
"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

author:Qingqing's entertainment diary

"Breakout" is coming to an end, and the story that should be told and the clues that should be sorted out are basically clear.

And In this drama, Lin Manjiang, played by Huang Zhizhong, did get the well-deserved name of an acting brother by virtue of his strength, but to be honest, an episode did not fall behind "Breakout" to chase the 41st episode, I think that every appearance was really amazing, and every appearance was unbearable to fast-forward, but it was such three supporting roles.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

The first one: Qian Rongcheng, played by Wang Jingchun!

As a Berlin film emperor, Wang Jingchun has not starred in many TV dramas, especially the supporting roles that do not have many scenes, which are even rarer.

After watching Qian Rongcheng played by Teacher Wang Jingchun, you may slowly understand why Wang Jingchun has come to play this role again.

Because of this role, the role is less, but it is really advanced enough.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

At least under the interpretation of teacher Wang Jingchun, in this role, I see a triple change.

The first change was probably when Li Shundong's angel company blocked the door.

At this time, Qian Rongcheng held the Buddha beads in his hand, and he looked like a light wind and clouds, which was a typical lao Lai's posture.

If Qian Rongcheng is only in such a state, then this role can only be said to be average.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

The second change was when Qian Rongcheng went to Fu Changming and President Hu Zilin for help.

Open mouth and close mouth apricot garden three brothers, open mouth closed mouth "my big brother."

And when he faced Hu Zilin, his posture was also humble enough, enough little brother.

And this heavy change, Lu Jianjian, played by Teacher Period, also showed it when facing Lin Manjiang, and it can even be said that Lu Jianjian, played by Teacher Period, showed a low posture and humility, which was even more advanced than Qian Rongcheng.

And that's the third change I'm going to talk about next, and that's when I tear my face off.

For example, Qian Rongcheng went to the door to find Shi Hongxing to guarantee, and when Shi Hongxing said that there was no, Qian Rongcheng's face changed in an instant, which was to a frightening extent.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

There was also Fu Changming who threatened Qian Rongcheng, saying that when he was careful when he went out and was hit by a car, Qian Rongcheng instantly put away the previous little brother's demeanor and turned into an unfathomable person, a serious and cold person.

It can be said that Qian Rongcheng's expression has changed, and this transformation of personality is indeed impressive.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

Of course, the most absolute thing is the intrinsic motivation of Qian Rongcheng's role, everyone is forcing him, everyone is forcing him to surrender, but he bites and does not let go, but he bites and does not let go.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

Seriously, when I saw That Qian Rongcheng was finally forced to jump off the building, there was a moment when I felt that he was a real man, and for a moment, I suddenly felt that he was a little bitter, after all, what was wrong with him?

I just want my business to survive!

This is the skill of teacher Wang Jingchun, a small role that can no longer be small, but it can make people can't bear to fast forward, but it can make people see the connotation of the role, this is the skill!

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

The second one: Lu Jianjian, played by the full-time teacher!

The fame of the full-time teacher should be staged at the Spring Festival Gala.

In the past, his image was also some greedy and cheap, city servant role, and this time Lu Jianjian, played by the period teacher, simply played the term city servant and wall head grass.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

For example, in such a scene, Zhang Jiying ordered Lu Jianshe to hurry back to Jingzhou and stop interrogating Li Gongquan.

Lu Jianshe's first reaction at the moment was to be attacked, criticized by the leaders, and worried about it, at this moment he was like a dead heart, and he didn't know what to do.

But who would have thought that when he went to look for Lin Manjiang, Lin Manjiang suddenly and magically told Lu Jianjian that you would not only not be demoted this time, but also promoted.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

Lu Jianjian's expression of almost crying was really amazing.

Of course, what is even more absolute is a series of small details of the next land construction, when in front of people, such as in front of Wu Sitai, he is commanding and commanding, high above.

