
Crime Fiction Series - Life Against the Wind

author:Yuki's idle life

There have been too many murders in the news in recent years, the victims are mostly women, and whenever I see them killed in this good year, I feel sad, if she didn't go there that day, if she had broken up with him earlier, if she had gone to rent a house and not met this demon, if she hadn't married him.... Unfortunately there are no ifs, only results. Life is only once, everything has become a foregone conclusion can not be changed, I hope that in the next life they can live a long life, happiness and health. So I want to record their existence in this world through this kind of novel, but also want to remind you women, although the world is not as dark as imagined, but also not as peaceful and beautiful as imagined, I hope that women are independent, self-love, have a sense of self-protection, do not think that you love him as much as you love him, do not think that the world is good people, human nature is complex, the most unclear and impenetrable, everyone may have a dark side that does not want others to see, through these stories, Let you see human nature clearly, and may you not come to the world in vain.

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