
The Chinese Embassy in India responded that "it is difficult for veterans in India to return home": The embassy has been providing help
The Chinese Embassy in India responded that "it is difficult for veterans in India to return home": The embassy has been providing help

Screenshot of the embassy website

Zhao Jun, director of the Consular Department of the Chinese Embassy in India, responded to the media's report on Mr. Wang Qi, a veteran of China (wang Qi reported by the media as Wang Qi), as follows:

I have noted the relevant media reports on Mr. Wang Qi in recent days. The Chinese Embassy in India was aware of this and has been in close contact with Mr. Wang himself, his relatives and relevant Departments in India on this issue. We are very sympathetic to his plight and have been helping.

I believe that with the joint efforts of China and India and the respect for the wishes of the parties themselves, this matter will certainly be resolved satisfactorily.

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