
2022 Lanling Cuisine Expo conference location how to introduce the location

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According to Xiaobian' understanding, the exhibition venue of the 2022 Lanling Vegetable Expo is Shandong Lanling Agricultural Exhibition Center, and the exhibition time is from April 12 to May 12, 2022.

2022 Lanling Cuisine Expo conference location how to introduce the location

2022 Lanling Cuisine Expo conference location introduction

Known as "the world's first wine capital", Lanling is an organic fusion of ancient and youthful, history and innovation, tradition and modernity, economy and culture, making the city full of dreams and hopes.

In this 1,700 square kilometers of land, the ancient city of The Ancient City of the Kingdom of Zhaoguo, the Ancient Tomb of Xunzi, the Stone Carvings of Moya, the Tombs of the Ancient Han Dynasty, and the Five-Colored Goldfish Granted by the Emperor are gathered and renewed for a long time. It is the place where Xunzi persuaded to learn, the source of Cangzhe's characters, and the hometown of Li Bai's drunkenness, which nurtured a large number of historical celebrities such as Ji Wenzi, Zuo Qiuming, Kuang Heng, Xiao Wangzhi, Bao Zhao, Xiao Wangzhi, He Xun, and Wang Siyao.

This is a red land, where the Shandong Military Region has been stationed for a long time, where the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, Luo Ronghuan, Liu Shaoqi, Chen Yi, Su Yu, and nearly a hundred generals, have lived and fought, and this is the veritable "cradle of revolution," the birthplace and inheritance of the "Yimeng Red Sister-in-Law" and the "Yimeng Spirit."

It is a national sanitary city, a demonstration area for the quality and safety of agricultural products, and a pilot area for the integrated development of the first, second, and third industries in rural areas. It is the hometown of Chinese vegetables, the hometown of Chinese garlic, the hometown of Chinese burdock, and the host city of Lanling (Cangshan) Vegetable Industry Expo and Linyi High-quality Agricultural Products Fair, which has been successfully held for 9 consecutive sessions since 2013.

Lanling County has become a weather vane and beautiful business card for the development of the domestic vegetable industry and the transformation and exchange of technological achievements.

Agriculture is stable, the world is stable, and the countryside is rich and the world is rich. Today's Lanling Sea is open and inclusive, looking at the world and facing the future.

The city is a magnificent picture, and the city is an exciting movement.

This city is sincerely waiting for you and opens its arms to you; this city treats you sincerely and gives you affection like the sea.

Today, with the accelerated implementation of the national "Belt and Road" and the three national strategies of Shandong's new and old kinetic energy conversion pilot zone and Bohai Rim Economic Circle, 1.46 million hard-working and kind Lanling people are seizing this golden opportunity of a thousand years to accelerate the high-quality economic development of the county.

The above is the details of the exhibition location of the 2022 Lanling Vegetable Expo, thank you for reading, I hope it will be helpful for your participation in the exhibition!

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