
September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

author:CITIC Publishing Group

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > political and economic management</h1>

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

The Biography of Bezos

Brad Stone

From an online bookstore to a $1.6 trillion business magnate, what did Bezos do right?

Senior business journalist Brad Stone spent 8 years interviewing more than 200 middle and senior managers of Amazon, digging deep into Amazon's growth process and unveiling Bezos's unique concepts and business rules that have not been disclosed in strategy formulation, organizational management, talent training, etc.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Grey Rhinoceros 2

By Michelle Walker

Grey Rhinoceros 2 is both an extension and complement to the concept of "grey rhinoceros" and a more microscopic systematic exploration of "risk". Based on the world's compelling risk stories, the book combines economics, anthropology, sociology and psychology research to present some unique ideas and proven practical strategies to challenge people's stereotypical attitudes towards risk.

It also shows how "risk personality" affects our work and life, how a healthy risk ecosystem supports economies and society, and how risk empathy can help us resolve conflicts and crises in our lives.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Understanding Carbon Neutrality

China's Long-term Low-Carbon Development Strategy and Transformation Path Research Group

Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Tsinghua University

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Read Carbon Neutral China 2020-2050 Low Carbon Development Action Roadmap ¥109.6 Purchase

Led by the Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development of Tsinghua University, more than 120 experts and scholars from 24 scientific research institutions worked together for two years.

The book comprehensively considers the macro development trends of economy and society, urbanization process, international trade and industrial transfer, and discusses the low-carbon countermeasures in many fields such as energy, electricity, industry, construction, transportation, energy-saving potential, emission reduction technology, infrastructure investment, consumption mode transformation, environment and climate coordination, policy and institutional guarantees, and global climate governance, and interprets carbon neutrality in multiple fields and perspectives.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing


[Beauty] John By C. Borg

Enough: John Borg's Money, Business, and Life Codes Mutual Fund Common Sense author John Borg New Work ¥46.2 Buy

John Borg, the "father of index funds," takes a deep look at the "excesses" that pervade the financial industry, business, and even personal life, calling on people to revisit issues such as cost and value, business and professionalism, utilitarianism and character with a "sufficient" perspective.

The main problem in today's society, Borg said, is that people are no longer clear about the concept of "enough." Driven by lust, greed, and blindness, people forget the true meaning of wealth and success. In the book, Borg uses direct, concise language to expound his unique insights on investment, wealth, life and values, and the words are full of wisdom.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"The U.S.-Japan Game"

By Clyde Prestowitz

The memoirs of Clyde Prestowitz, a former executive of the US business system, who witnessed the details of the trade frictions and negotiations between the United States and Japan in the 1980s, involving automobiles, high-speed rail, semiconductors and other fields.

In the practice of foreign trade, the information barriers, games or even mutual dismantling of each other are recorded one by one, which is conducive to clarifying our understanding of the internal decision-making system of the United States. Combined with the present, reading this book can also understand why the United States pursues a tough foreign trade policy.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Discrimination and Inequality

By Thomas Sawwell

Discrimination and Inequality ¥52.3 Purchase

The book analyzes the universal social perspectives on inequality and the impact of policies based on these views on human beings, restores the operating mechanisms of the real world with facts and logic, calmly and convincingly breaks the narrowness and prejudices about race, economy, history and culture, and re-examines each seemingly reasonable social fallacy, providing us with a new perspective on economics that is more rational, balanced and convincing.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

The Chessboard and the Web

By Anne-Marie Slaughter

A panoramic view of the impact of demographic changes on the global economy. Unlike most of today's population-related books, it goes beyond a local perspective that focuses only on a particular region and country, examines the consequences of demographic change and its effects from a global perspective, and proposes effective countermeasures.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

The Rebirth of a Nation

Ma Guochuan

Rebirth of the Nation + Wrong Path of the Nation + Enlightenment of the Nation (Set of 3 Volumes) ¥194 Purchase

After Japan announced its unconditional surrender in 1945, almost the entire country was reduced to ruins. On this basis, Japan has become the world's second largest economic power after more than 20 years. At the same time as the economy took off, japan's politics, economy, business, education, culture and other aspects have also undergone tremendous changes.

The book describes the important historical figures and major historical events of Japan from 1945 to 1973, and records the process of the rebirth of the Japanese nation and the realization of economic and social development in the past 28 years.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"Stretching Force"

[Beauty] Kerry Villeye et al

Are you suffering repeatedly in dissatisfaction with reality and fear of the future, afraid of being abandoned by the times? What can be done to usher in a better career tomorrow?