But as soon as he received Lin Manjiang's call, it didn't matter whether the other party could see it or not.

He can immediately stand up and stand up, a dog-legged posture to answer the phone, seriously, this is called acting, this is called playing a small character.

Of course, one of the things that really interested me about The Period Teacher was in the details of his life with his wife.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

Especially such a detail of life, it simply makes me admire the five bodies thrown to the ground.

Lu Jianshe came home from work, did not ask anything else, first asked his wife: "Has anyone come to the door to give gifts and money?" ”

And when his wife told him that someone had sent something over, Lu Jianjian's face immediately glowed with vitality and vitality, which was almost overflowing the screen.

Then when his wife told him that it was the courier who delivered something to the door.

Lu Jianjian was immediately weak again.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

The image of an official fan, a money fan, a leader bowing down to the front and condescending in front of the subordinates was indeed vividly displayed by the full-time teacher through the role of Lu Jianjian.

If Wang Jingchun perfectly portrayed the true character of a businessman who talks to people and talks to ghosts, then Teacher Period vividly interprets a small person in a system through the role of Lu Jianjian.

Seriously, this "Breakout" can have these two golden supporting roles, and it has indeed exploded.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

The third: Pi Dan played by Gao Xin!

Most of the audience's impression of Gao Xin initially began with Erhao in "Love Deeply Rainy", and in recent years, Gao Xin has given people the impression of Su Mingzhe, the eldest brother in "All Is Good".

Anyway, it is a sentence, Gao Xin has given people the impression of being a bit quiet and a bit of a nest of people for so many years.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

But this time, Gao Xin played Pi Dan in "Breakout", there is indeed something different.

At the beginning, Pi Dan, played by Gao Xin, gives people the impression of a mixed ancestor, who has obviously sat in the position of chairman, but his biggest hobby is divorce, marriage, and house flipping.

The most interesting thing is that once he encounters a problem that cannot be solved, he is either looking for his own mother or Lin Manjiang to solve it.

It can be said that Gao Xin, Pi Dan, is actually a passerby character.

But the more you look at the character, the more interesting it becomes.

For example, when Shi Hongxing confessed to Qi Ben'an that he had signed a contract to spend 4.7 billion yuan to buy mines, it was actually not her who talked about it, and it was Pi Dan who really talked about the details and really did things.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

This reversal, there is a little suddenness.

For example, the details of Pi Dan and Fu Changming's meeting, the aura is still the aura of the waste wood before, but from the smile on Pi Dan's face and the depth of Fu Changming's communication, Pi Dan seems to know a little bit, and seems to hide something.

From the waste wood at the beginning, to the key figures in the back, to the back of Pi Dan to Lin Manjiang's secrets and disks.

It can be said that Pi Dan, played by Gao Xin, did play a small role of "hidden in the city", at least this role is less like a passerby A the more he goes to the back, and the more he goes to the back, the more he feels that it is the key.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

That's what it does.

When everyone thought that he was a small role, who could have imagined that the person who finally released Wang Bomb and finally told Qi Ben'an the truth was actually him.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

If Qian Rongcheng is the fuze that blew up Fu Changming and Lin Manjiang's 1 billion interests, then Pi Dan is the balloon that finally exploded.

Without Pidan, this "Breakout" simply could not become a bureau, and without Pi Dan, the story advancement of the entire "Breakout" could not be carried out at all.

Therefore, the acting brother of this "Breakout" is definitely Lin Manjiang's fault, but what really makes me feel amazing and really makes me reluctant to fast forward a second is Wang Jingchun, period, and Gao Xin, the three golden supporting roles.

"Breakout" acting review: Huang Zhizhong deserves to be the first, but the real Wang Fried is still 3 supporting roles

With these three supporting roles, this "Breakout" can be regarded as a thrilling drama.

I don't know how you think about the actors in this TV series, welcome to leave a message and discuss with me!

Text/Qingqing's entertainment diary

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