
"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

author:Wood Ten Dollar Movie

"Tang Bohu Dian Qiu Xiang" This work, like many other costume films of Xingye, refers to a lot of history, wild history and allusions, plus the original script is very solid, so that this film not only won the Hong Kong box office champion when it was released that year, but also became the popular first choice for major television stations to rerun, and it is not unusual to broadcast dozens or even hundreds of times a year.

The male protagonist in the film, Tang Bohu, is famous in the world and is only tall and eight buckets, not only is the family rich and handsome, but also marries eight beautiful women like flowers. At first glance, he is a winner in life, but in fact, there are many unspeakable sufferings in his heart that no one understands, forcing him to smile every day and live a miserable life. Until one day, he met Qiu Xiang, a maid in Hua Taishi's mansion, and was conquered by her gentle beauty, and decided to sell himself to The Mansion in order to chase after the beloved in his heart.

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

This story is adapted from the long-standing well-known folk tale "Three Laughs marriage", but in fact, Tang Bohu not only really has his own person in history, many characters and events in the movie also have real reference archetypes, today share "five "Tang Bohu Dot Autumn Fragrance" cold knowledge that you absolutely do not know", I believe it will make you more fun when re-watching this movie!

I believe that for many younger viewers, the image of the figure "Tang Bohu" comes mostly from the interpretation of Xingye, who is charming, full of literature and martial arts, humorous and funny, but also proficient in music, has a loving but does not understand her old mother, and eight jackals, tigers and leopards. And do you know that although the film has fictionalized many of his characteristics for the sake of dramatic effects, according to historical records, the real Tang Bohu is indeed a versatile and experienced great talent.

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

In 1470 AD, Tang Bohu's real name was "Tang Yin", the word "Bohu", also the word "Zi Wei", and he also had many well-known titles, such as "Liu Ru Ju Shi", "Peach Blossom Master", "Escape Zen Immortal Official" and so on.

In the movie, it is depicted that he made a lot of money by selling calligraphy and paintings, but in fact, his family can only be regarded as a well-off family, and when he was young, he also worked as a chore in the tavern run by his father Tang Guangde. Not only that, Tang Bohu's early life was also quite bleak, when he was 24 years old, his father and wife died one after another, and the next year his mother and sister also passed away, leaving only his younger brother to live with each other. Later, although he passed the Xie Yuan examination, he was framed for cheating and was tragically imprisoned, and under the ashes of all thoughts, he decided to travel around. Later, he built a "Peach Blossom Nunnery" in the north of Suzhou City, called himself the master of the Peach Blossom Nunnery, turned his depression into calligraphy and painting, and became a well-known literati at that time.

In the movie, Tang Bohu is good at painting landscapes and the setting of the characters is consistent with historical facts. It is rumored that Tang Yin's talent for painting came from talent, and the "Zhenshoutang Tu" painted at the age of 17 has surprised many contemporary literati and scholars. In addition to calligraphy and painting, Tang Bohu is also proficient in poetry, and the "Peach Blossom Anthem" that Qiu Xiang once read in the movie has been recited by generations.

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

In the movie, the "Spring Tree Autumn Frost Map" that Tang Bohu once drew in an instant at an emergency moment is based on Tang Bohu's direct masterpiece "Spring Mountain Companion Map", which was changed to a banner in the movie. In addition, it is rumored that Tang Bohu also liked and was good at drawing the "Spring Palace Map", which also made his title of talented man go away.

As for the film, it is mentioned that he married eight beautiful wives, but he is not satisfied with it is exaggerated. According to records, Tang Bohu had a total of three wives, the third of whom was named "Shen Jiu niang", which later became "Tang Bohu married nine women" after false rumors.

The core of the whole movie revolves around the process of Tang Bohu selling himself to the current person in Washington in order to win the heart of Qiu Xiangfang, and finally embracing the beauty. This story can be traced back to the notebook of Xiang Yuanbian, a collector of calligraphy and painting during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, "Miscellaneous Records of Banana Windows". It records that Tang Bohu saw a beautiful woman smiling at him one day in a houseboat, which made him feel moved, and he immediately hired a boatman to chase him to the woman's residence, and found that it was the home of a high official, so he pretended to be a downcast person and went to the door to look for job opportunities. This story was used as a blueprint by later generations, and gradually formed the now widely known "marriage of three laughs".

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

According to the Chinese historian Meng Sen's research, Qiu Xiang is really a person, a well-known Qinglou woman in Nanjing during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, named Lin Nu'er, the character Jinlan, the number Qiu Xiang. Although "the charm of the wind is at one time", he is 20 years older than Tang Bohu, so it is speculated that Qiu Xiang is not the prototype story of "Tang Bohu Dian Qiu Xiang", the maid in "Three Laughing Marriages".

