
My thoughts on the road to financial freedom

author:Little leeks learn to invest

When people reach middle age, the pressure is like a shadow, and the dreams that were once, the poems and the distant places have disappeared. There are old people who need to enjoy their old age in peace, children who need to be raised and cared for, and the emotions of pillow people who need to be patiently soothed, and they have long since lost reasons to indulge, dare not relax, dare not take vacations, and even dare not get sick.

But even so, he still maintains his love of life and hope for a better future. I am a little leek, welcome to follow me, insist on sharing the positive energy on the road to financial freedom:

First, we need to think eloquently. I once saw a big coffee that I like very much said that if you can make everyone around you and you contact can get some benefits from you, it is very difficult for you to succeed. This is altruistic thinking, there is no self in the heart, but unintentionally realize the big self, and every person who has great achievements must be someone who has others in his heart.

Second, we must have a group mentality. Confucius said, "Threesomes, there will be my teacher", some people say "gathering is a fire, scattered is full of stars", the old man in the family also said that "one chopstick is easy to break, ten pairs of chopsticks hugged into a ball". All this says is that a person's power is limited, but with good people, you will become stronger and stronger.

Third, we must have the thinking of "first complete, then perfect". Action is half the battle, and no matter how perfect the plan is, it is meaningless without action. Many people are always racking their brains, afraid of wolves and tigers, but they dare not take the first step, and the result is always in place, talking on paper. Only by bravely taking the first step, working hard to complete it first, and slowly perfecting yourself and improving yourself in the process of completion, can you finally achieve a relatively perfect result.

Fourth, we must have a long-term thinking. Buffett once said that if you don't want to stick with it for ten years, then you don't start. The words are very absolute, but the truth is very clear, that is, long-termism is the only way to create value, many times we only see the sudden success of others, but we can't see how many ups and downs and setbacks people have experienced before success, as the song sings: do not experience wind and rain, how to see the rainbow, no one can succeed casually...

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