
After Zhuge Jin's death, what was the fate of his descendants? Most do not end well

author:Sentimental history

Zhuge Jin (174–241), courtesy name Ziyu, was a native of Yangdu, Langya (present-day Yinan, Shandong). During the Three Kingdoms period, he was the brother of Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty, and the father of Taifu Zhuge Ke. In the fifth year of Jian'an (200), in order to escape the war in the Central Plains, Zhuge Liang entered Jiangdong. On the recommendation of Hongzhi, he began to assist Sun Quan. Zhuge Jin has a broad mind, gentleness and integrity, and is deeply trusted by Sun Quan. In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an (220), after Lü Meng's death, Zhuge Jin was appointed as the Taishou of Nan Commandery. In 229, Sun Quan was proclaimed empress, and Zhuge Jin was appointed as a general and a protector of Zuo, leading yuzhou mu and sealing the title of Marquis of Wanling.

After Zhuge Jin's death, what was the fate of his descendants? Most do not end well

In the fourth year of Chiwu (241), Zhuge Jin died at the age of sixty-eight. Because he was the first general of Eastern Wu, Zhuge Jin's official position and status in Eastern Wu were already comparable to those of Zhuge Liang, the chancellor of the Shu Han Dynasty. However, Zhuge Jin's descendants did not achieve a better ending in Eastern Wu. Below, let's talk about Zhuge Jin's descendants.

I. Zhuge Ke (Zhuge Jin's eldest son)

Zhuge Ke is obese and clever. As an adult, Zhuge Ke was worshipped as a knight lieutenant, and Sun Quan's eldest son, Sun Deng, served as a left auxiliary lieutenant when he was crown prince, and then successively held official positions such as Danyang Taishou and Weibei general, and participated in the campaign to pacify Shanyue. In the eighth year of Chiwu (245), the chancellor Lu Xun died of illness, and Zhuge Ke was promoted to the rank of general and led his soldiers on his behalf. In the first year of Shenfeng (252), when Sun Quan was seriously ill, under the strong recommendation of Sun Jun, Zhuge Ke was appointed as the head of the Tuoguo Chancellor.

After Zhuge Jin's death, what was the fate of his descendants? Most do not end well

After Sun Liang ascended the throne, Zhuge Ke was given the title of Taifu(太傅). Began to grasp the power of the State of Wu. Soon after, Zhuge Ke led an army to resist the State of Wei and won a great victory in the Battle of Dongxing, which became famous in the sea and the world was shaken. He was also awarded the title of Marquis of Yangdu (陽都侯) for his merits. However, after this battle, Zhuge Ke developed a light enemy heart and began to send a large-scale army to attack Wei, and was defeated by Xincheng. After returning to the dynasty, in order to cover up his mistakes, he was more rigid and self-conscious.

In October of the second year of Jianxing (253), Sun Jun, who was also a chancellor of the Orphans, secretly joined forces with Emperor Sun Liang to lure Zhuge Ke into the palace under the pretext of attending a banquet, and killed Zhuge Ke at the age of fifty-one at the banquet. After Sun Xiu ascended the throne and removed the powerful minister Sun Qi, he issued an edict to rehabilitate Zhuge Ke.

After Zhuge Jin's death, what was the fate of his descendants? Most do not end well

Zhuge Qi, zhuge ke's eldest son, served as a knight lieutenant of the State of Wu. Because of his participation in the conspiracy activities of Sun Quan's son Sun Ba, he was learned by Sun Quan and handed over to Zhuge Ke to strictly manage, and Zhuge Ke poisoned him with medicinal liquor.

Zhuge Zhen (Zhuge Zhen), zhuge ke's second son, served as a lieutenant of Changshui in the State of Wu. He repeatedly advised his father to use his own methods, but he was rejected and was often worried about the disaster. After Zhuge Ke was murdered, he fled with his mother and brother. Sun Jun sent liu cheng to hunt down zhuge and behead zhuge at Baidu.

Zhuge Jian(?) –253), courtesy name Qi Cen (字起岑), zhuge Ke's younger son, served as an infantry lieutenant in the State of Wu. After his father was reprimanded, he fled with his mother and brother Zhuge Zhen. His brother Zhuge Zhen was killed, and Zhuge Jian crossed the Yangtze River and prepared to flee north to the State of Wei, walking dozens of miles and being hunted and killed by the Eastern Wu army.

