
Good morning, November 18th! Have fun! happiness! healthy! auspicious

author:Positive good morning quotes every day

Perpetual calendar

Good morning, today is November 18, 2021, Thursday, the fourteenth day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, the year of the ugly Niu Jihai Moon Geng noon

Suitable: decoration, opening, marriage, licensing, starting work, soil moving, traveling, engagement, burial, beaming, opening, tourism, asking for heirs, repairing graves, going to office, breaking the earth, repairing, praying, sacrificing, lifting, opening the market, collecting money, drilling, capturing, marrying, collecting, standing coupons, erecting pillars, planting, fasting, recruiting, and marrying

Taboos: moving, entering a house, settling a bed, making a stove, taking livestock, migrating, logging, making a bed, and living apart

Good morning, November 18th! Have fun! happiness! healthy! auspicious

Daily Proverbs

Give yourself a word of encouragement every day, set a goal that must be achieved every day, reduce some unnecessary complaints every day, and your life will be more fulfilling and the distance from your dreams will be closer. Good morning!


Good morning, November 18th! Have fun! happiness! healthy! auspicious

"Early Peace of Mind"

Only those who can control the morning can control life. If a person can't even get up early, what else do you expect him to do this day? Ancients Cloud: The plan of a day lies in the morning, and the plan of the year lies in the spring. Can't catch it in the morning, how can it catch the day. Good morning, dear ones!


Good morning, November 18th! Have fun! happiness! healthy! auspicious

Tears do not mean anything, it represents weakness, remember that in this world, no one will sympathize with a weak person, no one will care about your tears, put away your weakness and tears, and be a strong and brave self inside. Good morning!


Good morning, November 18th! Have fun! happiness! healthy! auspicious

The stage of an individual's life is not in the eyes of others, but in his own heart. Our dedication is not to get applause from others, but to broaden the breadth of our horizons, the breadth of our hearts, and the depth of our insights. When you find yourself getting better every day than the day before, that's the proudest thing to be. Good morning!


In everyone's heart, there is a great self hidden. As long as you are not decadent, not negative, and have been quietly brewing optimism, cultivating open-mindedness, adhering to kindness, and always moving towards your dreams, there is no distant place that cannot be reached. Good morning!


Good morning, November 18th! Have fun! happiness! healthy! auspicious

《Health Trivia》

Three tricks to teach you to relieve winter skin itching When winter comes, will you also make itching? Although scratching can be cool for a while, it is easy to fall into a vicious circle of more and more itching, and even lead to skin peeling, cracking and bleeding problems. How can I properly relieve dry itch in winter? 1. The bathing time in winter should not be too long, the water temperature should not exceed 40 ° C, and avoid using alkaline soap. 2. When the skin is not completely dry after bathing, you can apply petroleum jelly, sheep oil, etc. to moisturize. 3. If the indoor humidity is too low, you can use a humidifier to keep the indoor humidity above 50%.

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