
Pingjiang National Republic of China Lieutenant General Huang Yong's tortuous life trajectory

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Pingjiang National Republic of China Lieutenant General Huang Yong's tortuous life trajectory

■ Zou Liming

Huang Yong, a lieutenant general in the army during the Republic of China period from Pingjiang, in the history of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, "acted backwards and perversely", changed course and changed course, leaving a special chapter with heavy ink and color. The trajectory of his life has been weathered and frosted, and the curves are as wonderful and intriguing as possible. But its final fate was lucky. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Yong served as a counselor of the Hunan Provincial People's Government and the Central and Southern Military and Political Committee, a member of the Third and Fourth Committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and a commissioner of the Cultural and Historical Materials Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In the vast sea of history, the author has found some of his amazing and lamentable fragments, or the waves of life, especially for readers to travel through the time and space of history, once again to know, understand, familiarize and study this Pingjiang person with a unique personality, and give comfort to the deceased in a stirring and clear manner.

Pingjiang National Republic of China Lieutenant General Huang Yong's tortuous life trajectory

Actively participate in the torrent of the Great Revolution

Huang Yong, also spelled Jianqiu, was born in 1900 to a civilian family in Chengguan Town, Pingjiang County. His family was poor and lonely at an early age. As a teenager, he studied art with his teacher and did apprenticeships. By chance, Huang Yong became a policeman. Influenced by the democratic revolutionary movement at the end of the Qing Dynasty, he was concerned about the future and destiny of the country and developed the concept of "rebellion". At the age of 18, he participated in revolutionary activities against the warlord Zhao Hengti, was wanted by the authorities, and was forced to flee Guangzhou. Soon, after being introduced, he met Zhang Huizhen, the director of the Xiang Army's military station, and Zhang had a good appreciation for Huang Yong, so he recommended him to be a senator at the headquarters of the Xiang Army. In November 1922, Huang Yong was admitted to the Hunan Army Officers' Lecture Hall and put into Cheng Qian's command. During his studies, when the Communist Party assisted the Kuomintang led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in opening the Whampoa Military Academy, he launched a merger movement with 24 students, including Yuan Ceyi (a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, who joined the Communist Party of China in 1924) and Huang Jinhui (a native of Guilin, Guangxi, who joined the Communist Party of China in the spring of 1925). In early 1924, the Hunan Army Officers' Lecture Hall was merged into the Whampoa Military Academy, and Huang Yong became the first student of the Whampoa Military Academy. In the same year, Huang Yong joined the Chinese Nationalist Party. During the Huangpu period, under the impact and baptism of new ideas and new trends, Huang Yong yearned for the new world from the bottom of his heart, so he participated in the activities of the Chinese Young Soldiers' Federation and participated in the establishment of the revolutionary organization "Mars Society". His progressive thinking and organizational leadership skills were appreciated by Zhou Enlai, then director of the school's political department.

In November 1924, when Huang Yong graduated with honors, Zhou Enlai sent him and Yuan Ceyi to Dongyuan and Bao'an to work in the agricultural movement. At the beginning of the following year, he joined the Communist Party of China. Soon, he was selected to serve as the military chief coach of the 5th military training institute of the Central Peasant Movement in Guangzhou. On June 19 of the same year, the provincial and Hong Kong general strike broke out, and Su Zhaozheng, secretary of the Cpc Guangdong Provincial Committee, consulted with Zhou Enlai and others to transfer Huang Yong as a member of the provincial and Hong Kong strike picket committee and the leader of the 5th brigade, and concurrently served as the director of the military affairs department of the committee. The following month, the 5th Workers' Picket Brigade, led by Huang Yong, was inspected by Song Ziwen, minister of finance of the Republic of China government, and Borodin, general adviser of the Soviet Union. The strict discipline and good mental outlook of the workers' pickets invigorated these two important members of the government, and they praised them one after another: "The workers' pickets are the vanguard of the working class and the model of the National Revolutionary Army." Immediately after that, Song Ziwen proposed to hire Huang Yong, and with the consent of Su Zhaozheng and Zhou Enlai, Huang Yong concurrently served as the chief of the major general and director of the Inspection Institute of the Anti-Smuggling and Merchant Inspection Corps of the Ministry of Finance, and undertook the earliest direct struggle of the Chinese revolution against imperialism in the field of economic and customs autonomy. This was the first step taken by Huang Yong in pursuing national independence, national prosperity and strength, and realizing lofty revolutionary ideals.