The authors offer practical advice to enhance personal abilities and values by extending our habits of mind, learning styles, networks, and experiences.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="235" > humanities and social sciences</h1>

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

History of Chinese Villages

Hu Binbin

Traditional China is a "local society" . In this civilization structure, the traditional villages scattered on the land of China are the basic components of Chinese culture.

In the modern era of rapid urbanization, traditional villages are facing a crisis of survival that has disappeared sharply. Over the decades, the author has visited more than 5,000 traditional villages in China and accumulated a huge amount of field material. From the origin of civilization to modern China, it explains the evolution and development of traditional Chinese villages from a large historical perspective, and describes the characteristics of villages in different periods and their interaction with social systems.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Bolívar: Liberators of america

By Mary Arana

The "Liberator" Simon Bolívar led six South American countries out of 300 years of Spanish colonial rule, changing the course of South America's history and remaining a highly respected figure in South America today.

He overcame many obstacles and fought countless battles, but after the success of the revolution, he bore the name of dictatorship and eventually died a sad death. The book depicts Bolívar's legendary tales of heroism, romanticism and tragedy.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Ten Kinds of Human Nature

by Dexter Díaz

Pain-sensors, expulsors, fear tamers, viewers, invaders, tribalists, nurturers, courthunts, rescuers, kinshipists... The evolving modules of the brain shape ten "human natures" that lurk deep within us, and they determine whether we do good or evil in critical moments.

With the help of cutting-edge research in biology, neuroscience, and sociology, the book interprets our human nature with a more rigorous and comprehensive attitude.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Cancer, Immunity and Cure

By Michael Gingkey

According to the World Health Organization, there were 19.29 million new cancer cases and 9.96 million cancer deaths worldwide in 2020. It has always been a costly war between cancer and humans, but the advent of immunotherapy has given people hope that cancer is possible to be cured, which was unimaginable before.

This book tells the story of the evolution of tumor immunology, seeing how the human understanding of cancer has evolved, and how tumors and the dynamics of the immune system have been increasingly understood.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"Century Dunhuang"

Written by Sun Zhijun

Each of the 735 caves in Mogao Caves is a showroom and art gallery for historical stories and cultural relics. This collection of images shows the contrast of images across the centuries through the technique of "re-shooting", allowing us to see the surviving, passing and destroyed ruins, and telling the images of Dunhuang in the century and the stories behind them.

The book systematically sorts out the old photos of Dunhuang in the 1900s, which includes photos of Dunhuang collected by the British Museum and Harvard University in the United States, which is also the first time these photos have been publicly published in China.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Phenomenal Learning

[Finn] by Christine Rocca

Finland undergoes a major educational reform every ten years, and the most recent educational reform is centered on the cultivation and improvement of students' learning ability, called "phenomenal learning".

The book introduces the origin, development and coverage of the concept of "phenomenal learning", including learning time management, interactive communication, emotional control, self-restraint skills in the digital age, consumer awareness and other abilities, focusing on the innovative cultivation of future national qualities and abilities.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="236" > literary life</h1>

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"China's Back Wave"

[Beauty] by Dai Sancai

A documentary work written by foreigners on the living conditions of young Chinese people.

An American boy who has just graduated, came to China alone, haunted China's major cities, visited some rural areas, and had in-depth exchanges with a large number of Young Chinese people, truly understanding the life, work and mental state of contemporary Chinese young people.

In his view, this generation of Chinese young people is more confident, more energetic, more individual and more innovative.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"No Women in War"

The Last Witness

"Zinc Skin Baby Soldier"

[Belarus] by S.A. Alexievich

Alexievich, born in Ukraine, is a highly influential female writer in the contemporary world literary world, and she uses interviews with the parties to write documentary literature, documenting major events such as World War II, the Afghan War, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"No Women in War", "Zinc Baby Soldier" and "The Last Witness" describe the cruelty of war from three perspectives: women, young soldiers and children, namely her interviews with female soldiers and female medical personnel who participated in the Soviet Union in World War II, Soviet soldiers in the Afghan War and their relatives and friends and family, and children who survived the Great Patriotic War.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

New Chinese Artist Song Yuanwen

Cai Meng

A beautiful book that can awaken memories, wilderness, northern geese, wind, new green, flying snow...

