
Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?

author:Shaanxi Hancheng tourism
Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?

In the autumn of the 25th year of Qianlong, Wang Jie from Hancheng took part in the Enke Township Examination in Shaanxi Province, and was selected in the examination; then he went to Beijing non-stop to participate in the spring examination of the following year, and won the tenth place in the examination. After that, he participated in the palace examination presided over by the emperor himself, and the reading officials pre-listed Wang Jie as the third place, and after the Qianlong Emperor personally read the examination paper, he selected Wang Jie as the first champion. The three key examinations of the township examination, the meeting test, and the temple examination were completed in one go, and the thirty-seven-year-old Wang Jie became the admired Champion Lang of thousands of people.

Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?
Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?
Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?

Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the first? One is that Wang Jie's writing is fluent and insightful. The second is that Wang Jie's calligraphy is beautiful and beautiful, and his skills are profound, and the Qianlong Emperor has seen Yin Jishan's recital and greatly appreciates his font. The Annals of Wang Jie compiled by Ruan Yuan record the situation on that day: "The public volume is intended to be the third volume, read it to the third volume, and see it well, if the knowledgeable people have seen it in the past in Yin Wenduan Gong gong, the font has been commended." A poem by the Qianlong Emperor tells the third reason, shaanxi in the Qing Dynasty had not yet produced a title, the Qianlong Emperor believed that Wang Jie's level was not under Zhao Yi, in order to reflect the emperor's grace, attract talents, and intentionally take care of the northwest.

Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?
Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?
Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?

After Wang Jie's examination of the Imperial Yuan, Qianlong could not suppress his inner happiness, and he specially made a poem "Chronicle of the Imperial Xin Wei Imperial Palace" to express his feelings; After the Westerners kuibang Xiping, when they could recognize the Tianxin Yanwu, it was when the western region was flat open, and the achievements of the Xinjiang (chǎn) were adapted to this year, and it coincided with the fact that General Zhaohui was relatively smooth through the slightly large northwest, and the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains were divided into the territory of the Great Qing Dynasty, and the Qianlong Emperor linked the two events involving the western region to express his happy mood of double harvest of talents in the western territory and talents, and the Qianlong Emperor hoped that the western region would stop the army and make peace forever, and placed great hopes on wang Jie, a talented man who was personally selected, to be able to govern the Taiping dynasty in the future.

Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?
Why did the Qianlong Emperor choose Wang Jie as the crown prince?

Since then, Qianlong has been carefully cultivating his own selection of talented people, and Wang Jie has lived up to the expectations of the public and finally became the first assistant of the cabinet.

© = Editor: Hancheng City Scenic Area Management Committee

@ Shaanxi Hancheng Tourism & Hancheng Museum

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