
Snow driving ten tips to pick the main road to go where to slide and which turn

author:Henan Dinglunxuan Jietu 4S store

The car is surrounded by snowdrifts, there is smooth black ice under the wheels, the driving wheels have slipped, but the car is not four-wheel drive and there is no differential lock...

Slowly step on the throttle, first try to twist the steering wheel left and right to increase the adhesion of the tire; if it is a manual transmission, you can use the second or even third gear to start to reduce the torque output and reduce the sliding trend of the tire; if there is space behind the car, you can also try to reverse and then move forward, with the rotation of the direction, looking for the ground with greater adhesion, completely out of trouble.

Pick the main road

Driving to work, you can walk Chang'an Avenue or drill into the hutong. On weekdays, hutongs may be a good choice; but after snow, please take Chang'an Avenue.

The city's snow sweeping and snow shoveling equipment is limited, and their work efficiency is also certain. The priority of snow sweeping and de-icing on Chang'an Avenue must exceed that of Chaoyang North Road, and the hutongs in the urban area naturally rank last. Moreover, walking in the alley should also beware of pedestrians and cyclists wearing hats.

Turn on the lights to "illuminate" yourself

Of course, your own headlights can't "illuminate" yourself. However, in low visibility environments and low adhesion roads, turn on the lights to make the car in front of you notice your own car - let the front car consider the braking and avoidance ability of the rear car in a hurried parallel and braking.

On low-adhesion roads, reducing braking and changing of wires can reduce the chance of accidents.

Make a judgment in advance

Driving on snowy days is not terrible, and the city's municipal and transportation departments have been working efficiently. What the driver needs to take the initiative to undertake is to observe the surrounding environment through the windshield and rearview mirror, and make a judgment in advance of the action trend of the surrounding vehicles. When the car is blind, the heart will not panic, and the space and time have been expected.

The throttle must be gentle

Driving on snow days, we all know that stepping on the accelerator should be gradual, in fact, the oil collection is more gentle.

The oil collection slows down, and the vehicle's center of gravity moves backwards. For front-drive vehicles, the pressure on the drive wheels is reduced, which is manifested as the direction becomes "flexible"; for rear-drive vehicles, although the pressure of the driving wheels increases, the front wheels become very "thief".

Whether it is a front or rear drive, such a change is unfriendly. If the driver turns slightly, the direction of the rut does not coincide with the direction of the vehicle's center of gravity, and there is a difference in pattern or air pressure on both sides of the wheel, it may cause the vehicle to slip or even lose control.

The same is true when you put on the brakes.

Choosing the road is not "eccentric"

After snowfall, even on the same road, there can be a variety of states – some roads are dry, some have snow, some roads are frozen, and some are sprinkled with black snow with snow melting agent. Driving on such a road, the wheels on both sides should try to choose the same road surface as possible to ensure the same adhesion on both sides and reduce the chance of side slippage when driving and braking.

Requiring coaxial wheels to use tires with the same pattern is based on the same reason. This is especially important for driving in rainy and snowy weather.

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