
Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?


Text 丨Mr. Infamous

From the web drama "Report Boss" to the movie "Fame and Fame", director Liu Xunzimo also seems to have experienced the iteration of the name, from a certain upward looking posture to a stage of head-up or even down-looking.

Word of mouth can explode to 7.7 in Douban, which is one of the costs, after all, few domestic films in theaters can touch this score in a year. More importantly, it is the strength of new directors in the film industry, representing the ability of grassroots, wild creation to be successful in the physical market of commercial genre films.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

However, whether the tree is a big move, whether it is matched or not, will inevitably lead to word-of-mouth debate. Digging a shallow layer is nothing more than a feeling of the car rutting back and forth.

Put it this way, the process of watching this movie has a very subtle psychological change. If you only judge based on similar works (such as "Uninvited Guest", which is said to be abusing multiple suspense, etc.), and the main creative lineup (the possibility of continuing the texture of web dramas and networks), then the more you look back, the more you find that it is higher than, or even far beyond expectations. And the better it is, the more people tremble and give birth to some expectations for fine products, but unfortunately, there is always a foot in the door that cannot be shot in.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

Before talking about the collapse of the building, I have to say that this building is really well built.

Liu Xunzimo's rise on the Internet, one is to rely on the network short drama "Report Boss", and this word-of-mouth work will also launch a film version; the second is to rely on the entire Wanhe Tianyi team built from the "Never Expected" period, and the grounded but half-level comedy culture they represent, "Fame Liwan" is playing this kind of gag of instant humor.

The film is about Shanghai Beach boss Lu Ziye (Chen Minghao) gathering "murderer" Qi Leshan (Zhang Benyu), police officer Dahai (Qin Xiaoxian) and a group of second-rate filmmakers at the scene of the murder to shoot a blockbuster movie that allows them to rewrite the current embarrassing situation.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

No character is perfect, whether in terms of occupation, social status, or character or temperament. Since the creation of the Internet, Liu Xunzimo's works have always rejected the perfect label of "tall", and this setting, which accommodates a lot of teasing space and potential energy, can not only use the direct collision of language and limbs, but also smash the fake decorations by revealing the old bottom, and achieve a lively dramatic effect.

The script's small incisions and large capacity are born from here. A role is a type of person, or a combination of a bunch of labels, active disclosure or passive debunking, all of which allow them to bear the intensive reversal and make the reversal the focus of the story. It can be said that it completes the original idea of the movie "Uninvited Guest", or the basic task that should have been completed, that is, to set up a progressive story with a better texture.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

When Liu Xunzimo polished the script, he used fierce force in the right direction. The mode is the multiple reversals favored by directors, especially young directors, but each step is very solid, not just to point to the last explosive baggage, but there are new information points along the way, and each information point can drive the character and story to another level of high.

The beginning must be a needle in the film and television circle. Wanting to make a name for yourself is not a projection of a crooked shadow, but the undisguised utilitarianism of a group of second-rate filmmakers can be said. The god of entertainment is placed in the middle of the hall, the fast food model and the pursuit of fame and fortune are self-evident, and this group of people, involving plagiarism, denial, worship of gold, vassalage, oppression, bad films, making fast money, etc., come to the party to see in the name of money or turn over, at the expense of grinding teeth and sucking blood in the tragedies of others.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

But soon, from the director Zheng Wanli said that he did not sign the name of screenwriter Li Jiahui, in order to protect him, and frequently made bad films, in order to feed a large number of people, many are not the bitterness of taste, the story from the pure film and television circle, tilted to the whole humane society, capital world.

It is nothing more than that everyone is disciplined and transformed, and only then does they have a face that is indisputable but unwilling to change at the moment. Guan Jingnian's sighting of the wind makes the rudder and no longer has a position is one example.

At this time, the murderer creates a crisis in the confined space they are in, and quickly leads to the real ugliness of self-interest. The re-formation of alliances and the indecisiveness of choices have many ironies about human nature, especially the humanity of intellectuals.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

When the audience thinks that the meaning of the story has reached its peak, it rushes to the "judgment" of the powerful. The case of the three elders, who originally wanted to use as film material, involved three local tigers with their hands covering the sky, and when they were killed for their unconventional deeds, the old-fashioned impression of the murderer's viciousness was shattered.

And this group of disgraceful people, who want to do a glorious career, ushered in the sublimation of themselves and the film, because it involves the current situation of the vulnerable groups being killed.

