
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

author:Luoyang Dukang Original Cellar
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

Chinese wine culture has a long history, and its shining style can be seen everywhere in the history of China's 5,000-year civilization. The largest place of origin of China's wine culture is in Luoyang, Henan. Jiang Tong's "Wine Curse" has such a record: "The prosperity of wine is from the Emperor, or Yun Yidi, a Du Kang." There is no end to the meal, the remnants of the empty mulberry, the depressed fruit into the taste, the long-term storage of qi, this is out of this, not by the strange side. "Du Kang represents a generation of wine-making gods.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

During the Three Kingdoms period, The Wei Wu Emperor Cao Cao chanted, "What is the life like a song about wine?" For example, the morning dew, going to the day is more bitter. It is unforgettable to be worried. How to relieve worries, only Du Kang", Du Kang has become a synonym for wine.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

At the same time, Dukang is also a place, more than 40 kilometers away from Luoyang City, More than 40 kilometers away from The Dukang Village of Caidian Township, Ruyang County, which is where dukang once made wine. Du Kang not only brewed the customs and customs of a pure and thick place, but also brewed the ancient Du Kang culture. Du Kang's innate Genes of Chinese wine culture, judging from the name alone, can remind people of its extraordinary historical journey.

Du Kang WineMaking Ruins, Du Kang Xian Zhuang, is a place where magic gathers. Jing Li touched her, and the first thing that caught her eye was the vermilion gate with a staggered glazed tile roof, and a dragon view turtle bone carving with a high-backed frog-shaped wine pot, highlighting the charm of wine culture.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

Walking through the gate, the Holy Land will be in full view. The slow flowing water and the leisurely corridor seem to tell the history of fine wine through the millennium. The thousand-year-old Tuosa trees that once made the first drop of rice wine in heaven and earth are still standing tall and prosperous, and the meandering Dukang River next to it is still flowing along the Longshan Fengling Mountains, but after a thousand years, we need to cross from one story to another to witness the magic of this land.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

In the leisurely corridor, we saw the inscriptions of qi gong, Li Kuchan, Lou Shibai, Bo Jie and other celebrities, of which the three words "drunken immortals" tell the essence of Du Kang wine - Du Kang River. According to the "Notes on the Water Classics", the source of the Kang water comes out of niushan mountain, converges in Yi, 10 miles long, And kang shui, that is, the Du kang river. The Dukang River crosses dukang Xianzhuang and divides the west and east banks of the Dukang River, and the Jiuqu Erxian Bridge and the Sangjian Bridge combine the east and west parts into one. It is said that every autumn and summer, in the obscure season, you can ask about a natural wine aroma on the bridge.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

Old people often say that the Dukang River has three wonders: the river fog is not flat, the duck egg yolk is bloody red, and the shrimp and rice are hugging each other and curled up. According to historical records, from the source to 300 meters from Dukang Village, hundreds of springs gush, clear and clear, commonly known as "one hundred lixiang", the largest of which is Xuanwu Ancient Spring.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"
Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

This ancient spring is the essence of the "mellow and luscious" of Dukang wine. Water is the bone of wine, the spring contains selenium, strontium and other more than 40 kinds of trace elements beneficial to human health, its unique microbial cluster, the achievement of Du Kang wine special flavor.

It is said that every drop of Dukang wine comes from the Xuanwu Ancient Spring, so what is so peculiar about this spring? After listening to the explanation of the staff, I learned that Xuanwu Ancient Spring is the place where Du Kang made wine, and it is also the larger and more complete spring that has been preserved on the Du Kang River.

The outlet of the ancient spring is significantly higher than the riverbed, that is because after the underground spring water gushes out, it passes through the basalt layer next to it, and when it reaches a certain height, it will flow down from the stone gap and flow to the Dukang River.

Moreover, the water flowing from the spring mouth is identified by China's Geological and Mineral Bureau and the Health Bureau after taking water for testing, which is a heavy calcium mineral water containing metasilicic acid, which is rich in natural minerals and trace elements, and can meet the standard of direct drinking.

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

In addition to the high water level, the water quality is clear, Xuanwu Ancient Spring also because of the Mandarin duck shrimp inside and become strange, Mandarin duck shrimp whole body orange yellow, two two hugs, I heard that the duck in the water if you eat this Mandarin duck shrimp, most of the eggs born are double yellow eggs, is not really quite strange and interesting.

Now after watching dukang winemaking heritage park, do you have a thorough understanding of the phrase "famous wine production areas, there must be good springs"? Du Kang, is a cultural wine, is the originator of Chinese winemaking, is the source of Chinese wine, you may wish to visit the "mystery of the heritage park, the mystery of Dukang brewing".

So, what about the Du Kang wine brewed by drinking this Xuanwu ancient spring water?

As the late master of fine arts Li Kuchan drank Du Kang's post-poetry cloud: "Drunken tiger sleeps dragon Qiong slurry, drinking Liu Ling is the god of wine." Fang chased the Kang River for a thousand years of fame, and returned to the Immortal Village and the soul of Du".

Du Kang's Three Absolute "Springs"

In the long river of years, Du Kang wine is like a long memory full of mellow aroma, dripping mellow stirring up the far-reaching inheritance of culture, and repeatedly telling the vicissitudes of history in the aroma of wine, and also achieving an intriguing legend.

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