
Folk tales: Babies crying in the ancient temple, Zhixian tore down the idol, found that the ground is full of white bones

author:Liaozhai Academy

A merchant of the Ming Dynasty stayed overnight in the ancient temple, in the middle of the night heard the cry of a baby coming from under the statue of the ancient temple, the merchant felt that something was wrong, the next morning, the merchant told the government to tear down the idol, found that the ground was full of white bones, what the hell is going on?

There is a very strange ancient temple in the north of Ruicheng County, which enshrines three gods of Liu Guanzhang, but the temple door of that temple is often locked and only opened during the New Year's Festival. People say that there are often strange noises in the temple, and there are monsters in it, and even the monks dare not live there.

Folk tales: Babies crying in the ancient temple, Zhixian tore down the idol, found that the ground is full of white bones

One day, a merchant named Fan Yao passed by here, when it was already dark, Fan Yao did not find a place to stay, so he pried open the door lock of the temple and lived in the temple. Fan Yao cleaned up a corner in the main hall of the temple, and then lay on the ground and fell asleep, but in the middle of the night, he encountered a strange thing.

At three o'clock, the cry of a baby suddenly came from under the base of the statue, and Fan Yao woke up from his sleep, and when he opened his eyes, he saw something jump out of the statue. He looked through the candlelight and saw that it was a strange-looking monster, seven or eight feet tall, eyes as big as brass bells, pitch black, covered with green hair, looking very frightening.

Folk tales: Babies crying in the ancient temple, Zhixian tore down the idol, found that the ground is full of white bones

Strange to say, after the monster appeared, the cries of the babies in the temple became louder, as if there were hundreds of babies crying around Fan Yao. Only to see the monster stretch out its claws to pounce on Fan Yao, Fan Yao was frightened and frightened, pulled his leg and ran outside the door, he ran to the temple gate, saw a tall plane tree on the side of the road, and directly climbed the tree.

The monster didn't seem to be able to climb a tree, and he circled the tree in a circle, tirelessly, until it was almost dawn when the monster heard the chicken crow and turned away.

Folk tales: Babies crying in the ancient temple, Zhixian tore down the idol, found that the ground is full of white bones

Fan Yao waited until the sun came out before coming down from the plane tree, and he told the villagers nearby about it, and when the villagers heard about it, their faces became very ugly.

It wasn't until Fan Yao asked everyone the reason that he understood what was going on, it turned out that babies who had just turned a full moon in the vicinity were often lost, and many babies were obviously sleeping in the house, but suddenly disappeared. After Fan Yao said about the monster, people suspected that the monster had stolen the baby, and they followed Fan Yao to look for the monster under the base of the statue, but they saw a very strange scene.

Folk tales: Babies crying in the ancient temple, Zhixian tore down the idol, found that the ground is full of white bones

The people found that a stone slit under the base of the statue was emitting black gas and emitting a disgusting stench, and people did not dare to open the stone slit to check it out, so they reported the matter to the government. After Zhixian heard about this incident, he felt very strange, and personally came to the scene with more than a dozen officials and ordered people to push down the statue and dig it down.

When the idol was pushed down, the cry of a baby came from the ground, and the cry became more and more miserable than the other, and it was terrifying to hear. A few officials endured their fear and kept digging into the ground, and they dug down more than a mile deep, and the baby's crying suddenly stopped, while the officials dug out a rotten coffin.

Folk tales: Babies crying in the ancient temple, Zhixian tore down the idol, found that the ground is full of white bones

The people opened the coffin and found only one corpse inside, which was covered with green hair and emitted a foul odor, exactly like the monster Fan Yao had seen. Zhixian asked people to carry the coffin out of the ground, only to find that the coffin was full of white bones of babies, and the officials continued to dig, and even dug out the bones of nearly a hundred babies, it seems that the lost babies nearby were stolen by this monster, and they were killed by the monster.

At this time, watching the lively crowd suddenly came out an old man with gray hair, who pointed to the monster's corpse and said, "This monster is a green-haired ghost, fed by babies, and those children who have been stolen must have been eaten by it!" ”

Folk tales: Babies crying in the ancient temple, Zhixian tore down the idol, found that the ground is full of white bones

The old man, surnamed Li, had practiced in the Taoist Temple and knew many things that ordinary people did not know. After people knew the truth, they all hated this monster with green hair, so Zhixian let people light a fire and burn the monster's body in a fire. When the monster burned, it made a cry like a baby, and the blood flowed, and it looked very frightening.

The monster was eventually burned to ashes by the fire, and since then, the temple has returned to calm, and nothing strange has happened nearby. After this incident, Fan Yao became extra cautious and cautious, and he no longer dared to casually break into strange places.

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