Looking upwards, the powerful people represented by the three elders have persecuted and abused the dead girls in the Qile Mountain Pass, as well as countless women.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

Looking down, there was an atmosphere of contempt for women, Su Mengdi heard the questions of others about the so-called "wind and dust women", and couldn't help but scold, "You mean to say that they are all prostitutes, right?" She just wants to sing and act, what's wrong with that? What qualifications do you have to say that?!!"

In the story, only women can push themselves and others to feel the injustice and even the inversion brought about by gender. Even Qi Leshan, as the guardian, would not have thought of putting the girl Nightingale in a position that needed to be secretly cared for, which had already preconceived social attributes, gender disadvantages, and professional inferiority, let alone other characters. Then the reflection and accusation about the situation of women, it is beyond the height of ordinary movies.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

The muzzle of the muzzle of "Fame and Fame" is constantly upgraded in the superposition, and the good intentions on the overall intention have indeed brought me a lot of surprises.

The reason why it is said that it is unfortunate to lose at the door is that it is still not thorough enough, and it can be thorough.

In terms of female care, "Fame and Fame" is still difficult to escape the arrogance and narrowness of the perspective of straight men. A very prominent point is that for women, they have a rather decaying view of the body and the concept of fame.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

Others to Qileshan, naturally can not help but "for a dusty woman is not worth it" such a tone, Qileshan's admirable place is that it has never done such a value trade-off, but in his eyes, he also feels that women's fame is greater than the sky. He killed the three elders, naturally there is a nature of rescue and revenge, but at the same time, he is to maintain the so-called innocence of the girl, and to the point of not hesitating to cover up with "broken corpses".

Listen to the words "wind and dust" and "dirty" that are full of words in the film, and you will know that even if the background of the story is in the Republic of China, it only adds to the dirty attributes of this concept for a long time. Women did borrow Su Mengdi's mouth and spit on the face of the outdated straight men, but at the beginning of the film, even if she had been red for a while, she could only silently accept the male malicious "pillow" theory.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

The expression of this concept of honor obviously hinders the film from moving towards a broader modern vision. Worse still, it is the so-called Easter egg at the end of the film, that is, the "revealed" movie made by Lee Ka Fai.

Later in "Fame and Fame", the "Fire Extinguisher" (Yu Haolei) said a sentence, "Know what is the most terrible thing in this world?" memory. When a person says it, it will become the memory of millions of people." In order to cut off the memory, he killed people and set them on fire. In order to spread their memories, these filmmakers must insist on making a movie about the truth, even if they leave their hometown. Moved? move.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

However, what a shoddy work it is, the performance is artificial, the look is exaggerated, and it is believed that it can not only convey solidarity with the women who are toyed with, but also an accusation of adultery against the capitalist elite, but can only be reduced to a laughingstock. This clumsy parody completely dissolves the seriousness and tragedy of the case. What it fits in invisibly is the current public's mentality of eating melons that treat serious cases as entertainment gossip, which is destined not to bring substantial care and assistance.

The style of the movie is defeated here, that is Liu Xunzimo stabbed himself the most fiercely.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

This knife makes other injuries less deadly. However, for a high-willed fine product, it is impossible not to match the standard.

First of all, the continuous reversal can show the complexity and hard work of the script, but even if you avoid the aesthetic fatigue of watching, it is difficult to ensure that the film is poor in temperament and attributes, and it will not be cut off into several short films.

Secondly, the film of course carries forward the wanhe Tianyi's grasp of the audience's laughter and pain points, and inserts fragmented witty embellishments in the killing book, and there can be a trace of sadness behind the funny, but sometimes the deliberately sacrificed jokes are inevitably noisy, and will intermittently interrupt the audience's gaze on the tragedy.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

Third, in order to grasp the balance of sadness and joy in the performance of "island mode", the test for actors is very large, under the control of the drama style, actors with different performance styles may be difficult to form a synergy, and the performance of individual actors who are too hard returns to the network short film mode that urgently needs emotional expression.

Fourth, the film setting and publicity deliberately move closer to the "script killing", which is a kind of degrading division, which somewhat weakens the integrity of the film's sense.

Word-of-mouth box office began to counterattack, "Fame and Fame" is the light of domestic suspense?

From this point of view, "Fame and Fame" is really a film that is fragmented and fragmented. It highlights the style of the current fragmented era, from short videos, paragraphs to today's individual information fragmented script killing, there are many beneficial intakes. But it strives to create a sophisticated texture, but it is difficult to escape the positioning higher than the network and lower than the movie, which also lies in the above.

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