However, just when Huang Yong was full of ambition and revolutionary passion, there were unpredictable storms in the sky. On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek braved the world to betray Dr. Sun Yat-sen's policy of "uniting with Russia, uniting with the Communist Party, and supporting peasants and workers" and launched a counter-revolutionary coup in Shanghai, killing Communists and revolutionary benevolent people. More than 30 members of the anti-smuggling and health merchant inspection corps led by Huang Yong fell under the butcher's knife. What is more serious is that the Huangpu Alumni Association's Guangdong office chaired by Huang Yong was regarded by Chiang Kai-shek as a "red" institution and became one of the units of the purge. On the same day, Chiang Kai-shek ordered an emergency reorganization and the establishment of a new special committee of the Huangpu Alumni Association in Guangdong. On the 19th, the association published a public opening in the "Guangzhou Republic of China Daily", declaring: "The Huangpu Alumni Association's office in Guangdong was previously controlled by reactionaries, and on April 14, our government purged all reactionaries. Fortunately, Huang Yong had been instructed by the party to evacuate Guangzhou urgently, lurking to Hong Kong, and escaping the disaster.

Led the organization of the Armed Revolutionary Struggle in Dongjiang

In the face of the bloody rule of the Chiang Kai-shek clique, the Communists were not intimidated, they dried the blood on their bodies, buried the bodies of their comrades-in-arms, and threw themselves into new battles. In June 1927, Huang Yong was ordered by the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to enter dongjiang from Shanwei, Guangdong Province, as a commissioner of Dongjiang, to organize and lead the Hailufeng peasant rebellion to cooperate with the Nanchang Uprising.

"Dongjiang" was a geographical term for a specific historical period at that time, which included Huizhou, Chaoshan and Xingmei, and was also the place where the wind and thunder of the Great Revolution were stirred. In November 1925, Zhou Enlai, director of the Political Department of the General Headquarters of the Eastern Expeditionary Army, concurrently served as the "director of the various subordinate bureaus of the Eastern River", responsible for the rear tasks of the Eastern Expeditionary Army, and was the first Communist in charge of the Eastern River. In 1927, the Dongjiang Special Committee of the Communist Party of China was established here, which became the political center of the Dongjiang area. After Huang Yongyi arrived in Dongjiang, under the leadership of the special committee, he first established the "Dongjiang Revolutionary Committee" in Haifeng and served as the chairman of the association. Together with Zhang Shanming, acting secretary of the special committee, and Lin Daowen, responsible person of the peasant army, he judged the hour and sized up the situation, mobilized the masses, organized the masses, and armed the masses, and pulled up two revolutionary detachments composed of peasants with relatively small personnel to be active in the southeast and northwest regions of Haifeng, cracking down on the armed forces of local tycoons and landlords, seizing Haifeng City, and causing the impact of revolutionary uprisings. Subsequently, Huang Yong went to Zijin County, got in touch with Liu Qinxi, the commander of the Peasant Revolutionary Army, and carried out work in the area of Lufeng Xintian, establishing the Red Guards, capturing the town of Da'an and conquering Lufeng City. During this period, Huang Yong participated in a series of armed uprisings organized by the peasants in the Luhaifeng area, not only occupying the main towns in the Dongjiang area and cracking down on the local reactionary forces of the Kuomintang, but also setting up loading factories, arsenals, and hospitals, stockpiling funds and grain, cotton, cloth, medicine, and other materials, and taking the lead in trying to "divide the peasants and workers by force."

