
Twenty-four solar terms of light snow, small snow harvest onions are empty, light snow and green onions and such a connection?

author:Old ghost Brother Qing

Time flies so fast, it's almost time for the snow festival, the twenty-four solar terms of light snow, which is the twentieth of the twenty-four solar terms. The light snow festival is not the beginning of the weather to snow, but the cold wave and cold air are becoming more and more active, but the amount of snowfall and rainfall will be relatively small. Although the festival is generally in mid-November and the weather is already very cold, the farmers who grow green onions in the countryside are still busy, and the green onion farmers are hurrying to harvest the green onions. There is a saying in the countryside that "if you harvest green onions in small snow, you will be empty if you don't collect them", so why collect green onions before the small snow festival?

Twenty-four solar terms of light snow, small snow harvest onions are empty, light snow and green onions and such a connection?

  For northerners, the essential vegetables in winter are Chinese cabbage, radishes and green onions. With a week to go until the Little Snow Festival, the rural market can already see the scene of selling whole truckloads of green onions. In the north, green onions are not only a condiment in life, but also a vegetable. In addition to boiling dumplings, northerners also have the habit of eating green onions raw. If you take a bite of a spicy onion, you will immediately feel a great appetite.

  Although every household in the countryside has its own small yard, and people will plant some green onions in the yard for ordinary people to eat, people prefer to buy green onions in winter. Spring onions stored in winter are not placed in a warm room like cabbage and turnips, but outdoors, even in the cold winter of counting nine, because the green onions stored in winter mainly eat green onions and do not eat green onions. Even if the green onions are frozen very hard, they still taste like fresh green onions. However, frozen green onions are most afraid of sudden warming, and until they start to warm, the green onions will begin to rot. People plant more green onions in their yards than green onions, so the edible value of such green onions will be reduced after freezing, so people will buy green onions that are longer before winter. This is why the solar terms of light snow are associated with green onions.

Twenty-four solar terms of light snow, small snow harvest onions are empty, light snow and green onions and such a connection?

  As the saying goes, "small snow sets green onions, and if you don't set them, they are empty", which means that people should pay attention to the length of green onions when storing green onions. When planting green onions for winter storage, onion farmers will choose the variety of green onions. Although the green onion is highly hardy, in order to make the green onion grow longer and thicker, it will be watered enough when the green onion is growing vigorously. There is also a saying about small snow in the countryside, that is, "small snow does not seal the land, but three or five days", which means that if the land is not frozen when there is light snow, then the land will definitely freeze after only three or five days at most.

  China is vast, with a large north-south span and a large temperature difference, so the rural solar term is not suitable for all regions of China. For example, the phrase "small snow harvests green onions, and if it is not collected, it is empty" is a rural saying in North China, which is not suitable for all parts of China.

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