
Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

author:Focus Classroom

If you say who the two giants of the live broadcasting industry are, it must be Wei Ya and Li Jiaqi. They can be said to have driven the development of the live broadcasting industry, prompting many people to join this tide. And their ability to carry goods live should not be underestimated, and the transaction volume reached 8.2 billion and 10.6 billion respectively in just one night, which is really breathtaking.

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?
Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

As the saying goes, "people are not red is not much", this is not, recently Li Jiaqi also stalled things, was questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, obviously high school education, but said that he graduated from 211 university.

Originally, some netizens found that Li Jiaqi was running for the shanghai Pudong New Area People's Congress Deputies 198 constituency candidates in the picture, in which the high school education column was written.

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

Previously, he had claimed to have graduated from Nanchang University. On the one hand, high school education, on the other hand, 211 degrees, such a gap is inevitably too large, no wonder netizens are very surprised, is this a credential fraud?

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

To know that academic qualification fraud is a very serious thing, before there was "what is CNKI" Zhai Tianlin, and then there are some means to enroll in Tong Zhuo. Skynet is restored without leakage, and for them the future is inevitable, but for others it is an absent fairness.

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

Just when public opinion intensified, Li Jiaqifang also stood up and responded. Li Jiaqi did study at Nanchang University and left the school early due to work reasons, "The highest academic qualifications we filled in the materials before were the high school degrees filled in." ”

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

This remark also shows that there is no phenomenon of academic qualification fraud, Nanchang University did read it, but did not get a graduation certificate and degree certificate. However, Li Jiaqi's current achievements are enough to prove his ability, and academic qualifications are not the only measure of people.

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

Nowadays, in addition to his outstanding achievements in the field of live broadcasting, he has also made contributions to public welfare projects, helping many places to get rid of poverty and get rich in the form of public welfare live broadcasting, establishing hope primary schools for children in poor areas, and donating various donations and materials.

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

With such positive energy role models around, it is no wonder that Nanchang University officials have mentioned Li Jiaqi many times and affectionately called him "alumni".

Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?
Oh buy Ga, Li Jiaqi also stalled! Questioned about the falsification of academic qualifications, Zhai Tianlin of the live broadcast industry?

A person's ability is the guarantee that promotes him to go long, and although academic qualifications are important, they are not the only reference conditions. I hope that we can all continue to cultivate ourselves and create our own success!

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