
"Red Rock" - the death of the war----- reading the book Red Rock experience

author:Morning Mengyudenghua

"The morning star twinkles and greets the dawn. In the forest, flocks of birds are singing, and the sky will break. On the eastern horizon, a red light gradually appeared, flashing in the turquoise Jialing River, the blue sky, no clouds, and the brilliant morning glow, radiating ten thousand rays of light. "The founding of New China, the author's pen is a scene of vigor and vitality, and what it is exchanged for...

As the descendant of the City of Lilacs, witnessed the spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance's sacrifice for righteousness, the heroic deeds of the children, the ruins of 731 make posterity unforgettable, the deeds of Zhao Yiman and Yang Jingyu are still moving, the dusk years, the erosion of the ancient road in front of the monument, the glory of the hero is still as brilliant as the stars, reliving the old age, the slogan of the same enemy is still loud; recall the last letter before the righteousness, word by word, outline a book of qi and blood sorrow...

From the Memorial Hall of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Resistance League to the Slag Cave, the vicissitudes of history have gone from the War of Resistance to liberation, and Sister Jiang, Chenggang, and Xu Yunfeng have exchanged their lives for the liberation of the country. For the development of the communist cause, they chose to give up their precious lives to support the future glory of the nation. Keep the road of death to yourself, leave the future to the country, and leave it to the communist cause that is in the sky. The five-star red flag in the slag cave is the belief of all the victims in prison, although it is wrong, it is still shining. In the dark scum cave, like falling into the abyss of death, like the abyss of the abyss, no one surrenders, no one betrays. The will of steel is dead.

"Torture by poison is too small a test, bamboo sticks are made of bamboo, and the will of Communists is made of steel." Jiang Xueqin's rebuke is the finishing touch in The Red Rock. A great woman with a will far superior to that of steel, her husband sacrificed, she regrouped to face the facts, took on heavy responsibilities, and gave up her small family.

The liberation army destroyed the decaying march, the reactionaries' dying struggle, the sharp contrast, the dawn of liberation victory is at hand, like the dawn of breaking dawn is about to break the boundless darkness. The struggle in prison never stopped, and for the final victory Xu Yunfeng heroically fought against the enemy and sacrificed himself for others. Chenggang is not afraid of danger, showing the true character of a hero. Physical torture has never shaken the spiritual will in a single cent.

Cold eyes let the first life clamor, wave at the expense of life. The dull sound of gunshots announced the sacrifice of the great communist, a party member and fighter with a strong will, Sister Jiang fell in a pool of blood, the blood stained the dirty land, the dawn of new China stood tall in the sea of blood of countless people, when the Jialing River was rippling with blue waves, when the stars revealed layers of fog, the splendid new China was the noblest consolation for countless heroes.

In the slag cave, in the white mansion. There has never been a beautiful wind or a beautiful day, there has never been a singing of birds and flowers, some will always be the eternal pain of the Chinese people, some will always be the scorched and filthy soil soaked with the blood of countless revolutionaries, and some will always be the heinous crimes of the reactionaries.

Today, as the predecessors wished, future generations should remember that today, when the lights are brilliant, stable and peaceful, countless martyrs and countless communists have exchanged their corpses all over the field and shed blood and drifted.

And what we can do, what we should do is not to forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and bravely climb the peak.

Jiaxing CollegeNanhu College

Zhang Haobo (Ningchen Mengyudenghua)

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