
From the "goddess" Zhao Yazhi to talk about the elderly to maintain a good attitude in the end what are the benefits?

author:Mountain winds blow through

Yesterday I saw a video about Aunt Zhao Yazhi, it is a passage she said on her 68th birthday on November 15, after listening to it, I was indeed deeply touched, and now I share it with you, it is worth our middle-aged and elderly people to encourage, her original words are like this: Our life is like a blank piece of paper, the years pass, the tip of the pen flows, this white paper has become a story, from the age of 50, every year's birthday I am a year younger, so what you see now is 32-year-old Zhao Yazhi. Feng Chengcheng, who you are familiar with, who dares to love and dare to hate in "The Legend of the New White Lady", are all roles played in the past, and 71 classic roles have been performed in 48 years of actor career. Fear the passage of time, our age is just a number, the story is handed over to the years to sort out, the future to time to prove. What an ordinary and touching testimonial of life.

From the "goddess" Zhao Yazhi to talk about the elderly to maintain a good attitude in the end what are the benefits?

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Zhao Yazhi is a goddess idol of many middle-aged and elderly people, although she is now 68 years old, she is still very active in the TV screens of various stations, and she is also actively participating in the reality shows of various TV stations. In fact, I think her more factor is that she should reflect her own value, not to serve the old, the elderly should also have their own pursuits and dreams, rather than saying that they have to live and live when they are old, and her positive and optimistic attitude is really worthy of our middle-aged and elderly friends and young people to learn from.

From the "goddess" Zhao Yazhi to talk about the elderly to maintain a good attitude in the end what are the benefits?

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It has always been said that the positive mentality is like the sun, where the light shines, the negative mentality is like the moon, the first fifteen is not the same, the two mentalities will be two different results, then what are the benefits of our middle-aged and elderly friends to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude? Let me talk to you about it.

(1) People with a positive and optimistic attitude look younger and more energetic. I have also carefully observed many middle-aged and elderly people, and I found that people who are usually more negative and dull in their hearts are older, have no spirit, and feel very tired. People with a positive and optimistic attitude look younger than their peers, and their physical fitness will be healthier and more mentally energetic than their peers.

(2) People with a positive and optimistic attitude live longer. This is a good example of this, our old man is 85 years old, the old lady is 83 years old, they are really positive and optimistic "outstanding" representatives. They never hide things in their hearts, they do not worry about the trivial things of their children and grandchildren, nor do they worry about life and death for their advanced age, they laugh every day, they laugh often, they should eat, they should sleep, and their bodies are very good. The old man 85 looks at least 10 years younger, on the outside others look like he is about 75 years old, and the old lady is even more powerful, two clothes in one winter, sweaters, cotton coats, autumn clothes, down will not appear here. I have never seen them catch a cold all year round. And some old people are more negative in their hearts, they worry about the affairs of their children and even their grandchildren all day long, they can't eat, they can't sleep well, they don't show their eyebrows all day, they are worried about their hearts, and their bodies are also plagued by diseases and pain. Compare the pros and cons of the two mentalities for yourself. Therefore, maintaining this positive and optimistic attitude will greatly reduce the probability of human diseases. The quality of life has been well guaranteed, so that it can also extend people's life very well, and the effect of negative mentality and pessimism is just the opposite, and everyone can weigh the pros and cons.

(3) People with a positive and optimistic mindset are more active in their brain thinking. Middle-aged and elderly people now have a lot of people playing smart phones, online shopping, brushing vibrato, watching information, watching videos, watching TV, every day there are different program choices, but also alleviate the leisure time of life after retirement, the new things of the times can be hands-on and brain can activate thinking, to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

From the "goddess" Zhao Yazhi to talk about the elderly to maintain a good attitude in the end what are the benefits?

In short, people do not want to be old, many middle-aged and elderly people their psychological age is older, but their mentality will always remain young and energetic, we are just like Zhao Yazhi, even if it is 68 years old, what? It is still possible to live out the self-style of the elderly. It is not too late to change their mentality from when, I hope that our middle-aged and elderly friends will maintain a positive and optimistic attitude to live a young and energetic self. Do you think the editor is right?

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