From this, it is very obvious that Zhuge Ke's pride and conceit not only caused him to lose his life, but also affected several of his sons. In other words, Zhuge Jin's eldest son, Yi Mao, was completely destroyed in the civil strife in Eastern Wu.

After Zhuge Jin's death, what was the fate of his descendants? Most do not end well

II. Zhuge Qiao (Zhuge Jin's second son)

Zhuge Qiao (204–228), a historical figure of the Three Kingdoms, was a general of the Three Kingdoms, with the characters Bosong and Zhongshen( 中慎). He was originally zhuge jin's second son, and his brother Zhuge Ke had a great reputation in the state of Wu, and was later passed on to Zhuge Liang. After coming to the Shu Kingdom, Zhuge Qiao served as a lieutenant of the horse. Zhuge Liang regarded him as his own son, deeply afraid that he would become a mediocre and disciplined him very strictly. In this regard, in the author's opinion, Zhuge Liang obviously cultivated Zhuge Qiao as an heir. However, this also put Zhuge Qiao under greater pressure.

In 228 AD, Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition was stationed in Hanzhong, and Zhuge Qiao and his soldiers rose up to participate in the hard work of supervising the transportation of grain and grass. In this year, Zhuge Qiao died at the age of twenty-five, which naturally belonged to the situation of untimely death.

Zhuge Pan, a figure of the Three Kingdoms period, date of birth and death unknown. His father Zhuge Qiao was originally the son of Zhuge Jin, but because Zhuge Liang had been childless, he passed on to Zhuge Liang as his successor. Zhuge Pan was an official in the Shu Han Dynasty to the Xing Protector and the General of Yiwu. Later, Zhuge Jin's eldest son Zhuge Ke was beheaded by Manmen in the State of Wu, and Zhuge Pan restored his identity to Zhuge Jin's descendants in order to continue Zhuge Jin's bloodline. When Zhuge Kezhao snowed, Zhuge Pan became Zhuge Jin's only heir. However, Zhuge Pan also belonged to the situation of untimely death, so he did not achieve much.

After Zhuge Jin's death, what was the fate of his descendants? Most do not end well

Zhuge Xian, Zhuge Pan's son, that is, he was Zhuge Jin's great-grandson. After the fall of the Shu Han Dynasty, he and Zhuge Jing, the son of Zhuge Zhan (Zhuge Liang's son), came to Cao Wei. Therefore, at the end of the Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Xian became Zhuge Jin's only heir. Correspondingly, Zhuge Jing was also the only surviving heir of Zhuge Liang at that time.

III. Zhuge Rong (Zhuge Jin's third son)

Zhuge Rong (?) ~253), a native of Langxian Yangdu (琅邪阳都, in present-day Yinan County, Shandong Province). The youngest son of the Eastern Wu general Zhuge Jin. Learning is a chapter, knowledgeable but not refined, sexual tolerance, multi-skilled, good at books. After Zhuge Jin's death, Zhuge Rong was worshipped as a knight lieutenant and later moved to fenwei general. After the Eastern Wu Emperor Sun Liang killed Zhuge Ke, Zhuge Rong drank medicine and died, that is, he chose to commit suicide and had no descendants.

After Zhuge Jin's death, what was the fate of his descendants? Most do not end well

4. Zhuge Shi (Zhuge Jin's only daughter)

Zhuge Shi married Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng (178–244), courtesy name Zhongsi. A native of Pengcheng County, Xuzhou (present-day Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province). During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Wu was the eldest son of the Auxiliary Wu general Zhang Zhao. Zhang Cheng was famous for his talents and learning when he was young, and he befriended Zhuge Jin, Bu Qi, and Yan Qi. In Eastern Wu, Zhang Cheng successively served as the general of the Hun Cavalry General Xi Cao Tuan and the Western Governor of Changsha, and later served as the Governor of Fusu, the General of Fenwei, and the Marquis of Fengdu Township, so he was also known as Zhang Fenwei. Chi Wu died in the seventh year (244) at the age of sixty-seven. In summary, after Zhuge Jin's death, his descendants were either killed or died young, and most of them did not achieve a good ending.

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