
The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

Source: World Wide Web

According to Taiwan media sources such as the "China Times News Network" and the "Yahoo News Network," Yang Huiru, the leader of the DPP's network army, who is known as the "KaShen", is suspected of directing the network army to use internet forums to insult and attack the "Osaka Office" of the Taiwan authorities, causing Su Qicheng, director of the office, to commit suicide under pressure. The Taipei District Prosecutor's Office indicted 2 people for "insulting the office." The Taipei District Court today (12Th) sentenced Yang Huiru and her friend Cai Fuming to six months in prison, and they could also pay a fine. In this regard, some netizens on the island said that the fine was fined, and some netizens questioned whether this was a play for the public to see?

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

According to Taiwan's "Yahoo News Network", in September 2018, typhoon "Swallow" landed in Japan and hit Osaka Kansai International Airport hard, and the "Osaka Office" of the Taiwan authorities was criticized for not providing proper assistance from Taiwanese people on the Internet, and Yang Huiru provided a bidding network on September 6, 2019, for Tsai Fuming to log online to the island forum and publish an article attacking Taiwan's "Osaka Office" under the "idcc" account.

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

Taiwan's "ETtoday News Network" said that the "idcc" post at that time contained words such as "rotten is rotten, rotten to the point of damning", "these people in the Osaka office are ,..., a bunch of garbage old fritters, and the ugly point is called 'the remnants of the party and state'", etc. In the public opinion at that time, some netizens warmly echoed and scolded, and Su Qicheng, the director of Taiwan's "office in Osaka", eventually committed suicide because he could not bear the pressure of public opinion.

Prosecutors said that after the article was published, Yang Huiru used the LINE (a social software) group in the evening of the same day to instruct the members of the group to promote the article, which quickly spread from the Internet and blatantly insulted taiwan's "Osaka office" and the civil servants of the office. On December 2, 2019, the Taipei District Public Prosecutor's Office indicted Yang Huiru and Cai Fuming for "insulting the Office."

After the trial, the Taipei District Court said that looking at the whole text, it is obvious that Cai Fuming was not commenting on the incident at that time, but insulting the duties performed by the civil servants of Taiwan's "Osaka Office" in accordance with the law and the "Osaka Office", which has exceeded the boundaries of the protection of freedom of expression.

The Taipei District Court mentioned that the LINE group "Kaohsiung Group" is a group headed by Yang Huiru, through which Yang Huiru publishes a article number instructing Cai Fuming and people in the group to support or criticize a specific article, and then the person recruited by Cai Fuming will give a screenshot of the published results to Cai Fuming, and then ask Yang Huiru for money, and after Cai Fuming obtains the money, he will then hand it over to the person who solicits it, so as to quickly spread, influence, and lead the direction of public opinion from the Network.

According to the Taipei District Court, Cai Fuming and Yang Huiru both admitted that there was mutual discussion and exchange of information between the parties, and Yang Huiru also believed that the article was in line with the purpose to be expressed, and did not rule out that the two people had discussed with the participants on the same day before publishing the article, finding that Cai Fuming and Yang Huiru had criminal intentions to contact and share the behavior, and sentenced 2 people to 6 months imprisonment according to the crime of "insulting the office", and could be fined. The entire case is appealable.

In this regard, some netizens on the island said, "Fine money, this is Taiwan's justice, shame." ”↓

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

Also netizens questioned: Is the result of this judgment a drama and shown to the public? ↓

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

Some netizens also criticized, "A human life (referring to Su Qicheng, who committed suicide under the pressure of public opinion), only sentenced to 6 months in prison for the initiator? Can I also get fines from ico? Rip it up..."↓

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

Another netizen sighed, "It's been three years!" Judging this point is not painful or itchy! This judicial efficiency is really high! sorrowful! ”↓

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

More netizens said bluntly, "(Taiwan) court certified the DPP's green net army to kill people." ↓

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

Some netizens asked, "What about the instructions behind the scenes?" What about the money behind the scenes? ”

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

Some netizens questioned the "representative of the Taiwan authorities in Japan" and "Is Xie Changting all right?" ”

The real hammer, the DPP network army "kills"! Taiwan media: The leader of the Green Camp Network Army was sentenced to 6 months for attacking Taiwan's "office in Japan."

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