
Local specialties, worth learning

author:Chinese food cooks

Mini lion head

Local specialties, worth learning


Lion's Head is made in every store, and this "Mini Lion Head" is my most recent innovation and has been enthusiastically sought after by diners as soon as it was launched, because I filled the lion's head with a "core". I filled the lion's head with raw salted duck egg yolk, simmered the lion's head over a low heat, added horseshoe grains to make the lion's head fat and not greasy, crab powder and salted duck egg yolk to make the lion's head more fragrant.


1, pork belly 500 grams of fine grains, put in crab powder, horseshoe grains 30 grams each, salt, chicken powder 20 grams each, white pepper, starch 15 grams each, flower carving wine, green onion ginger water 10 grams each mix well, whisk in one direction to the best strength, divided into 6 balls, each filled with 1 raw salted duck egg yolk, into balls.

2: Boil water in a sand pot, reduce the heat to the lion's head, continue simmering for 3 hours, open and plate after fishing, beat the glass.

Crab flour dumplings yellow fish carp

Local specialties, worth learning

raw material:

Yellow croaker, crab powder, Weixian radish, Jinhua ham, glutinous rice flour, shredded chili pepper, shredded chives.


Shallots, ginger, rapeseed oil, milk soup.

1. Fresh yellow croaker boneless, change into small pieces, add ginger slices to steam; Weixian radish cut into fine strips.

2. Heat the rapeseed oil in the pot, sauté the green onion and ginger until fragrant, fry the fish bones thoroughly, add the milk soup, radish scraps, ham and bring to a boil, simmer on high heat for 20 minutes, filter out the soup and set aside.

3. Blanch the radish shreds through the cold; glutinous rice flour wrapped in crab powder into rounds and cooked.

4. Put the radish shredded dish into the soup dish, put the dumplings, put the steamed yellow fish, pour the filtered soup to taste and pour, and garnish with ginger and shallot pepper shreds.

Pickled pepper cuttlefish

Local specialties, worth learning

1. After thawing and washing the cuttlefish, change the knife into a small piece of the basin, add green pepper, ginger slices, green onion knots and cooking wine, mix well and marinate for 5 hours, set aside.

2. Put salad oil in the pot to heat, put the minced pepper, bean paste, pickled pepper, bubble bullet green pepper and stir-fry, the next yard of delicious cuttlefish flower and millet pepper ring, stir-fry until cooked, before the pot into the MSG, salt, chicken essence and sugar, turn well and plate, that is.

Shawo boy ginger baked bullfrog

Local specialties, worth learning

The prototype of this dish is "baby ginger chicken", compared with chicken nuggets, bullfrogs are more likely to taste, the dish is spicy and sweet, the meat is fresh and tender; Chef Wei has added pickled millet spicy and Thai pepper on the basis of pickled ginger, making this dish more layered in spicy taste and aroma.

1: 2 bullfrogs (each weighing about 300 grams) slaughtered and cleaned, cut into small pieces and then potted, add 20 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, mix well and marinate for 2 minutes, drizzle with appropriate amount of water starch and grasp the sizing.

2: Heat the pan in wide oil until it is 60% hot, fry the marinated bullfrog pieces for about 40 seconds, and drain the oil.

3: Heat 30 grams of salad oil into the pot to 50% heat, sauté 20 grams of green onion and garlic, add 30 grams of ginger cubes, 20 grams of soaked millet chili rings, 10 grams of Thai pepper rings and stir-fry for 30 seconds, drizzle 15 grams of red oil, sprinkle 20 grams of dried red peppers and stir-fry on high heat, add 25 grams of pi county red oil bean paste and stir-fry well.

4: Pour in the fried bullfrog pieces, add 300 grams of broth, 25 grams of cooking white vinegar, add 20 grams of oyster sauce, 15 grams of donggu yipin fresh soy sauce, 2 grams of chicken essence, heat for 3 minutes, sprinkle 30 grams of parsley before cooking, pour into a casserole dish that burns to 100 ° C, garnish with parsley leaves, buckle the lid of the casserole to go to the dish.

