
[Battle "Epidemic" Moment] Yang Qin: There is no remorse for the "epidemic" party members bravely take the vanguard

author:Colorful willow springs

The epidemic is the order, and prevention and control is the responsibility. As a member of the "two committees" of Xiping Village, Comrade Yang Qin actively participated in the frontline epidemic prevention work in Xiping Village with a high sense of responsibility and mission. She took the lead in going deep into the mass propaganda and platoon, extensively mobilized party members of the branch, village group leaders and the broad masses to participate in the epidemic prevention and control work, gave full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of communist party members, practiced the original intention and mission of communist party members, and interpreted with practical actions that they would not let their eyebrows be shaved.

In the face of a new round of the epidemic, she went all out to devote herself to the frontline work of fighting the epidemic, in the first expanded scope of nucleic acid testing, she was mainly responsible for the information registration of the whole village, in order to prevent the detection of missing personnel and improve the efficiency of the testing site, she and volunteers carried out door-to-door personnel investigation and inspection in advance. At the test site, her hands and feet were numb and she worked for 30 hours without rest, but in order to make the villagers reduce the waiting for rapid testing, they have been silently insisting. When entering the second round of nucleic acid testing, it is necessary to wear a thick protective suit to enter the sampling area to assist the doctor in information registration. Before the test began, the party secretary of Xiping Village asked her: "Now among the volunteers who enter the sampling area, you are the only woman, and you need to complete the information registration for nearly 7 hours while doing a high degree of protection. "No problem! Compared to medical staff, this is nothing. Rest assured, Secretary, don't let the eyebrows be shaved! "Box codes, test tube codes, identity information, sealing tubes, sealing boxes, step by step from strange to skilled, from the first person to the last person." In the next few rounds of nucleic acid testing, the village party secretary was worried that her body would not be able to eat, and suggested that other personnel take turns with her to let her rest and rest, but she said: "Through these tests, I am already very familiar with the registration process, more experienced, in this extraordinary period of racing against the clock, replacing a person needs to be familiar with the work process again, I am a party member, I am still young, my physical fitness is good, I can continue to insist!"

[Battle "Epidemic" Moment] Yang Qin: There is no remorse for the "epidemic" party members bravely take the vanguard

Since the outbreak of this epidemic, Comrade Yang Qin has been on duty at the epidemic prevention and control bayonet point in Liuquan Town, actively carried out joint prevention and control work, strictly and conscientiously inspected passing vehicles and personnel, and registered the information of vehicle personnel in detail, reminding passers-by to wear masks and do a good job of self-protection. Every time there was a person who did not cooperate with the inspection, she patiently and carefully explained it.

[Battle "Epidemic" Moment] Yang Qin: There is no remorse for the "epidemic" party members bravely take the vanguard

The task of epidemic prevention and control is arduous, and every Communist Party member who sticks to the front line is under great pressure, but they do not shrink back, are not afraid, and shoulder the heavy burden without shirking their responsibility. "I have lived in Xiping Village for more than thirty years, I love the grass and trees in my hometown, I do this on the one hand to do my own responsibilities and obligations, more importantly, I sincerely want to protect the villagers, so I do not feel tired, my heart is very down-to-earth." Talking about the determination to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, Yang Qin's eyes were full of the firmness and self-confidence of party members.

Only its hardships show courage and perseverance, but its perseverance is precious. There are many advanced Communist Party members and volunteers like Comrade Yang Qin, who are fighting in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in the whole village, showing their identity, stepping forward, stabilizing the people's hearts, becoming the intimate people and the backbone of the masses, and fully carrying forward the exemplary role of communist party members.