
Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

author:The breeze is consistent

Northeast people must have fish Chinese New Year's Eve meal during the Spring Festival. The harmonic sound "every year is more than enough", and the days are prosperous and prosperous. Demoli fish stew is a delicious stew in Northeastern cuisine. "Demoli" is a transliteration of the Russian language. This dish originated in Fangzheng County, a suburb of Harbin, in Demoli Village on the Songhua River in Yihantong Township. The people in the village stewed the local live fish, such as gaya seeds and stewed together, which tasted particularly delicious. Passers-by eat it and then pass it down to say that it is delicious and affordable. More and more people are going to eat fish, word of mouth, and restaurants in the streets and alleys are also making Morley stewed fish. To eat the most authentic, you still have to go to Morley to eat. Fish stewed in the water there do taste different. The condiments are also particularly simple, and the salt, garlic, green onions, etc. are heavier in local materials. Those who come to Harbin should not miss it.


1300 g Water 500 g Powder to taste


2 spoons of salad oil 1 spoon of dark soy sauce 2 spoons of light soy sauce 2 spoons of white sugar appropriate amount of fresh ginger appropriate amount of garlic appropriate amount of cooking wine appropriate amount of peppercorns Appropriate amount of large ingredients

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

1. Fresh large scale removal, remove the internal organs, and draw a few dishes on the fish

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

2. Cut the fresh ginger and garlic and set aside

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

3. Blanch in boiling water for about 20 minutes, or simmer directly with the fish

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

4. Heat the pan with hot oil, green onion, ginger and garlic and fry the pan,

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

5. Both sides of the fish should be fried yellow

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

6. Sprinkle with light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, large ingredients, peppercorns, sugar, garlic and green onion

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

7. Put an appropriate amount of water, cover the pot over low heat, and simmer slowly

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

8. Open the pot of fish stew, add about 2CM thick water slices,

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

9. Cook for a shorter time, add salt and cook for about 5 minutes.

Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley
Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley
Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley
Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley
Every year there is a fish stew to de Morley

Cooking skills

1, this recipe is made with, personally like to feel delicious. 、、、 in other categories can be made. 2. I like dishes with moderate taste. Heavy flavors can be made according to their own preferences, and spicy eaters can add. 3, personally like to blanch first, and then add to the stew taste is better. How much to eat and how much to add, the second heating taste is very poor 4. Slices must be cut thicker, so that the fish flavor is enough. Sprinkle the green onions or whatever.

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