
Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan

author:Strange stone calligraphy and painting

Yao Wenhan (year of birth and death unknown). A native of Beijing, during the Qianlong dynasty, he enshrined the inner court, gongdaoshi, figures, landscapes, and boundary paintings.

Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan
Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan
Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan
Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan

Yao Wenhan's "Four Preludes"

The works passed down from generation to generation include the volume of "Four Preludes", silk, color, depicting the different leisurely lives of the court ladies in spring, cooling, swimming in the lake, and enjoying the snow in the four seasons, ingeniously conceived, artistically melodious, delicately depicted, vivid images, neat pen and ink, and elegant color. Although the characters of this work are small, they are full of posture and have both form and god, and are now in the Palace Museum.

Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan

Yao Wenhan's "Celebrating the Year of the Dynasty"

Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan

Yao Wenhan's "Celebration Map"

Character painter 丨 Yao Wenhan

Yao Wenhan "Fuhu Luohan"