, so it indicates that this winter will be a "warm" winter, and literally, this sentence is still a bit exaggerated. After all, China's territory is very vast, the temperature band span is very large, it is more suitable for the warm south, and the cold north is not applicable, but the colloquialism itself is also passed down by word of mouth by the local population, and it is impossible to apply to all regions. However, if the winter solstice is in the middle of the month, the weather will be good throughout the winter can be said to be universal.

As the saying goes, "the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for the winter", will this year's winter be cold?

Take this year's winter solstice, friends who have checked the calendar should know that this year's winter solstice is in the middle of the month, experts have also given the conclusion, this winter cold air impact is weak, the climate will be warm or the same as previous years, so "cold winter" is likely not to appear.

However, although this is convenient for people's daily lives, there will be more problems to be faced in agriculture, whether it is the irrigation of wheat in winter after spring, or the prevention and control of pests and diseases.

As the saying goes, "the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for the winter", will this year's winter be cold?

The winter solstice is at the end, and the great cold is in February. At the end of the winter solstice, the cold sensation will continue until the first and second months of the following year. In fact, this principle is also very simple, take the "number nine songs" we memorized when we were young:

1929 does not shoot, 3949 walks on the ice, 5969, along the river to see the willows, 79 rivers open, 89 swallows come, 99 plus 19, ploughing cattle everywhere.

From the day of the winter solstice, nine days is one nine, and if the winter solstice is at the end of the month, then the positive and February of the next year is exactly three nine forty-nine days. Therefore, there is also a saying in the countryside that "the winter solstice is at the end of the moon, beware of the cold spring".

As the saying goes, "the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for the winter", will this year's winter be cold?

Because of the vast size of our country, the climate of each place is different, so there are many sayings about the winter solstice. These sayings are a summary of the long-term experience of the ancestors, which are not completely accurate, and there will be a probability problem. But there is also a truth to the old saying, and there is still a certain basis for it as a whole.

So, what are some of the sayings about solar terms in your hometown? You are concerned about "the winter solstice is at the head, freezing the old cow; the winter solstice is in the middle, single clothes for the winter; the winter solstice is at the end, and the great cold is in February." What does this saying mean? Let's wait this winter!

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