
There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

author:Boiled wine

The Three Kingdoms is a very popular era, influenced by later dramas, novels, and film and television dramas, many stories of the Three Kingdoms period are popular among the population, and many Characters of the Three Kingdoms have become heroes in people's minds.

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

When it comes to the Three Kingdoms, some people will think of all kinds of mysterious schemes, some people will think of a battle that is full of anger, and some people will be more interested in the strategists and warriors who come up with plans and participate in the battles.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there were five such unaccounted for, and whether they were dead or alive became a mystery.

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > Chen</h1>

The first of these five generals is famous because of the "famous Position Changya Zhao Yun, all known as loyal and courageous" in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and because of the lack of records in the history books and the lack of fame, many people feel sorry for Chen Zhi.

According to Chen Shou's commentary, Chen Zhi was a member of the Runanese clan. As early as when Liu Bei was still in Yuzhou, Chen Zhi followed him around and was reused by Liu Bei for his loyalty and bravery, and his title was often second only to that of the famous general Zhao Yun.

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

Soon after the lord Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, Chen Zhi was given the title of Governor of Yong'an, General of Zhengxi, and Marquis of Ting. But his ending is not recorded in the history books.

In the Taiping Imperial Records, it is recorded that Zhuge Liang once said in his letter: "When you go to the governor, you will first take the main account and the white water, and the western soldiers will also be." "

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

It can be seen that Chen Zhi led Liu Bei's personal soldiers," the "Bai Yi Soldiers," all of whom were selected from one hundred of the soldiers, and their combat effectiveness was very strong. This also explains why shortly after Liu Bei's death in the White Emperor's City, Chen Zhi was made the governor of Yong'an not far away.

Regarding Chen's ending, it is not recorded in the history books. It's just that in the local chronicle "Huayang Guozhi", there was a record of "reaching the official", that is, dying in office, in short, he was very mysterious.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > Madai</h1>

The second warlord was also from the Shu Han forces, and he was Ma Chao's subordinate Ma Dai.

Ma Dai was born in Fufeng Maoling, in the area of present-day Xingping, Shaanxi Province. He followed his brother Ma Chao for half his life, not only fighting Cao Cao fiercely at Tongguan, but also attaching himself to Zhang Lu and submitting to Liu Bei.

A few years later, Ma Chao died, and before his death, he wrote to Liu Bei: "More than two hundred mouths of the Emperor Of the Emperor Menzong have been cursed by Meng De, but from Di Dai, as the successor of WeiZong's blood, he deeply praised His Majesty, and there is no more to say." "

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

After this, Ma Dai once followed Zhuge Liang on the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. After The death of Zhuge Liang in the twelfth year of Jianxing (234), Ma Dai beheaded the rebellious Wei Yan, which shows his martial courage.

According to the Book of Jin, Ma Dai once led an army north to harass the Wei border in the second year of Zhuge Liang's death, but Sima Yi sent Niu Jin to meet it, resulting in the defeat of Ma Dai's army. As for Ma Dai's fate, there is no record in the history books, only that he was the general of Pingbei and the Marquis of Chen Cang.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > Yan Yan</h1>

The third military general was not a Shu Han force, but he was also very related to Shu Han, and he was Yan Yan, a veteran general under Liu Zhang.

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

In the eighteenth year of Jian'an (213), Liu Bei and Liu Zhang turned against each other, and in order to help take Yizhou, Zhuge Liang took Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun up the river.

At that time, Yan Yan was the Taishou of Ba County, zhenshou Jiangzhou, that is, the area of Yuzhong District in present-day Chongqing, and he was defeated by Zhang Fei, who came to fight, and became a prisoner, Zhang Feizhi asked triumphantly: "Why did the army dare to refuse the battle without surrendering?" "

Yan Yan replied emphatically: "Qing waited for no form, usurped our state, but there are severed generals in our state, and there are no generals who have surrendered." In the face of Zhang Fei's threat of beheading, Yan Yan was not afraid, so he was respected by the former, Shi Zai: "Fei Zhuang released it and introduced it as a guest." But after that, there was no record of Yan Yan.

In the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Yan Yan surrenders to Shu Han and participates in the Battle of Hanzhong with another veteran general, Huang Zhong.

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > high list</h1>

The fourth military general was named Gao Lan, who was once known as the "Hebei Four Court Pillars" along with Zhang Gao, Yan Liang, and Wen Qiu, and was also a famous general.

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

Gao Lan was originally a general of Yuan Shao, and in the Battle of Guandu, he and Zhang Gao originally led an order to sneak into Cao Cao's camp, but when they could not attack for a long time, they received news that their own grain and grass had been burned, so they surrendered to Cao Cao in desperation and were given the title of General of the Partial General, Marquis of Donglai.

More records about Gao Lan are not found in the historical data, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Gao Lan was stabbed to death by Zhao Yun while pursuing Liu Bei.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > Yanxing</h1>

The last member of this member will be Yan Xing, this name may not be known to many people, but in the history book "Wei Luo", there is a record of "tasting the thorn chao, the spear folding, because the broken spear lao chao, several killings".

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

That is to say, Yan Xing once stabbed Ma Chao with a spear, and after the spear head was broken, he hit Ma Chao's neck with the spear shaft. In other words, he almost killed Ma Chao.

Yan Xing was born in Jincheng, in the area of present-day Lanzhou, Gansu, and he was strong and strong from an early age, and at a young age he followed han Sui, the prince of Western Liang.

In the fourteenth year of Jian'an (209), Han Sui sent Yan Xing to visit Cao Cao. Cao Cao was very kind to him, and also played him as a Qian as a Taishou. Therefore, after Yan Xing returned to Han Sui's camp, he tried his best to persuade Han Sui to submit, and took the initiative to send his parents to Cao Cao.

There were five fierce generals in the Three Kingdoms whose whereabouts were unknown, whether they were dead or alive, and no one knew whether Chen to Ma Dai was yan yan and looked up at Yan Xing

Later, the princes of Liangzhou planned to jointly resist Cao Cao. Yan Xing, on the other hand, attacked Han Sui instead, and after the defeat, directly confronted Cao Cao and was made a marquis.

Since then, there is no record of Yan Xing in the history books, but Wei Guolang Zhongyu Feng once said in the Wild History Book "Classics" that Yan Xing served as a subordinate of Xiahou Yuan during the 20th year of Jian'an (215) when he rebelled against Han Sui. As for his final fate, there is no record in the data.

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