
FCC votes through: From July next year, people can contact the suicide prevention hotline by sending a text message "988"


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted unanimously Thursday to allow people to send 988 text messages starting next year to expand access to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, The Verge reported. SMS providers must support this three-digit number by July 16, 2022, when the number will be effective.

FCC votes through: From July next year, people can contact the suicide prevention hotline by sending a text message "988"

On the same date, according to the 2020 FCC ruling, people will also be able to dial 988 to contact Lifeline. Before calling or texting 988, people in need of help can call 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) or contact a counselor via live chat.

FCC votes through: From July next year, people can contact the suicide prevention hotline by sending a text message "988"

FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel said in a tweet that on average, nearly 6,000 Americans call the hotline every day. "As we know from 911, creating a 3-digit number that's easy to remember makes it easier for people to get help when they need it most," she said. By allowing people to dial or send shorter 988 numbers, the hotline makes it easier for people to get help when they run into difficulties. ”

Daniel H. Gillison, Jr., CEO of the National Alliance for Mental Illness, said in a statement: "With today's decision to ask vendors to support texting 988s, the FCC has created a new tool for people to get help. The ability to text 988 will support high-risk communities, including youth and young adults, marginalized and underserved populations, and deaf and hard-hearing individuals. ”


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