
The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

author:Dr. Li Desheng

The animal pig has existed in China since ancient times, and from the records of various historical documents, before the Northern Song Dynasty, the pig was not loved by scholars and rich gentry, and most of the people who ate pork were some poor people.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

Because in ancient China, the pig is a kind of animal raised by poor people, the price is very cheap, and the cooking taste is also very poor, compared to the pig, the ancient princes and nobles liked to eat lamb, beef.

Pigs are an animal that was not loved by people in ancient times, but today it has become a meat that every household eats, and it is understood that today our country eats about 13,000 pigs a day.

I believe this will also stunned the ancients, the ancients did not like to eat food, but now, but has become a popular food in the country.

Pork is a very delicious and cheap meat, the people can afford to buy, cooking methods are also many, whether it is braised meat, stew or stir-fry, it emits a delicious aroma.

And pork is full of treasures, whether it is pig head, pig tail, or pig offal, is a very good food, especially pig offal, cash Its price is very high.


The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

【Pork Liver】

Folk have a saying of "complementing the form", if the liver is not good, you must eat more pig liver, so that you can supplement the nutrition corresponding to the internal organs and make the liver healthier.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

And pork liver is also a very delicious food, you can fry pork liver with chili, you can also cold mix pork liver, are a good dish.

Pig liver has a good blood tonic effect, eat more pig liver, can be a good prevention of iron deficiency anemia, but at the same time, we also need to recognize that the cholesterol content in pig liver is very high.

If you are a patient with three highs or a patient with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, if you eat a large amount of pig liver, it will lead to a large amount of cholesterol intake in the body, blocking blood vessels, and affecting physical and mental health.

【Pig neck】

I don't know if you have ever eaten pig neck, under normal circumstances, when the merchant sells pig neck, it will be sold together with the pig's head, and the pig's head meat that everyone often eats contains the pig's neck.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

Pig neck and human neck have a great similarity, which contain lymph nodes, if the pig lymph nodes are relatively normal, yellowish white or yellow-brown, then everyone eating may have no effect on the body.

However, if you have bleeding, congestion, edema, suppuration, necrosis and other lesions in the neck of the pig you buy, you must cut off the pig's neck and throw it away.

Because such pigs contain a large number of bacteria and viruses in their necks, if the human body eats them, it is easy to have a great impact on lymph, thyroid, and liver, bringing a lot of toxins.

【Pig Lung】

Pig lung is also a pig offal that everyone likes to eat, it is also very delicious to cook, I believe many people love to eat it.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

Pig lungs are a large respiratory organ like human lungs, and breathing into the air of the lungs will contain a large amount of bacteria and dust, which will affect the health of the lungs.

The lung is an organ with a network of blood vessels, which is interlaced and interconnected, so the cleaning difficulty of pig lungs is very large, and under normal circumstances, the merchant will not completely cut open to clean, only to clean the surface.

This will make a large number of bacteria and dust stay in the lungs, when everyone goes to eat, it will be eaten together with these harmful substances into the body, and it will also bring harm to the body.

【Pork skin】

Everyone's most common pig skin food is pork skin jelly, pig skin jelly eat QQ bullet, the taste is very good, but also loved by many people.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

And the pig skin also contains some collagen, for women have the effect of beauty and beauty, delay aging, although the pig skin in the nutrient elements are more, but it also contains a lot of fat.

If you eat pig skin for a long time and consume a lot of fat, it is easy to lead to elevated blood lipids, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, affecting physical and mental health, and will also make everyone risk of gaining weight.

【Pig Brain】

Pig brain is one of the most common dishes in hot pot and spicy hot pot, pig brain flowers are cooked in a pot, it becomes a very delicious food, eating a bit like tofu feeling.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

Although the consumption range of pig brain is relatively wide, people are also very fond of eating pig brain, but often eating pig brain will bring hidden dangers to our body.

Because the pig brain contains a lot of harmful substances, if you use a lot of it, it will lead to hardening of the arteries, which will cause serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

【Pig intestine】

Pig intestine is also a kind of pig offal that many people like to eat very much, and its price on the market is now very high, about 60 yuan a catty, and many ordinary people rarely eat it.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

But among them, there are also some people who are very fond of the large intestine, and often buy some large intestines to eat, and the inside of the pig intestine remains with very thick oil, which contains a lot of cholesterol.

If you eat the pig intestine for a long time, you will also take these oils into the body, let it deposit in the body, thereby blocking the blood vessels, so that everyone eats more and more fat, the blood vessels eat more and more narrow, the blood flow rate is slower and slower, the prevalence will be higher and higher.


What parts should I eat for pork?

In general, the meat quality of pork can be divided into 4 levels, and the special meat quality is tenderloin, which has a lot of nutrients, a very small fat content, and a good taste.

First-class pork through the ridge meat, compared to the tenderloin, the nutrient content in the tenderloin is also very high, but the taste is worse.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

Secondary pork front leg meat, pork belly, pork front leg meat and pork belly taste is also very good, in our daily life is also the most common use of the most common range of use, his cooking method is very comprehensive, the nutritional elements are also very high.

Tertiary pork front elbow meat, back elbow meat, breast meat, tertiary pork meat quality is relatively poor, more fat meat, so there are fewer people to eat, but relative to the above meat, its price is relatively cheap.

If you want to make braised pork and Dongpo meat, then the first choice is pork belly, because pork belly is fat and lean, the meat is very tender, and the taste is also very good.

If you want to make back pot meat, cured meat, cold mix meat, sauce bacon, then you can choose tender tender meat, fat and lean together.

The 6 parts of the pig's body, the doctor recommends to eat less, the last large intestine row, the top of the list many people love to eat

If you want to stew, roast meat, marinade, simmer meat, then you can choose the front elbow meat, front foot meat, this part of the meat thick skin, more tendons, edible taste is also very good.

If you want to fry crispy meat, stewed meat, roast meat, you can choose breast meat, milk meat is located in the belly of the pig, fat and lean, after frying, the taste is very delicious.

If you want to wrap buns, dumplings, and tamales, then you can choose hind leg meat, hind leg meat meat is older, fat and thin, do not distinguish between buns, dumpling filling is very good. #健康有知识 #

Write at the end:

If you are also very fond of eating pork, the above suggestions introduced for everyone can be learned, eat less pig offal, eat more lean meat.