After the failure of the "August 1st" Nanchang Uprising, Zhou Enlai led the main force into the Chaoshan and Lufeng Jieshi areas, and was "encircled and suppressed" by Qian Dajun, Huang Shaohu, and Chen Jitang's troops dispatched by Li Jishen, and the supply was very difficult, so Zhou Enlai sent people to contact Huang Yong and ask him to raise military salaries and support the rebel troops in evacuating the wounded and dispersing and transferring personnel. After Huang Yong received the task, he did not talk about the price and spared no effort to immediately send 30 quintals of silver dollars to solve his urgent need. Subsequently, when the remnants of Ye Ting and He Long's rebel army arrived in Dongjiang, the Dongjiang Revolutionary Committee led by Huang Yong, in accordance with the resolution of the joint meeting of the Southern Bureau of the CPC and the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee, undertook the work of receiving, resupplying, and reorganizing, and created the 2nd Division of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army, which became one of the two most important revolutionary armed forces in Guangdong at that time. In mid-November of the same year, the Dongjiang Special Committee and the Dongjiang Revolutionary Committee presided over the workers' and peasants' and soldiers' congress in Gaotan District, Huidong, where they were located, elected a Soviet government, and established the first Soviet power in the history of the Chinese revolution. At this time, Huang Yong had been ordered by the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China to go to Guangzhou to participate in the Guangzhou Uprising, but at the request of the newly arrived Dongjiang leader Peng Pan, Huang Yong postponed his reporting time and assisted Peng Pan in organizing an attack on jieshengcheng, the last landlord's armed stronghold in the Hailufeng area, ----, as a gift to the inaugural meeting of the Luhaifeng Soviet government. After the victory of the siege, Huang Yong was greeted by the delegates of the Soviet Congress led by Peng Pan, which also became the most brilliant page in Huang Yong's life.

An unusual storm on Qiongya Island

At the end of November 1927, according to the instructions of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Huang Yong officially went from Dongjiang to the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. In the spring of the following year, Li Lisan, then secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee, announced the CPC Central Committee's decision "on establishing a revolutionary base area on Hainan Island," calling for "completing the island-wide insurrection and eliminating the reactionary forces on the whole island" in a short period of time, and "it should be completed within at least two months." To this end, the province appointed Li Yuan and Huang Yong to supervise the island and attend the party congress held by the QIONGya Special Committee of the Communist Party of China in February 18. At the meeting, Li Yuan was elected secretary of the special committee, and Huang Yong was elected as a member of the standing committee of the special committee, responsible for presiding over military work. After Huang Yong took office, in view of the reality of the armed struggle on the island, mobilized the masses, relied on the masses, integrated and expanded the revolutionary armed forces, led the Qiongya workers and peasants to rebel the rebellion, and won a series of victories, successively occupying Yulin Port and the adjacent coastal county town of Lingshui, in order to receive Soviet ammunition ships and make due preparations for the realization of the provincial party committee's proposal to seize the entire island.

The raging fire of the revolutionary struggle in Qiongya caused great panic among the counter-revolutionary forces on the island, and they immediately dispatched the 63rd Division's Cai Tingkai to the island to carry out "liquidation and suppression" of the newborn peasant armed forces, slaughtering and suppressing the revolutionary masses, and the wind and rain of white terror covered the entire Qiongya Island. However, in order to implement the instructions of the provincial party committee on "continuing to expand the autumn harvest riots on Qiongya Island to affect the development of the work on the South Road," the QIONGya Special Committee of the CPC has repeatedly organized siege riots, resulting in a great depletion of revolutionary forces, the destruction of the organs of the special committee, and the glorious sacrifice of Huang Xuezeng, secretary of the special committee. To this end, the QIONGya Special Committee of the CPC took advantage of the short gap in the battle to convene a party congress to summarize and review the past work and discuss how to implement the instructions of the provincial party committee. The meeting decided that Huang Yong and others would go to Hong Kong to report the views of the meeting to the Southern Bureau and the provincial party committee.

