
Attention aquaculture farmers! Please accept this "work guide" for severe winter weather

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily News

People's Daily Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Li Nanhua) According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, recently, blizzards and sharp cooling have occurred in many parts of China, in order to strengthen the management of aquaculture in winter, reduce the loss of farmers, and ensure the supply of aquatic products market, recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Guidelines for the Prevention of Aquaculture Disasters in Bad Winter Weather" (hereinafter referred to as the "Prevention Guidelines"). The "Prevention Guidelines" pointed out that in bad weather in winter, due to the sudden drop in temperature, it is easy to cause frostbite or even death of aquaculture fish and shrimp, and it is recommended to do a good job in antifreeze and warming work.

The "Prevention Guidelines" pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in prevention management: first, pay attention to weather warning information; second, do a good job in preventing freezing of breeding facilities and equipment; third, maintain ponds and ponds; and fourth, properly reserve emergency materials.

The "Prevention Guidelines" proposes that the continuous freezing rain and snow weather under bad weather in winter is easy to form opaque ice on the surface of the aquaculture water, resulting in hypoxia of the water under the ice. In addition, heavy snow or blizzard will lead to a weakening of photosynthesis in the pond water body, the consumption of oxygen by phytoplankton, and an increase in the fluctuation amplitude of dissolved oxygen in the cultured water body, which can easily cause the lack of oxygen in farmed fish and shrimp. Therefore, it is recommended to do the following: first, control the density of aquaculture, ensure sufficient dissolved oxygen, and avoid deterioration of water quality; second, catch in advance and in a timely manner to reduce the density of aquaculture and water load; third, sweep away the ice area and snow in time to ensure that the light penetrates into the water; fourth, in the frozen waters, chisel through the ice to form a number of ventilation holes, and from time to time agitation, to prevent re-icing, to ensure that the water body can be in contact with the air, conditional under the ice oxygenation.

In terms of anti-freeze and warming, the "Prevention Guidelines" pointed out that the following five aspects are included: first, the establishment of greenhouses, conditional farms can build greenhouses in the breeding ponds or seal the breeding ponds with plastic sheets to increase the temperature of the aquaculture water bodies; second, the addition of obstacles, which can be used to form artificial barriers to resist the north wind in the form of piling or stacking straw poles on the north side of the pond to avoid a sharp drop in the temperature of the pond; the third is to release aquatic weeds and put a certain number of aquatic grasses into the fish pond to let the fish heat up and drive away the cold; fourth, to inject water to warm up. In the afternoon of a sunny day with high temperatures, the water of the shallow water surface that is heated by the sun is injected into the fish pond; the fifth is to do a good job in the antifreeze damage management of the varieties that are not tolerant to low temperature aquaculture, such as tilfea, golden pomfret, giant shrimp roche, and prawns, and other warm-loving species, which are easy to form frost damage when the water temperature drops to 13-15 ° C, and even cause large-scale deaths, and should be timely antifreeze damage according to the weather conditions, and sold as soon as necessary.

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