
Stopping the war with war, the development method suitable for national conditions is the king

author:Get away from the hustle and bustle and grow old

Twenty years is not a long period of time, it is not short, it is not short, mainly for a certain object. But for war, twenty years is indeed a long time ...

U.S. President Joe Biden spoke on July 8 local time on the U.S. military withdrawal plan in Afghanistan, and Biden said that the U.S. military mission in Afghanistan that lasted nearly 20 years would be officially concluded on August 31 ahead of schedule. #拜登: The withdrawal of U.S. troops in Afghanistan will be completed by August 31 #

The war in Afghanistan is a typical war on terror, the longest foreign war in the history of the United States in nearly 250 years, and the largest asymmetric war. The end of the war is like chewing wax, and you can't help but think about it for a long time... #如何评价美军在阿富汗的20年 #

The purpose of the original war launched by the United States was to fight terrorism, but 20 years later, the more anti-terrorist the more it is. From this point of view, this is a losing war, after all, it has not achieved the purpose of the war. But the Americans can't care so much, starting a war is the need of national interests, withdrawing troops is also a need of national interests, no matter whether the Afghan people live or die.

For Afghanistan, the impact is also multifaceted. On the one hand, Afghanistan has become a testing ground for the United States, and its fate has been controlled by the Americans. On the other hand, the United States did overthrow the tyranny of the Taliban. Which is more "democratic" under the harsh government and in the shadow of terrorist attacks, the Afghan people themselves do not have the right to choose. Today, the United States has left behind an even more torn Afghanistan. #俄外长称阿富汗局势正迅速恶化 #

For the surrounding areas and countries, the US war and military garrison have brought military pressure and brought new game space and opportunities. On the one hand, the counter-terrorism of the United States has improved the regional counter-terrorism situation, but some brainless and dual-standard practices have worsened the counter-terrorism situation.

For China, 9/11 and the U.S. war on terror extended China's period of strategic opportunity. Of course, the US military operations in Afghanistan and the strategic threat posed to our country by having a "military base" in Central Asia should not be underestimated!

Some Western countries, such as Lao Mei, only took the lead after the Industrial Revolution. They have only relied on technology to lead for two hundred years. But these worlds, which do not have any cultural heritage, are all children who want to compare with the broad and profound Chinese nation. The West is talking about attack, while the Chinese nation is talking about integration, win-win and symbiosis. That's the essential difference.

The wisdom left by the ancestors to our descendants is inexhaustible, and we must carry forward the Chinese culture! Chinese is the friend of all peace-loving nations and peoples!

Respecting the territorial sovereignty of other countries and respecting the independent development path of the people of other countries is the political foundation of our foreign cooperation. The United States has tried to change the regimes of other countries by force, such as invading Haiti, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Vietnam, etc., and most of the results have ended in failure.

All countries in the world have their own right to choose development, and the way that suits their own national conditions is the best, and the United States spares no effort to export American-style democracy, which is obviously doomed to failure...

China understands the strong relationship, the two sides are neighbors, everyone knows this truth, peace is precious, do not interfere in their home affairs. Of course, Afghanistan also knows how strong we are, and we cannot touch China, because if we touch China, it will be the real and complete destruction of Afghanistan. Afghanistan recognizes the importance of a country of five thousand years of ancient wisdom and a rising power that its neighbors cannot move away. Maybe you still want to rely on China in the future?

History will prove that China will be the only country that will bring Afghanistan back to national unity and social stability. This is based not only on our abilities, but crucially on the national DNA of our culture and civilization. I think the vast majority of developing countries will become more and more aware of this. This is the future display of China's power. #阿富汗局势对中国的影响 #

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