
Why was the water attack on Cao Wei proposed by the Shu state strategist Jiang Huan be collectively opposed by the ministers?

author:Historical Chronicles

Regarding the history of the Three Kingdoms, I believe many people know it through novels. Liu Bei was one of the most outstanding leaders. When it comes to Liu Bei's advisers, I believe that everyone will think of the famous Zhuge Liang for the first time. In addition to Zhuge Liang, in fact, Liu Bei also had some very powerful strategists under him. For example, Jiang Huan, he is one of them.

Jiang Huan, when he was young, was studious, intelligent, elegant, and extraordinary. After following Liu Bei, after Liu Bei pacified Shu, Jiang Huan was appointed as the county commander of Guangdu County. The prototype of Pang Tong's drunken and abandoned political affairs in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is Jiang Huan. When Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, and others went out to Guangdu County, they found that Jiang Huan had ignored government affairs and was intoxicated. Liu Bei was furious and wanted to put Jiang Huan to death for the crime, and Zhuge Liang advised Liu Bei: "Jiang Huan is an instrument of social welfare, not a talent of a hundred miles, and the government is based on the security of the people, not on embellishment, and looks forward to the lord and the public. Liu Bei always respected Zhuge Liang, so he exonerated Jiang Huan, but still dismissed him.

Why was the water attack on Cao Wei proposed by the Shu state strategist Jiang Huan be collectively opposed by the ministers?

In Jiang Huan's life, when he was young, he was also arrogant and arrogant, thinking that he was the protagonist of the heroes in the chaotic world, but this former drunken Guangdu Ling was able to not forget his original intention when he was in power, treating people like a spring breeze, inheriting Zhuge Legacy, but found that the wheel of responsibility and reality on his back was getting farther and farther away. Ambition is hard to come by. Presumably, whenever he passed by the Wuhou Ancestral Hall, his heart must be full of mixed tastes. But as Zhuge Liang's successor, Jiang Huan was worthy of shu Han.

Jiang Huan was the clearly stipulated heir of Zhuge Liang before his death, and after Zhuge Liang's death, Jiang Huan took charge of the power of the Shu Kingdom, under one person, above ten thousand people! The reason why Zhuge Liang chose Jiang Huan as his heir was very simple, that is, he hoped that after his death, the great cause of reviving the Han Dynasty could continue to be carried out, which was the wish of the former emperor Liu Bei and himself.

For Jiang Huan, this was a task heavier than his own life, if he failed, how could he have the face to see the former emperor and the chancellor. Therefore, after Jiang Huan came to power, he began a plan to fight against Cao Wei day and night, and after careful planning, Jiang Huan proposed a plan to attack Cao Wei by water, but what was shocking was that this idea of his was opposed by the entire imperial court after it was reported to Liu Chan.

Although Jiang Huan was hand-picked by Zhuge Liang, it does not mean that Jiang Huan's strategy is the same as Zhuge Liang's. In Jiang Huan's eyes, the reason why Zhuge Liang failed was entirely because of the land attack. Zhuge Liang's several Northern Expeditions resulted in major defeats, and one of the important reasons was because of the shortage of grain and grass and the rugged mountain roads.

Why was the water attack on Cao Wei proposed by the Shu state strategist Jiang Huan be collectively opposed by the ministers?

Jiang Huan knew very well that the many difficulties faced by Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition were not because the enemy could not hold out, but because of insufficient supply of grain and grass. Therefore, Jiang Huan believed that all this was caused by the rough road, so he thought of attacking from land and water! For the strategy proposed by Jiang Huan, the imperial court was in an uproar, which was fundamentally different from Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition. Because Zhuge Liang's thoughts had a profound influence on the entire Shu Kingdom, for people, if they wanted to revive the Han Dynasty, they also had to follow the route before The Prime Minister, which was not to lose their original intentions!

In ancient times, due to the inconvenience of transportation, land transportation did have great shortcomings compared with water and land transportation, which is why the Sui Emperor would build the Grand Canal at all costs. For Jiang Huan's plan to attack Cao Wei by land and water, there were actually certain advantages and disadvantages. After the failure of Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, the national strength of the Shu state was not as great as before, but in order to support the Han Dynasty, it still launched a foreign war.

Jiang Huan's land and water attack strategy did have an advantage over Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, but it also had a huge disadvantage, there was no retreat to speak of! Because this is not a long-term solution, unsuccessful is Chengren, if according to the plan proposed by Jiang Huan, land and water attack, if it fails, there is no way to retreat, because when attacking is down the river, but when retreating is against the current, failure means complete failure, so this adventure mode of attack is not recognized by the imperial court.

Why was the water attack on Cao Wei proposed by the Shu state strategist Jiang Huan be collectively opposed by the ministers?

If it is attacked from land and water, then there must be a mountain premise, a strong water army. However, the Shu state did not develop a water army for many years. After Guan Yu lost Jingzhou, Huang Quan also led the water division to surrender to Cao Wei, and the Shu state completely lost a decent water army, not to mention some large-scale warships. In the course of Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, there was basically no mention of anything about the water army.

Of course, some people may say that there is no warship that can be built by oneself, but training the naval forces is not an easy task. Moreover, according to the national strength of the Shu state at that time, it simply did not have the ability to bear the strength of building water divisions and water troops. Therefore, in the face of Jiang Huan's plan for a water army to attack Cao Wei, the imperial court unanimously opposed it. Due to his advanced age and a variety of diseases, Jiang Huan could only reluctantly give up his plan.

On the whole, although Jiang Huan's plan for rejuvenating Han on land and water was good, it was divorced from the actual situation of the Shu state and was not feasible. If the Shu kingdom is replaced by Eastern Wu, then this plan must be feasible, after all, the water army of Eastern Wu is the strongest in the Three Kingdoms, but unfortunately, the creation of people, how many people's efforts, can not return to heaven, Shu kingdom will eventually go to extinction?

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