
The African red river pig is flooded and super fertile, only Chinese foodies can drop it?

author:Xu Dewen Science Channel

Author: Bai Xiaobai

The African savannah is vast and dizzyingly diverse, with a flying bird of prey vultures that love to eat meat, and a lion, the king of all beasts at the top of the food chain, watching the balance of the entire food chain. However, there is one species that is unique and has a variety of styles, taking advantage of the suffering of natural enemies to proliferate and do many evils in this hot land, which has triggered a protracted war of people and pigs, which is the Red River Pig, which is nicknamed "The Beauty of pigs".

The African red river pig is flooded and super fertile, only Chinese foodies can drop it?

The African Red River Pig, also known as the "Beauty of pigs", is probably the most beautiful species of wild boar. The pigs you see may be fat heads, big ears, brains full of fat, but this wild boar is as beautiful as a flower, petite and exquisite - the African Red River Pig is the smallest pig in Africa, and it is also the most beautiful pig, with a body length of only 1 meter to 1.5 meters, weighing between 100 and 260 pounds, living in sub-Saharan Africa, from the west and central to the north of South Africa and Madagascar.

The Red River Pig has no inch of bare skin, and its entire body is covered with hair, from the top of the head to the coccyx; there is a long white stripe on the back ridge, and the two sideburns of the face are white hairs, and the eyes are also covered with white hairs. But since it is the most beautiful pig, the red river pig will certainly not be so monotonous as white, and they also have a pinch of slender black hair on the tip of their ears, like two small braids. In fact, this enchanting pig beauty, more than braids such a little careful machine, they day after day year after year tirelessly dress themselves, the coat color from childhood to adult varies greatly - when they were young, they wore brown and coffee-colored striped fur coats, and when they became more adult, they began to pursue a simple fashion style, except for the white ridge hair base, the whole body became a single russet or orange, looking beautiful and abnormal.

The African red river pig is flooded and super fertile, only Chinese foodies can drop it?

The Red River Pig lives in Africa's tropical rainforests, wet grasslands and dense forested valleys, close to swamps, river valleys and lakesides, and is a good swimmer by the water all year round in order to cool down at any time. Red River pigs like to live in groups, generally 6-10 to form a small group, digging holes in the grass as a nest, day and night, extremely fierce temperament. For eating red river pigs, it is also not taboo, holding a large mouth, using fangs and forefoots to plane the roots of plants, fruits, weeds, carrion, insects, crops in the mud...

Of course, the biggest hobby of the Red River Pig is to reproduce, and it can eat, sleep and live! From September to April of the following year, it is a good day for them to pass on from generation to generation, after the carnival, they can give birth to 3-6 piglets; if it is under captivity conditions, female pigs can give birth twice a year - can the pig farms of China's Internet giants consider the introduction? In order for the piglets to grow up smoothly, not only the mother pig builds a warm nest with dead leaves and grass, but each pig in the group will do its best to provide protection and let the cubs thrive. In just 18 to 24 months, piglets can grow into pigs, become sexually mature, and begin the continuation of the next generation of life.

The African red river pig is flooded and super fertile, only Chinese foodies can drop it?
The African red river pig is flooded and super fertile, only Chinese foodies can drop it?

Red River pig population distribution

The little wild boar himself, who is also very adaptable to the environment, and is cunning by nature, will use pretending to be dead to confuse the enemy when attacked. Predators may feel inexplicable, and while they are struggling with whether to cover their noses and will eat, the Red River Pig may have rolled over and jumped up and fled at absolute speed.

The Red River Pig has been preyed upon by natural enemies, the African leopard, and has long maintained its balance and has never flooded. However, with the rapid development of human hunting technology, African leopards have been hunted in large numbers because of their beautiful coat color, the number has decreased sharply, and the ecological balance has been seriously damaged. The opponent's fate returned to the Western Heavens, and the Red River Pigs smiled happily, without the constraints of natural enemies, they quickly flooded with extremely strong adaptability, cunning escape tricks, rapid reproductive speed, and vicious destructive attacks. They eat cassava yam, destroy crops, and even let piglets, goats, and sheep goats go, which can be described as a bad thing, which makes the African people who are not rich in the first place even worse.

In order to deal with the Red River Pig, some places in Africa began to hold pig hunting competitions to encourage people to hunt wild boars with heavy prizes, but to no avail, the Red River Pig can eat, sleep and hide, and professional hunters in Africa have no choice but to take it. And hunting wild boars is also extremely dangerous, because they will be fierce and desperate to attack when they are injured, which is daunting.

The African red river pig is flooded and super fertile, only Chinese foodies can drop it?

Asian carp is rampant in the United States, and the Chinese people apply to go to war to cross the ocean to eat chopped pepper fish heads!

Wild goats are flocked in Australia, and the Chinese people apply to form a group to eat roast whole lamb!

This time, the Red River pig is running rampant in Africa, and Chinese foodies want to roast suckling pigs, fill sausages, and cured bacon again?

In fact, the introduction of the red river pig to China may be the best way to solve its flooding in Africa, the red river pig is so powerful reproductive ability, it can also give birth to two litters a year, it is easy to breed in captivity or even hybridize to produce better breeds. China's Internet giants have a high-tech and powerful technology and talent reserves, it is a pity not to use pigs, perhaps it is to see this, in recent years, many giants have set off a pig fever, if you can introduce the Red River pig, it may be more effective with half the effort and obtain super high returns. And once the Chinese people taste the wonderful taste of the red river pig, it is likely to trace the roots, into Africa, chase the original red river pig, at this time the red river pig not only can not flood, I am afraid that I have to worry about the survival crisis of the population.

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