After Arriving in Hong Kong, Huang Yong and others immediately reported to the Southern Bureau of the CPC and the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee the opinions of the Qiongya Special Committee on "abandoning the plan of developing upward (Haikou) and attacking downward (Yaxian County)" and "not continuing to carry out all-round armed insurrection." Although this opinion attracted the attention of higher-level party organizations, Li Lisan, who had become the main leader of the CPC Central Committee at that time, believed that "unprecedented major world events and the timing of the world revolution are approaching us," and the Chinese revolution has reached a moment when it has been achieved overnight, and resolutely advocates responding to violence with violence. This erroneous concept of "Left" blind movement has made Huang Yong and some comrades of the Qiongya Special Committee unable to understand very well, and they are deeply detached from reality and justify it on the basis of reason, in order to gain the understanding and support of the provincial party committee. However, no matter how they argue, they are still pale and powerless in the face of the mistake of "Left" blind movement, and they are denounced by the provincial party committee as "avoiding the defeatist concept of the enemy" and "even more very wrong." At this time, the young and vigorous Huang Yong and his stubborn personality completely overwhelmed his reason, and when he was not at the right time, he had no scruples and had no scruples about clashing head-on with Li Lisan's theory of "complete revolution", and repeatedly quarreled, and the atmosphere became more and more tense every time. Huang Yong insisted that the theory of "thorough revolution" was not in line with the reality of the low tide of revolution at that time and was very harmful to the revolutionary armed struggle. Under the extreme excitement, Li Lisan, who had a violent temper and was determined to act willfully, had to let Huang Yong leave Qiongya Island. In the summer of 1929, Huang Yong, whose mood had fallen to the bottom, left Qiongya Island very bitterly, lost, depressed, and helpless. His outlying island, like a small boat sailing in the sea, lost his compass, lost his sense of direction, and had to take the doubts in his heart and wander from Guangdong to Shanghai. As a result, the trajectory of his life was completely changed.

With the Third Party and the "Whampoa Revolution Alumni Association"

In the autumn of 1929, guangdong province of the CPC sent Comrade Yang Yin to Shanghai and informed Huang Yong and a group of other leading cadres to study in the Soviet Union. Perhaps it was a coincidence in the dark, just as Huang Yong was very happy to prepare for the battle, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was destroyed and could not be contacted. During his stay in Shanghai, Huang Yong successively met with Dong Lang, Xu Jishen, Chen Lie, Yu Shandu (a native of Pingjiang), Tan Pingshan, Yu Yong, Cao Xiaoqing, and other disunited Communists to discuss the practical problems of the Chinese revolution and the future of the Chinese revolution. Among them, Tan Pingshan, a former executive member of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth CPC Central Committee, director of the Organization Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee, and chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of the Nanchang Uprising, although he was mistakenly expelled from the party by the Provisional Central Committee of the CPC after the failure of the uprising, he was not willing to be lonely, and by virtue of his influence, he actively persuaded and connected the Communists and Kuomintang leftists who had lost organizational ties, unfurled the banner of the "Chinese Revolutionary Party" that Dr. Sun Yat-sen had used, and called on the revolutionary masses throughout the country to rise up against Chiang Kai-shek. The "Chinese Revolutionary Party" became the earliest name adopted by the Third Party.

Huang Yong, who was in the midst of wandering, under the introduction of Tan Pingshan, understood the nature, purpose and goals of the third party, and then joined the party and broke away from the Communist Party of China. Huang Yong's experience in revolutionary struggle made Tan Pingshan deeply aware of its importance and value, and encouraged him to use his status as the senior of Huangpu Phase 1 to display his talents and make a difference. The brilliant Huang Yong realized from the practice of revolutionary struggle that the "Huangpu Alumni Association" was a very important position in the struggle against Chiang Kai-shek. Therefore, he proposed: Under the call of Mr. Deng Yanda, the former education chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the "Whampoa Revolutionary Alumni Association" was established to compete with the "Whampoa Alumni Association" for Whampoa students. The proposal of this plan was immediately endorsed and supported by other Huangpu students.