As for Master Hua, according to the data, his archetypal character should be the Political Figure of the Ming Dynasty "Hua Cha", but only a bachelor, and his age is much younger than Tang Bohu, so his "incompetent elder" image in the story should only be made up by later generations when writing stories. So "Madame Hua is Tang Bohu's father's old lover", of course, it is not true!

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

At the beginning of the movie, Tang Bohu faces the problem of "King Ning" trying to recruit him as an aide, but because there are rumors that King Ning wants to rebel, he has to find a way to refuse. Later, King Ning directly found the trouble of Master Hua Taishi, and brought the two opponents of "King of the King" and "Death-Taking Scholar" to the door to kick the museum. In fact, this "King of Ning" not only really existed in history, but his rebellious deeds also really happened. King Ning's real name was Zhu Chenhao, and he was an imperial relative of the Ming Dynasty during the Zhengde period, because the emperor at that time had no heirs, and the charm of rumors made him determined to usurp the throne. So he bribed the eunuchs in power, colluded with the important ministers, and privately recruited many talents to plot against the army. However, he was later arrested under the emperor's personal conquest, and he was also executed.

Interestingly, King Ning not only really recruited Tang Bohu, but Tang Bohu also really served as his staff because of economic needs. At that time, There was no sign of rebellion in King Ning, but when Tang Bohu found out, he deliberately pretended to be crazy and stupid, and even rumored that he would run naked, so that King Ning had to let him go home, and also let him escape the disaster of killing King Ning when he rebelled.

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

In the movie, "Zhu Zhishan", played by Chen Baixiang, is a good gambler and lustful, but he does not learn any skills, although he is also listed as the "Four Talents of Jiangnan", he is actually just a mediocre person with a vain name. But in fact, Zhu Zhishan not only really has his own person in history, but his talent is not inferior to Tang Bohu compared with the evaluation.

Zhu Zhishan's real name was "Zhu Yunming", born in 1460 AD, ten years older than Tang Bohu, the word "Xizhe", "Zhishan" is his number. It is rumored that he was born with six fingers on his right hand, so he called himself "Branch Finger Sheng". Zhu Zhishan was a well-known writer and calligrapher of the Ming Dynasty, especially his wild grass was praised by the world, and praised them with "Tang Bohu's paintings, Zhu Zhishan's characters".

Zhu Zhishan is talented and studious since childhood, and it is said that he can write big characters at the age of 5, poetry at the age of 9, and books at the age of 10. At the age of 17, he was admitted to Xiucai, and later became a Zhixian County. He was a man of humor and talent, and because of his resourcefulness and enthusiasm for helping others, he left many deeds in his life that were adapted into operas. For example, the familiar story of the "Wang Tiger robbing relatives" man impersonating a bride is derived from his story.

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

Zhu Zhishan, Tang Bohu, Wen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing, because of their similar age and geographical proximity, were collectively known as the "Four Talents of Wuzhong", and later became the "Four Talents of Jiangnan" in folk opera.

In addition to historical allusions, there are many impressive elements in this film, whether it is a variety of bizarre martial arts moves, poison weapons, or those hilarious couplet songs, which have become a very important part of the Subculture of the Chinese world. Among them, I believe that the most widely known is that when Tang Bohu first sold himself into the Hua family to become a "low-class person", he was given the number 9527.

Many investigations have been done on the origin of 9527, and it has been found that its origin is controversial, and even misrepresented that this number once appeared in Chow Yun Fat's representative work "Prison Storm", which is the prisoner number of the male protagonist Ah Zheng, who he plays. However, after investigation, Ah Zheng's number is actually "41671", not "9527".

"9527" turned out to be foul-mouthed, and "Tang Bohu dian qiu xiang" had some cold knowledge

However, when Tang Bohu first entered Washington, he found that the control inside was very strict, and the people under it were more managed as prisoners or the army, with fixed schedules, many rules that could not be violated, and it was more necessary to follow everyone every day to do morning exercises and shout slogans. The setting of "numbering instead of name" is also a satire on the fact that after selling yourself into the Hua family, it is like going to prison, losing its original identity and leaving only a code name.

In addition, director Li Lizhi once said that the original meaning of "9527" was a rude sentence, but the film could not be said directly, so it had to be represented by a number with a similar pronunciation. Originally, in Cantonese, the pronunciation of "9527" is "9527", of which "9" is pronounced very similar to the pronunciation of male genitalia, "5" means "can't", "2" is easy "easy", "7" is "out", so the combined meaning of "9527" is to imply that men "do not lift".

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