
The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

author:Hualang said

Today I would like to tell you about a famous "black widow" in history, Julia Tofana, who killed more than 600 men with just a few drops of perfume.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

Time back to Italy in 1620, Julia Tofana was born in a violent family, the father often beat his mother, and all this was seen by the little Julia Tofana, because she could not bear it, when she was 13 years old, her mother killed her father, her mother was executed for murder, and Julia became an orphan.

Self-reliant Julia began to rely on herself, soon stepped into the cosmetics industry, in the early 17th century, she made cosmetics by many women welcomed, if there is any one that she is most proud of, it is undoubtedly her personally developed "Tofana fairy water", this fairy water, is the fairy water that many women dreamed of at that time.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

Not only can it whiten and beautify and maintain youthful vitality, but there is also a kind of "magic" that can make married women return to singleness.

But the single mentioned here is not as simple as divorce, but killing your husband.

Tofana fairy water is a colorless and odorless cosmetic, after using it can not feel its existence at all, so it can also be mixed into other cosmetics to use together, such as perfume and so on.

However, the seemingly ordinary lotion is a venom behind its back, and its composition is actually a mixture of arsenic, lead and belladonna.

Arsenic, is arsenic, colorless, tasteless and odorless, throughout history, arsenic is an excellent poison, murder of relatives, assassination of enemies, have its figure, and its toxicity depends entirely on its dosage, you can put it all in to make people die instantly, you can also only put a throw away, let people die slowly, until the other party is chronically poisoned, also can not be detected.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

Image source: Pixabay

At the same time, due to the whitening effect of arsenic, it is often used as a cosmetic raw material, so it was not a strange thing to have arsenic in cosmetics at that time, and no one would think that it was problematic.

Lead is naturally also a toxic cosmetic raw material, at that time women liked to use lead white to paint themselves into a small white face, and belladonna is a poisonous plant pulp, but also cosmetic raw materials.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

Some women will drop belladonna into their eyes to dilate their pupils and make their eyes look a little more attractive, but at the same time, it is very toxic and may cause blindness in both eyes.

So you see, a cosmetic contains 3 kinds of toxic substances, and these three substances are often used cosmetic raw materials, such cosmetics can only be described in one word: random killing.

Their husbands will not realize when they are poisoned, they will only feel that the body is very tired, very weak, and the symptoms are only vomiting and stomach pain, etc., and there is no difference with ordinary diseases, with the medical conditions at that time, the doctor will only diagnose the disease, will not think about the poisoning at all, even if the autopsy corpse, it can not be found, because it is the same as the natural cause of death.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

At the time, this cosmetic was almost the perfect weapon for killing, and there was no weakness, so why did Julia invent this thing?

During the European Renaissance, the pursuit of patriarchal supremacy, women basically have no status, generally they have only 3 choices, marriage, single or rely on sexual work to live, but most women's married life can only be described as miserable, living like a slave.

The main thing was that they could not file for divorce, because at that time the Church believed that marriage was sacred and could not be desecrated, and divorce was not allowed, except in one case, when the husband died.

When your body has symptoms of ordinary diseases, who would think that it is your wife who is the ghost?

In the eyes of many customers, Julia was not a wicked woman who instigated murder, they saw her as an angel, a benefactor, a friend, so in the context of the times, Julia was more like a feminist pioneer.

So what if the wife implemented this process?

They usually mix fairy water into food, soup or wine, and slowly consume it in their husband's daily dietary life, generally only 4 drops are needed to kill a person.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

In the first drop, the husband will feel tired and weak in the body;

The 2nd drop, symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting and dysentery appear;

The 3rd drop, the symptoms are aggravated, and finding a doctor will only prescribe medicine for you, useless;

In the 4th drop, the person is directly gone.

Of course, the premise of carrying out this process is that it cannot be discovered by the husband.

Usually the wife would put it on the bedside table or dresser with other cosmetics, and its disguise was more perfect except for Julia, in addition to mixing it with perfume and other lotions to sell, and also labeling the bottle with the small label "Bari St. Nicholas's Mana", a special religious healing ointment, a healing holy oil.

Of course, she is not alone, she has recruited a lot of pharmacists, low-level women, etc.

From the current point of view, they are a criminal gang that makes drugs, just packaged as a seemingly harmless cosmetic.

However, in the end, it was not enough to defeat the pig teammates, and after a woman bought it, when her husband wanted to drink it, she suddenly repented, and the husband sensed that something was wrong, and after a punch and kick, the woman finally confessed the drugs she bought from Julia.

So she was arrested by the police, and over the course of 20 years, more than 600 men had been killed through the sale of the drug, of course, that's just what she said, and in fact it was far more than that, and the police finally knew why men had been dying for no apparent reason for years.

Interestingly, legend has it that the musician Mozart was also poisoned by fairy water on the grounds that on his deathbed he said: "I don't think I can hold out for too long, I am sure that I have been poisoned, someone gave me Tofana fairy water and calculated the time of my death". He eventually died in 1791 at the age of 35.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

But if you put it to today, with the current level of technology, her approach will not work, after all, cosmetics now need to pass layers of testing, and a little failure will be reworked and rebuilt, so there is no need to worry too much about these.

The European Black Widow killed 600 men with only 4 drops of perfume, and legend has it that Mozart died as a result

Of course, if you want to test, Hualang can also provide you with professional and comprehensive chemical and chemical raw material testing services, including purity testing, impurity analysis, structure confirmation, standard certification and other one-stop service for standardized testing of conventional chemicals.

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