In September 1930, he participated in the Provisional Action Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang organized by Deng Yanda, and was entrusted by Deng Yanda to conduct a feasibility analysis and demonstration with Yu Shandu (Huangpu Phase 2) and Chen Lie (Huangpu Phase 1) to organize and prepare for the establishment of the "Huangpu Revolutionary Alumni Association". In November of the same year, the Third Party Congress was held, which deliberated and approved the plan, and decided to set up the "Huangpu Revolutionary Alumni Association" to compete with the "Huangpu Alumni Association" controlled by Chiang Kai-shek for Huangpu students, and to start military movement work within the Kuomintang army. At the same time, Yu Shandu was designated as the temporary convener, Chen Lie and Huang Yong were responsible for organizational and military work, and Cao Xiaoqing and Yu Yong were responsible for propaganda work. Because the Huangpu students had a lot of faith in Mr. Deng Yanda when they were in school, the third party was established, had a great influence, developed rapidly, and successively established grass-roots organizations in 14 provinces (cities) such as Nanjing, Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangdong. In just half a year, there were about 5,000 huangpu students and more than 5,000 huangpu students affected, almost half of the huangpu graduates at that time, which greatly shook and weakened the huangpu students' belief in Chiang Kai-shek. For this reason, Chiang Kai-shek deeply felt that his position as leader and commander-in-chief had been seriously challenged among the huangpu students, and an unprecedented crisis had emerged, and his heart was extremely uneasy. In July 1931, Chiang Kai-shek offered a reward of 300,000 yuan to arrest Deng Yanda. On the 17th of the following month, due to the betrayal of the traitor Chen Jingzhai, Deng Yanda was arrested in Shanghai at the graduation ceremony of the Jiangxi Uprising Cadre Training Class. On the same day, more than 30 responsible persons of the "Huangpu Revolutionary Alumni Association" including Yu Shandu, Chen Lie, and Yu Yong were also arrested in the French Concession in Shanghai. Huang Yong and Liu Mingxia were also arrested in Wuchang. Soon, Chiang Kai-shek issued a secret order to kill Mr. Deng Yanda. At this point, the Third Party, from the central to the local organization, was devastated and existed for less than 2 years; none of the leaders of the "Huangpu Revolutionary Alumni Association" escaped, became a headless bird, and were forced to completely disintegrate.

After Huang Yong and other responsible persons of the "Huangpu Revolutionary Alumni Association" were sent to Nanjing, Chiang Kai-shek showed great patience and, as principal, personally indoctrinated them and made promises and guarantees. In the winter of the same year, they were sent to the special research class of the Central Army Officer School in Nanjing to study, and further co-opted and reformed. Huang Yong and others were grateful to Chiang Kai-shek, changed their ways, and defected to Chiang Kai-shek's reactionary clique. In 1932, when the "1.28" Songhu War of Resistance broke out, Huang Yong was named by Dai Kasa and joined the "Investigation and Communication Group" of the Statistical Investigation Bureau of the Central Military Commission, running around Nanjing, Shanghai and other places, responsible for collecting military information on the strength, casualties, weapons, supplies, battle conditions, morale, and communications of the enemy and us, and providing intelligence support for Chiang Kai-shek's command and decision-making. In 1934, Huang Yong was sent to the 36th Division as a regimental commander and commander of the independent 31st Brigade. In the following year, he was transferred to the deputy director of the Graduate Investigation Department of the Central Military Schools, and was responsible for establishing the Chung Cheng School for the children of Whampoa soldiers. In the 1937 "8.13" Battle of Songhu, Huang Yong was ordered to urgently deploy 600 lieutenant officers who had graduated from military academies to supplement the "Anti-Japanese Einsatzgruppen" formed by Dai Kasa and support the Battle of Songhu. On June 2 of the following year, he was awarded the rank of Major General of the Army. In July of the same year, he was appointed deputy director of the General Affairs Office of the Provisional Officers of the Central Committee of the Three People's Socialist Youth League. After that, he served as the deputy director of the Wounded Soldier Management Department of the Kuomintang Military and Political Department, the deputy director of the Wounded Soldier Production Management Bureau, and the senior staff member of the Central Military Commission. In February 1943, he was elected as an alternate supervisor of the Second Central Supervision Commission of the Three People's Socialist Youth League. At the beginning of 1945, he was elected by the Special Party Department of the Army to attend the Sixth National Congress of the Chinese Kuomintang. On July 31 of the following year, he was promoted to lieutenant general. In the autumn of the same year, he retired from active duty.