Tangerine peel strangely flavored crispy meat

Local specialties, worth learning

Pork neck 400 g, black rice 100 g, tangerine peel 5 g, sugar 90 g, aged vinegar 60 ml, dark soy sauce 30 ml, Mei Ji fresh 10 ml, spicy fresh sauce 10 ml, dried chili noodles 30 g, salt 3 g, monosodium glutamate gram, peppercorn noodles 3 g, sesame seeds 8 g, red oil, salad oil each appropriate amount

1. Clean the pork neck, steam for 2 hours, steam well and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, take it out after molding and cut it into even cubes, and then put it in the refrigerator to freeze for 1 hour to set the shape. Mix the sugar, aged vinegar, dark soy sauce, beautiful fresh and spicy fresh Dew into a bowl of juice; add salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper noodles and sesame seeds to the dried chili noodles and set aside.

2. Add salad oil to the pot, when it is 60% hot, fry the diced meat on high heat for 2 minutes, adjust the heat after setting the shape and fry until the surface is golden and the outside is crispy and tender, and drain the oil.

3. Leave a little oil in the pot, pour in the mixed juice, add the fried diced meat, tangerine peel, use low heat to collect until the juice is drying quickly, add the seasoned dried chili noodles and turn well, pour a little red oil into the pot, and set aside.

4. Wash the black rice, pour it into the container and steam for half an hour, after steaming, pour it out and add salt, monosodium glutamate, a little pepper noodles, knead it with your hands to make it sticky, and then wrap it into a round strip with plastic wrap and put it into the refrigerator for freezing.

5. When cooking, cut the black rice strips into cubes that match the size of the meat, put them in the microwave for half a minute, put them on the plate, and put the diced meat on each piece of black rice cubes, and slightly garnish it.

Thai-flavored small balls

Local specialties, worth learning

20 grams of carrots, 20 grams of soaked vermicelli, 20 grams of onions, 10 grams of potato flour, 10 grams of flour, 10 grams of strawberries, mangoes, kiwi fruits, and a little toon seedlings.

1 g of five-spice powder, 15 g of Thai chicken sauce, 2 g of salt, 1 g of sugar, 2 g of chicken powder, 60 g of milk, 1000 g of salad oil.

1: Wash and peel the carrots, control the water with vermicelli, and cut them into 1cm long filaments.

2: Cut strawberries, mango and kiwifruit into granules and mix with Thai chicken sauce into a fruit salad dressing and set aside.

3: Put carrots, vermicelli and onions in a pot, add potato flour, flour, allspice, salt, sugar, chicken powder, milk, and form a batter.

4: Heat the wok, pour the oil to 50% heat, squeeze the batter into small balls, fry in oil, put it in a cup, pour in the fruit salad dressing, and garnish with toon seedlings.

Oven bread chicken

Local specialties, worth learning

This dish combines chicken with bread to make two flavors: Cantonese-style black pepper sauce and Sichuan-style Miyochi sauce.

1: Cut 300 grams of boneless chicken thigh into 2 cm pieces, add 2 grams of ginger shredded, dried green onion, salt and monosodium glutamate 1 gram each, cooking wine 5 grams, oyster sauce 3 grams, black pepper crushed 0.5 grams and marinate for 30 minutes.

2: 1/2: 100g of bread slices cut into 5× 1.5 cm long strips spread well with 30g of homemade butter sauce, put in the oven and bake at 140 °C for 6 minutes.

3: Pour 2 kg of salad oil into the pan and fry the marinated chicken until it is 50% hot.

4: Add 10 grams of butter to the pot and burn, add 2 grams of minced black pepper, 6 grams of shallots and green and red peppercorns, add 5 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of oyster sauce, 3 grams of delicious soy sauce, 1 gram of dark soy sauce and chicken powder, add chicken cubes and stir-fry evenly, put into the hollow bread, sprinkle 1 slice of mozzarella cheese on the surface, put it in the oven, set 160 ° C to bake for 5 minutes, with toasted bread strips.

Homemade butter sauce:

Combine 250 grams of butter, 70 grams of minced garlic, 10 grams of minced incense, and 2 grams of salt and mix them into a creamy form.