Mr. Song Yuanwen is a master of modern and contemporary Chinese printmaking and a senior professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and he is good at touching landscape woodblock prints that evoke nostalgia in people's hearts. The book contains more than 100 classic works by Mr. Song Yuanwen, covering important masterpieces of various periods, and mr. Song's experience in printmaking and art.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"I've Been here on Earth"

That's a lot

Millions of readers have a suspenseful god in their hearts, a blockbuster new work based on real events. The desperate truth in the corner of urban prosperity, the madness and dignity of small people: the gap between classes, the nets of life, the pleasure of evil, the paralysis of emotions, the injustice of fate... From the first sentence, the suspense rises, constantly stirring the place of hidden pain in the heart.

Everyone has their own suffering, the bright have their own humble places, and the humble people will have their own persistence and glory.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Underground Games

Wu Fei

In the early morning of December 25, 2018, a train suddenly disappeared from the monitor of the dispatch center. Police were alerted that the subway had been hijacked and that there was a bomb on the car. What shocked the police even more was that the criminals issued a warning, revealing that there were about to be multiple explosions in the city. On the other hand, the passengers on the subway are also facing an incredible task...

The second installment of the Winner Out series! Continuing the interactive puzzle setting, it is necessary to walk through the maze of exquisite entities and online props, step by step to the core of the case, and not to the last moment, unable to glimpse the truth.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Psychology on the Couch

By Filipa Perry

Want to know what's really going on in a counselor's office? Twenty years of experienced counselors tell us the answer in the book.

James, a middle-class Londoner, is a decent and glamorous trial lawyer with unspeakable and uncontrollable bad habits. Finally, one day, he knocked on the counselor's door. His treatment lasted a year, and the book selected 11 from 43 interviews recorded this thought-provoking journey of treatment.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"Go, go to the art museum!" 》

Sue also wrote

The book is a collection of author Sue's experiences visiting more than a dozen art galleries in the United States over the years. She hopes to bring out these well-known and niche art venues and share them with everyone who loves art. Be a happy idler in an art museum, spanning 7 cities and 14 venues, for an artistic spiritual journey.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"Making Tokyo"

Date: Written by Terunobu Fujimori

Who, and with what dream, built tokyo today? Ginza, Sensoji Temple, Shinjuku, Ueno Park... The author Teruyuki Fujimori offers a new way of looking at Tokyo, tracing the historical context of urban construction and dissecting the "bones and internal organs" of Tokyo, thus peeking into the reality of the city alone.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"Guan Fu Cat: Ancient Chinese Paintings Have Mysteries"

Ma Weidu

The new book series of "Guan Fu Cat" takes Guan Fu Cat as the protagonist, with ancient Chinese famous paintings, and at the same time integrates Guan Fu Cat with ancient paintings, and substitutes Guan Fu Cat and cultural relics into ancient paintings to create a new "antique painting", combining pictures and texts to introduce traditional cultural knowledge such as ancient Chinese history, clothing, cultural relics, and customs.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="239" > child rearing</h1>

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Subtractive Education

By Yu Xiaobing

The purpose of subtractive education is to "make children's ability to do addition", the method is to return to the essence of education and common sense.

Yu Xiaobing, a teacher at the Affiliated Experimental Middle School of Beijing Normal University, has been rooted in front-line teaching for more than 20 years and has explored a set of effective methods to improve learning efficiency by reducing unnecessary burdens. In the book, Teacher Yu will have years of insight and practice and entrusted to help parents maintain rationality in the environment where utilitarianism prevails.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

"Big Language Classics for Kids"

BeiDao, Wang Anyi, Ye Jiaying, etc

What are big languages? Simply put, the study of literature, history and philosophy is called the great language. This set of books guides children to read classic masterpieces every day, and improves the five major aspects of poetry, ancient texts, reading, writing and expression from deep reading.

A set of 6 books, jointly created by Five Cultural Giants, Kitajima, Ye Jiaying, Li Tuo, Wang Anyi and Shang Wei, start from here, fall in love with reading, and fall in love with language.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

Conversations with Your Baby

By Sally Ward

0-4 years old is a key stage of baby growth, and the baby will develop a sense of security, concentration, autonomy and other important abilities that will benefit you for life. The first step in developing these abilities is to develop your baby's language potential, so that parents can establish a good communication relationship with your baby and stimulate your baby's various potentials.

September New Book Recommendation | 30 good books to warm your early autumn political and economic management humanities and social sciences literary life children's upbringing

DK Celebrity Story Encyclopedia

(Illustrated edition of all 7 volumes)

Written by DK Publishing Company

DK Publishing has created a new humanities encyclopedia series for children aged 6-12. DK changed its previous serious style and began to play a humorous route, retaining both rigorous and solid content and adding a little playful element.

This set of books is a new way to open up children to read celebrity stories and inspire them to stick to their love.

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