The key points in the path of life are often only a few steps. Although Huang Yong had broken away from the Communist Party in his early years, once shaken his faith in the revolution, and now his development in the Kuomintang was smooth sailing and rising in the clouds, he still felt deeply lost, like a lost lamb, and had been struggling bitterly. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Huang Yong, dissatisfied with the decadent rule of the Chiang Kai-shek clique, was unwilling to participate in the civil war, and his roommates him; in the year when he was 47 years old, he did not love the high-ranking official Houlu, did not envy the glory and wealth, and resolutely submitted an application and retired from active service. In September of that year, Huang Yong, who had been demobilized and returned to the field, together with Huangpu alumni, opened a private Chung Cheng School in Shanghai and served as the principal. During the school period, Huang Yong did not allow the Kuomintang and the Three Youth Leagues to establish and develop organizations in the school, but instead accommodated some progressive teachers. In 1947, there was a march of workers and students against civil war, hunger and persecution in Shanghai, and some teachers and students of the Chung Cheng School also responded positively and went out to participate in the parade. Huang Yong's attitude of support and tolerance was criticized and jealousy by some people within the Kuomintang, and some people reported Chiang Kai-shek. Soon after, Yu Jishi, the director of Chiang Kai-shek's Military Affairs Bureau, wrote to Huang Yong, asking him to escort Xiao Keqin, Chen Kui, and four other teachers suspected of being communists to Nanjing, and also made a long-distance telephone call to inform Huang Yong: "When Mayor Wu Guozhen and Commander Xuan Tiewu came to Nanjing, they talked to the president about this matter, and I advise you as a friend to carry out the matter as described in the letter. Huang Yong was perfunctory, did not do as required in the letter, and gave a travel fee to Xiao Keqin, the school's director of education and a member of the Communist Party of China, and asked him to leave the school for a while. For Chen Kui and other progressive teachers, they still stay in school and only adjust the curriculum. Although the Kuomintang authorities did not pursue Huang Yong's handling, Han Cheng, Min Fojiu, and others on the school committee took the opportunity to provoke some faculty members and students to make a student uproar, forcing Huang Yong to resign as the principal of the Shanghai Zhongzheng School in the summer of 1948.

Just when Huang Yong was worried about the future and did not know where to go, the Chinese Communist Party extended a warm hand to him. In August and September of that year, the CPC Central Committee sent Wu Kejian to work in East China. Huang Yong's compatriot and friend of the youth found Huang Yong's secretary, Wu Shaoyue and Dai Zongyi, a pingjiang man, through the underground party organization, and made an appointment with Huang Yong. After meeting with Huang Yong, Wu Kejian openly expounded the development trend of the current situation, pointed out the future and direction, and hoped that Huang Yong would use his own actions to write his own history. He also hoped that he would give full play to his own advantages and role, return to Hunan to stabilize Cheng Qian, and prompt Chen Mingren, Li Mo'an, and other Huangpu students to follow Cheng Qian in a peaceful uprising and cooperate with the People's Liberation Army to march south. As the saying goes: the person who knows the time is Junjie. Huang Yong was a wise man, with a certain level of education and more political experience, and usually had the habit of reading books, reading newspapers and listening to the radio, and knew that the Chiang Kai-shek clique was in a state of flux, the defeat was decided, and there was no way to recover, but he was worried that he had once separated from the Communist Party and was overwhelmed. At present, the Communist Party is open and honest, regardless of the previous accusations, and hopes that he will do some work that will benefit the people. He felt that it was a rare opportunity and that the opportunity could not be missed, and he was determined to get lost and return, to the people, and to the light. So, in the autumn of that year, he and his wife Zheng Rumei returned to Changsha from Shanghai. After returning to Hunan Province, with the help of Jiang Fusheng, an alumnus and commander of the Changsha Garrison, he quickly found a job and served as the director of the Hunan Branch of the Graduate Investigation Department of the Central Military Schools. In March 1949, Huang Yong, Yao Wankui (a native of Ningxiang, Hunan) and other Huangpu students in Xiangzhou jointly formed the Hunan Officers' Self-Help Association, with Chen Mingren as the chairman and Huang Yong as the vice chairman, building a working platform for the peaceful liberation of Hunan. At the beginning of May of the same year, at Huang Yong's request, the CCP organization sent three people and carried a radio, and Huang Yong arranged for his wife to use as a cover to secretly set up a contact point at his home in Panjiaping, Changsha. Soon, for the sake of safety, the radio station was transferred to the vicinity of the Qiaotou Station, 6 or 70 miles away from Changsha, and hidden in Zhou Qiduo's house. In early July of the same year, Huang Yong and Zhou Zhu'an, the head of the Hunan Communist Party of China, believed that the conditions for the uprising were ripe, so through Li Weicheng, governor of the provincial bank, they formally "showdown" with Cheng Qian, conveying the intention of the CPC Central Committee to peacefully liberate Hunan, so that Cheng Qian would have a direct dialogue with Mao Zedong and the Party Central Committee. Through the secret radio station of the Communist Party of China covered by Huang Yong, Cheng Qian made contact with the CPC Central Committee and the Fourth Field Army of the People's Liberation Army. On the 21st of that month, Li Minghao, a representative of the People's Liberation Army, came to Changsha and secretly met with Chen Mingren and Cheng Qian to discuss matters related to the peaceful uprising. On August 4, Cheng Qian and Chen Mingren led the uprising to send a telegram.

After the peaceful liberation of Hunan, Chen Mingren learned that Huang Yong was secretly covering the CCP radio station, and the expenditure was relatively large, so he sent a few hundred yuan as a subsidy. Cheng Qian wrote to Premier Zhou Enlai explaining Huang Yong's contribution to the peaceful liberation of Hunan. Later, Zhou Zhu'an went to Beijing and reported to Wu Kejian on his work in Changsha. Wu Kejian wrote to Huang Yong, writing: "Shanghai has been separated for more than half a year. Yesterday, I met with Brother Zhu An, who said that my brother has been running for peace for several months, and has achieved great achievements; Mrs. Xian has taken care of the city and the countryside, and she has great admiration for her. The Song Gong came to Ping, had met, and also talked about my brother. The liberation of Hunan, Song Gonggu had long had a motive, but stabilized his will and contributed to its realization, and I worked with the same people in Hunan province, and I really worked hard. Reading my brother's report and learning its details, it is also a praise here. In mid-December 1954, when Huang Yong went to Beijing to attend the Second Chinese Political Consultative Conference, Premier Zhou Enlai specially found Huang Yong, saw this Huangpu student who had been separated for more than 20 years, and said deeply: "Huang Yong, your hair is white." Your work in Hunan this time has done a very good job! "He praised Huang Yong for his contribution to the peaceful liberation of Hunan." In April 1956, Premier Zhou Enlai decided that Huang Yong would join the "Nine-Member Group" composed of well-known people in society to assist the CPC Central Committee in the work of the "Special Group for Handling War Criminals", which enabled a large number of Huangpu alumni to return to a new life.

(The author is deputy director of the Compilation and Research Office of the Headquarters of the Guangzhou Military Region, with the rank of colonel)

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